• cocos2dx2.x&3.x部分函数对照表

    | v2.1 names | v3.0 names | 
    | ccp | Point | 
    | ccpNeg | Point::- | 
    | ccpAdd | Point::+ | 
    | ccpSub | Point::- | 
    | ccpMult | Point::* | 
    | ccpMidpoint | Point::getMidpoint | 
    | ccpDot | Point::dot | 
    | ccpCrosss | Point::cross | 
    | ccpPerp | Point::getPerp | 
    | ccpRPerp | Point::getRPerp | 
    | ccpProject | Point::project | 
    | ccpRotate | Point::rotate | 
    | ccpUnrotate | Point::unrotate | 
    | ccpLengthSQ | Point::getLengthSq() | 
    | ccpDistanceSQ | Point::getDistanceSq |
     | ccpLength | Point::getLength | 
    | ccpDistance | Point::getDistance | 
    | ccpNormalize | Point::normalize | 
    | ccpForAngle | Point::forAngle | 
    | ccpToAngle | Point::getAngle | 
    | ccpClamp | Point::getClampPoint | 
    | ccpFromSize | Point::Point | 
    | ccpCompOp | Point::compOp | 
    | ccpLerp | Point::lerp | 
    | ccpFuzzyEqual | Point::fuzzyEqual | 
    | ccpCompMult | Point::Point | 
    | ccpAngleSigned | Point::getAngle | 
    | ccpAngle | Point::getAngle | 
    | ccpRotateByAngle | Point::rotateByAngle | 
    | ccpLineInersect | Point::isLineIntersect | 
    | ccpSegmentIntersect | Point::isSegmentIntersect | 
    | ccpIntersectPoint | Point::getIntersectPoint | 
    | CCPointMake | Point::Point | 
    | CCSizeMake | Size::Size | 
    | CCRectMake | Rect::Rect | 
    | PointZero | Point::ZERO | 
    | SizeZero | Size::ZERO | 
    | RectZero | Rect::ZERO | 
    | TiledGrid3DAction::tile | TiledGrid3DAction::getTile | 
    | TiledGrid3DAction::originalTile | TiledGrid3DAction::getOriginalTile | 
    | TiledGrid3D::tile | TiledGrid3D::getTile | 
    | TiledGrid3D::originalTile | TiledGrid3D::getOriginalTile | 
    | Grid3DAction::vertex | Grid3DAction::getVertex | 
    | Grid3DAction::originalVertex | Grid3DAction::getOriginalVertex | 
    | Grid3D::vertex | Grid3D::getVertex | 
    | Grid3D::originalVertex | Grid3D::getOriginalVertex | 
    | Configuration::sharedConfiguration | Configuration::getInstance | 
    | Configuration::purgeConfiguration | Configuration::destroyInstance() | 
    | Director::sharedDirector() | Director::getInstance() | 
    | FileUtils::sharedFileUtils | FileUtils::getInstance | 
    | FileUtils::purgeFileUtils | FileUtils::destroyInstance | 
    | EGLView::sharedOpenGLView | EGLView::getInstance | 
    | ShaderCache::sharedShaderCache | ShaderCache::getInstance | 
    | ShaderCache::purgeSharedShaderCache | ShaderCache::destroyInstance | 
    | AnimationCache::sharedAnimationCache | AnimationCache::getInstance | 
    | AnimationCache::purgeSharedAnimationCache | AnimationCache::destroyInstance | 
    | SpriteFrameCache::sharedSpriteFrameCache | SpriteFrameCache::getInstance | 
    | SpriteFrameCache:: purgeSharedSpriteFrameCache | SpriteFrameCache::destroyInstance | 
    | NotificationCenter::sharedNotificationCenter | NotificationCenter::getInstance | 
    | NotificationCenter:: purgeNotificationCenter | NotificationCenter::destroyInstance | 
    | Profiler::sharedProfiler | Profiler::getInstance | 
    | UserDefault::sharedUserDefault | UserDefault::getInstance | 
    | UserDefault::purgeSharedUserDefault | UserDefault::destroyInstance | 
    | Application::sharedApplication | Application::getInstance | 
    | ccc3() | Color3B() | 
    | ccc3BEqual() | Color3B::equals() | 
    | ccc4() | Color4B() | 
    | ccc4FFromccc3B() | Color4F() | 
    | ccc4f() | Color4F() | 
    | ccc4FFromccc4B() | Color4F() | 
    | ccc4BFromccc4F() | Color4B() | 
    | ccc4FEqual() | Color4F::equals() | 
    | ccWHITE | Color3B::WHITE | 
    | ccYELLOW | Color3B::YELLOW | 
    | ccBLUE | Color3B::BLUE | 
    | ccGREEN | Color3B::GREEN | 
    | ccRED | Color3B::RED | 
    | ccMAGENTA | Color3B::MAGENTA | 
    | ccBLACK | Color3B::BLACK | 
    | ccORANGE | Color3B::ORANGE | 
    | ccGRAY | Color3B::GRAY | 
    | kBlendFuncDisable | BlendFunc::BLEND_FUNC_DISABLE |
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yiki/p/9159445.html
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