%% Prepare clear all; disp('Loading data......'); %% Data input % Train data traindata = ''; % Teach data teachdata =''; %% Data prepare train = xlsread(traindata); teach = xlsread(teachdata); %% Exercise tic InputSequence = train; OutputSequence = teach; %% ESN % 训练集和测试集 % [Am,An] = size(YA); % tic % InputSequence = YA(1:494,:); % OutputSequence = input2; % split the data into train and test tic train_fraction = 0.7 ; % use 50% in training and 50% in testing [trainInputSequence, testInputSequence] = split_train_test(InputSequence,train_fraction); [trainOutputSequence,testOutputSequence] = split_train_test(OutputSequence,train_fraction); % generate an esn nInputUnits = 9; nInternalUnits = 50; nOutputUnits = 1; esn = generate_esn(nInputUnits, nInternalUnits, nOutputUnits, ... 'spectralRadius',0.2,'inputScaling',[0.1;0.1;0.1;0.1;0.1;0.1;0.1;0.1;0.1],'inputShift',[0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0], ... 'teacherScaling',[0.3],'teacherShift',[-0.2],'feedbackScaling', 0, ... 'type', 'plain_esn'); esn.internalWeights = esn.spectralRadius * esn.internalWeights_UnitSR; % train the ESN nForgetPoints = 50 ; % discard the first 100 points [trainedEsn, stateMatrix] = train_esn(trainInputSequence, trainOutputSequence, esn, nForgetPoints) ; nForgetPoints = 50 ; predictedTrainOutput = test_esn(trainInputSequence, trainedEsn, nForgetPoints); predictedTestOutput = test_esn(testInputSequence, trainedEsn, nForgetPoints) ; % create input-output plots nPlotPoints = 60 ; nPlotPoints1 = 100 ; plot_sequence(trainOutputSequence(nForgetPoints+1:end,:), predictedTrainOutput, nPlotPoints1,... 'training: teacher sequence (red) vs predicted sequence (blue)'); grid on; plot_sequence(testOutputSequence(nForgetPoints+1:end,:), predictedTestOutput, nPlotPoints, ... 'testing: teacher sequence (red) vs predicted sequence (blue)') ; grid on; %compute NRMSE training error trainError = compute_error(predictedTrainOutput, trainOutputSequence); disp(sprintf('train NRMSE = %s', num2str(trainError))) %compute NRMSE testing error testError = compute_error(predictedTestOutput, testOutputSequence); disp(sprintf('test NRMSE = %s', num2str(testError))) disp('训练结束!'); toc
nInputUnits = 9; nInternalUnits = 50; nOutputUnits = 1; esn = generate_esn(nInputUnits, nInternalUnits, nOutputUnits, ... 'spectralRadius',0.2,'inputScaling',[0.1;0.1;0.1;0.1;0.1;0.1;0.1;0.1;0.1],'inputShift',[0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0], ... 'teacherScaling',[0.3],'teacherShift',[-0.2],'feedbackScaling', 0, ... 'type', 'plain_esn');
需要调节的是:1)nInternalUnits(隐含层的神经元个数)和 2)spectralRadius(储备池的半径)。
function internalState = plain_esn(totalstate , esn , varargin) % PLAIN_ESN computes the new internal states of the ESN by using the simple % esn equations % % input arguments: % totalstate: the previous totalstate, vector of size % (esn.nInternalUnits + esn.nInputUnits + esn.nOutputUnits) x 1 % esn: the ESN structure % % output: % internalState: the updated internal state, size esn.nInternalUnits x 1 % % Created April 30, 2006, D. Popovici % Copyright: Fraunhofer IAIS 2006 / Patent pending% % Revision 1, June 6, 2006, H.Jaeger % Revision 2, June 23, 2007, H. Jaeger (include esn.feedbackScaling) internalState = feval( esn.reservoirActivationFunction , ... [esn.internalWeights , esn.inputWeights , esn.feedbackWeights * diag(esn.feedbackScaling )] * totalstate) ; %%%% add noise to the Esn internalState = internalState + esn.noiseLevel * (rand(esn.nInternalUnits,1) - 0.5) ;