• rotate the clock

    A program test: 

    You are given N round clocks.

    Every clock has M hands, and these hands can point to positions 1, 2, 3, ..., P (yes, these represent numbers around each face). The clocks are represented by the matrix A consisting of N rows and M columns of integers. The first row represents the hands of the first clock, and so on.

    For example, you are given matrix A consisting of five rows and two columns, and P = 4:

      A[0][0] = 1    A[0][1] = 2
      A[1][0] = 2    A[1][1] = 4
      A[2][0] = 4    A[2][1] = 3
      A[3][0] = 2    A[3][1] = 3
      A[4][0] = 1    A[4][1] = 3

    You can rotate the clocks to obtain several clocks that look identical. For example, if you rotate the third, fourth and fifth clocks you can obtain the following clocks:

    After rotation, you have four pairs of clocks that look the same: (1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 5) and (3, 4).

    Write a function:

    class Solution { int solution(int[][] A, int P); }

    that, given a zero-indexed matrix A consisting of N rows and M columns of integers and integer P, returns the maximal number of pairs of clocks that can look the same after rotation.

    For example, given the following array A and P = 4:

        A[0][0] = 1     A[0][1] = 2
        A[1][0] = 2     A[1][1] = 4
        A[2][0] = 4     A[2][1] = 3
        A[3][0] = 2     A[3][1] = 3
        A[4][0] = 1     A[4][1] = 3

    the function should return 4, as explained above.

    Assume that:

    • N is an integer within the range [1..500];
    • M is an integer within the range [1..500];
    • P is an integer within the range [1..1,000,000,000];
    • each element of matrix A is an integer within the range [1..P];
    • the elements of each row of matrix A are all distinct.


    • expected worst-case time complexity is O(N*M*log(M)+N*log(N));
    • expected worst-case space complexity is O(N*M).

     Here is my solution:

     1     class Program
     2     {
     3         static void Main(string[] args)
     4         {
     5             int[][] Testcase = new int[][] { new int[] { 7, 16, 20, 24 }, new int[] { 5, 14, 18, 22 }, 
     6                                             new int[] { 6, 7, 10, 15 }, new int[]{ 6, 7, 10, 15 }, 
     7                                             new int[]{ 3, 7, 11, 18 }, new int[]{ 4, 8, 12, 19 } };
     8             //result should be 7
     9             Console.WriteLine(new Solution().solution(Testcase, 24));
    10         }
    11     }
    13     class Solution
    14     {
    15         public int solution(int[][] A, int P)
    16         {
    17             int result = 0;
    18             int hands =  A[0].Length;
    20             Dictionary<int[], int> buckets = new Dictionary<int[], int>();
    21             buckets.Add (A[0],0);
    23             //fill the buckets
    24             bool flgFind = false;
    25             foreach(int[] oneClock in A)
    26             {
    27                 flgFind = false;
    28                 foreach(int[] bucket in buckets.Keys)
    29                 {
    30                     if (CanbeRotatedToEqual(oneClock, bucket,P) == true)
    31                     {
    32                         buckets[bucket] += 1;
    33                         flgFind = true;
    34                         break;
    35                     }
    36                 }
    37                 if(flgFind == false)
    38                     buckets.Add(oneClock, 1);
    40             }
    42             //calculate the total pairs
    43             foreach (int k in buckets.Values)
    44                 result += k * (k - 1) / 2;
    46             return result;
    48         }
    50         bool CanbeRotatedToEqual(int[] source, int[] target, int P)
    51         {
    52             bool flgJ = false;
    53             int hands = source.Length;
    54             for (int i = 0; i < hands; i++)
    55             {
    56                 int subValue = target[0] - source[i];
    58                 flgJ = false;
    59                 for (int j = 0; j < hands; j++)
    60                 {
    61                     int newS = source[(i + j) % hands] + subValue;
    62                     if (newS <= 0)
    63                         newS += P;
    64                     if (newS != target[j])
    65                     {
    66                         flgJ = true;
    67                         break;
    68                     }
    69                 }
    70                 //When flgJ is still false, that means after the source clock rotates subValue steps, 
    71                 //it is identical with the target one.
    72                 if (flgJ == false)
    73                     return true;
    74             }
    75             //if this loop end normally, that means the source clock cannot rotate to the target one.
    76             return false;
    77         }
    78     }

    2013/8/18: This is not valid version.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/crazyghostvon/p/3265622.html
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