• Duwamish密码分析篇, Part 2

    Duwamish密码分析篇, Part 2



    继续前面关于DuwamishPOST,这里将学习Duwamish中关于Password的处理方式。Duwamish 7.0范例中的帐户密码通过SHA1散列运算和对散列执行Salt运算后,是以byte形式存放在Database中,避免明文的方式,以提高系统的安全性。



    Web 层中启动登录过程。用户输入电子邮件地址和密码(凭据),然后单击“Logon”(登录)按钮,这将调用 Duwamish7.Web.Logon.LogonButton_Click 方法。下一步,Duwamish7.Web.Logon.LogonButton_Click 方法创建密码的散列表示形式,并将凭据传递给业务外观层的 Duwamish7.BusinessFacade.CustomerSystem.GetCustomerByEmail 方法。接着 Duwamish7.DataAccess.Customers.LoadCustomerByEmail 方法调用数据访问层,后者又调用 GetCustomerByEmail 存储过程 (SPROC)。然后通过 ComparePasswords 方法,相对于从数据库中检索的经过 salt 和散列运算的密码来验证散列密码。如果凭据有效,则客户帐户信息成功地存储到 Cart 对象,并且 ASP.NET Forms 身份验证通过 pageBase ShoppingCart.Customer() 属性验证凭据。如果凭据无效,则 MismatchLabel 设置为可见,它在 ASP.NET 页上显示下面的内容:“Invalid email address or password- please try again”(电子邮件地址或密码无效,请再试一次)。



    1Duwamish7.Web.Logon.LogonButton_Click 方法

    该方法首先创建用户输入密码的SHA1散列形式,然后调用业务外观层的 Duwamish7.BusinessFacade.CustomerSystem.GetCustomerByEmail 方法。


        // Check the Email and Password combination


        SHA1 sha1 = SHA1.Create();

        byte [] password = sha1.ComputeHash(Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(LogonPasswordTextBox.Text));


        custData = (new CustomerSystem()).GetCustomerByEmail(LogonEmailTextBox.Text, password);


        if (custData != null)   //were they valid?



            // 1. Update customer in session.

            // 2. Update customer in cart.


            base.Customer = custData;

            base.ShoppingCart().Customer = custData;

            // 将已验证身份的用户重定向回最初请求的 URL

            FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage("*", false);




            MismatchLabel.Visible = true;



    如果凭据有效,则客户帐户信息成功地存储到 Cart 对象,并且 ASP.NET Forms 身份验证通过 pageBase ShoppingCart.Customer() 属性验证凭据。如果凭据无效,则 MismatchLabel 设置为可见,它在 ASP.NET 页上显示下面的内容:“Invalid email address or password- please try again”(电子邮件地址或密码无效,请再试一次)


    2)业务外观层的 CustomerSystem.GetCustomerByEmail 方法


    public CustomerData GetCustomerByEmail(String emailAddress, byte [] password)



          // Check preconditions


          ApplicationAssert.CheckCondition(emailAddress != String.Empty, "Email address is required", ApplicationAssert.LineNumber);

          ApplicationAssert.CheckCondition(password.Length != 0, "Password is required", ApplicationAssert.LineNumber);


          // Get the customer dataSet


          CustomerData dataSet;

          using (DataAccess.Customers customersDataAccess = new DataAccess.Customers())


               dataSet = customersDataAccess.LoadCustomerByEmail(emailAddress);



          // Verify the customer's password


          DataRowCollection rows = dataSet.Tables[CustomerData.CUSTOMERS_TABLE].Rows;


          if ( ( rows.Count == 1 ))


               byte [] dbPassword = (byte[])rows[0][CustomerData.PASSWORD_FIELD];


               if (ComparePasswords (dbPassword, password))

                     return dataSet;


                     return null;



               return null;






    // compare the hashed password against the stored password

    private bool ComparePasswords(byte[] storedPassword, byte[] hashedPassword)


          if (storedPassword == null || hashedPassword == null || hashedPassword.Length != storedPassword.Length - saltLength)

               return false;


          // get the saved saltValue

          // 获取已保存在password数据字段中的Salt

          byte[] saltValue = new byte[saltLength];

          int saltOffset = storedPassword.Length - saltLength;

          for (int i = 0; i < saltLength; i++)

               saltValue[i] = storedPassword[saltOffset + i];


          byte[] saltedPassword = CreateSaltedPassword(saltValue, hashedPassword);


          // compare the values

          return CompareByteArray(storedPassword, saltedPassword);




    // compare the contents of two byte arrays

    private bool CompareByteArray(byte[] array1, byte[] array2)


          if (array1.Length != array2.Length)

               return false;

          for (int i = 0; i < array1.Length; i++)


               if (array1[i] != array2[i])

                     return false;


          return true;




    该方法根据传入的emailAddress参数,查询Database,返回CustomerData对象。过程比较简单,详细代码请查询Duwamish 7.0范例。



    通过对Duwamish 7.0范例中用户注册和用户登录验证过程的分析,我们确信用户Password以安全的Salt运算结果存放在后台的Database中。



    因此,将在Duwamish密码分析篇, Part 3中分析如何实现双向的加密/解密操作,来克服上面提出的问题。



    1, MSDN, Duwamish 7.0

    2, Rickie, Duwamish密码分析篇, Part 1

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