• sql 语句

    --SELECT 列名称 FROM 表名称 WHERE 列 运算符 值
    --select *from Student where sage<=19 and ssex!='M'
    --select *from Student where sage<=19 or ssex!='M'
    --SELECT * FROM Student WHERE (ssex='M' OR sage<20)AND sdept='CS'
    --SELECT  FROM Orders ORDER BY Company
    --select *from Student order by sage
    --SELECT Company, OrderNumber FROM Orders ORDER BY Company, OrderNumber
    --select *from Student order by sage,ssex  //正序排名
    --select *from Student order by sage desc //逆序排名
    --INSERT INTO table_name (列1, 列2,...) VALUES (值1, 值2,....)
    --insert into Student(sno,sname,sage,ssex,sdept) values(95005,'大猫',28,'M','AV')  插入
    --Update 语句用于修改表中的数据。
    --update Student set sname='小孩' where sage<=18 //更新一列
    --UPDATE Person SET Address = 'Zhongshan 23', City = 'Nanjing'
    --WHERE LastName = 'Wilson'
    --update Student set sname='操蛋',ssex='F' where ssex='M'  


    --select sname from Student,SC where Student.sno=SC.sno
    --select *from Student,SC where Student.sno=SC.sno --查询两个表
    --select sage from Student,SC where Student.sno=SC.sno  --把两个表中的sno相同的sage全都列出来
    --select sname from Student
    -- where sname not in (select sname  //not in 语句
    --     from Student
    --     where sname='李勇' or sname='刘晨')
    --select sname from Student   //not in 语句的应用
    -- where sname not in('李勇','刘晨','王敏','张立')
    --select sname from Student where sname in('李勇','刘晨')
    --select sname from Student where sname not in('李勇') and exists(select cname from Course where cname in('数学'))--exists 是判断是否存在,和in类似,但效率要比in高
    --select  *from Student where not exists(select sname from Student where sname='大猫')
    -- FROM SPJ
    -- WHERE PNO=’S1’
    --select distinct sname from Student where sage='20'
    --select *from Student
    --insert into Student(sno,sname,sage,ssex,sdept)
    --select sname from Student where sage=19
    -- FROM SPJ, J
    --select ssex,sum(sage)  //对sage求和
      --  from Student 
       -- group by ssex    //以ssex为标准分组求和

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhangdashuai/p/4063239.html
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