• TensorFlow v2.0实现Word2Vec算法

    使用TensorFlow v2.0实现Word2Vec算法计算单词的向量表示,这个例子是使用一小部分维基百科文章来训练的。

    更多信息请查看论文: Mikolov, Tomas et al. “Efficient Estimation of Word Representations in Vector Space.”, 20131

    from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import
    import collections
    import os
    import random
    import urllib
    import zipfile
    import numpy as np
    import tensorflow as tf
    learning_rate = 0.1
    batch_size = 128
    num_steps = 3000000
    display_step = 10000
    eval_step = 200000
    # 训练参数
    learning_rate = 0.1
    batch_size = 128
    num_steps = 3000000
    display_step = 10000
    eval_step = 200000
    # 评估参数
    eval_words = ['five', 'of', 'going', 'hardware', 'american', 'britain']
    # Word2Vec 参数
    embedding_size = 200 # 嵌入向量的维度 vector.
    max_vocabulary_size = 50000 # 词汇表中不同单词的总数words in the vocabulary.
    min_occurrence = 10  # 删除出现小于n次的所有单词
    skip_window = 3 # 左右各要考虑多少个单词
    num_skips = 2 # 重复使用输入生成标签的次数
    num_sampled = 64 # 负采样数量
    # 下载一小部分维基百科文章集
    url = 'http://mattmahoney.net/dc/text8.zip'
    data_path = 'text8.zip'
    if not os.path.exists(data_path):
        print("Downloading the dataset... (It may take some time)")
        filename, _ = urllib.urlretrieve(url, data_path)
    # 解压数据集文件,文本已处理完毕
    with zipfile.ZipFile(data_path) as f:
        text_words = f.read(f.namelist()[0]).lower().split()
    # 构建词典并用 UNK 标记替换频数较低的词
    count = [('UNK', -1)]
    # 检索最常见的单词
    count.extend(collections.Counter(text_words).most_common(max_vocabulary_size - 1))
    # 删除少于'min_occurrence'次数的样本
    for i in range(len(count) - 1, -1, -1):
        if count[i][1] < min_occurrence:
    # 计算单词表单词个数
    vocabulary_size = len(count)
    # 为每一个词分配id
    word2id = dict()
    for i, (word, _)in enumerate(count):
        word2id[word] = i
    data = list()
    unk_count = 0
    for word in text_words:
         # 检索单词id,或者如果不在字典中则为其指定索引0('UNK')
        index = word2id.get(word, 0)
        if index == 0:
            unk_count  = 1
    count[0] = ('UNK', unk_count)
    id2word = dict(zip(word2id.values(), word2id.keys()))
    print("Words count:", len(text_words))
    print("Unique words:", len(set(text_words)))
    print("Vocabulary size:", vocabulary_size)
    print("Most common words:", count[:10])


    Words count: 17005207
    Unique words: 253854
    Vocabulary size: 47135
    Most common words: [('UNK', 444176), ('the', 1061396), ('of', 593677), ('and', 416629), ('one', 411764), ('in', 372201), ('a', 325873), ('to', 316376), ('zero', 264975), ('nine', 250430)]
    data_index = 0
    # 为skip-gram模型生成训练批次
    def next_batch(batch_size, num_skips, skip_window):
        global data_index
        assert batch_size % num_skips == 0
        assert num_skips <= 2 * skip_window
        batch = np.ndarray(shape=(batch_size), dtype=np.int32)
        labels = np.ndarray(shape=(batch_size, 1), dtype=np.int32)
        # 得到窗口长度( 当前单词左边和右边   当前单词)
        span = 2 * skip_window   1
        buffer = collections.deque(maxlen=span)
        if data_index   span > len(data):
            data_index = 0
        buffer.extend(data[data_index:data_index   span])
        data_index  = span
        for i in range(batch_size // num_skips):
            context_words = [w for w in range(span) if w != skip_window]
            words_to_use = random.sample(context_words, num_skips)
            for j, context_word in enumerate(words_to_use):
                batch[i * num_skips   j] = buffer[skip_window]
                labels[i * num_skips   j, 0] = buffer[context_word]
            if data_index == len(data):
                data_index = span
                data_index  = 1
        data_index = (data_index   len(data) - span) % len(data)
        return batch, labels
    # 确保在CPU上分配以下操作和变量
    # (某些操作在GPU上不兼容)
    with tf.device('/cpu:0'):
        # 创建嵌入变量(每一行代表一个词嵌入向量) embedding vector).
        embedding = tf.Variable(tf.random.normal([vocabulary_size, embedding_size]))
        # 构造NCE损失的变量
        nce_weights = tf.Variable(tf.random.normal([vocabulary_size, embedding_size]))
        nce_biases = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([vocabulary_size]))
    def get_embedding(x):
        with tf.device('/cpu:0'):
           # 对于X中的每一个样本查找对应的嵌入向量
            x_embed = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(embedding, x)
            return x_embed
    def nce_loss(x_embed, y):
        with tf.device('/cpu:0'):
            # 计算批处理的平均NCE损失
            y = tf.cast(y, tf.int64)
            loss = tf.reduce_mean(
            return loss
    # 评估
    def evaluate(x_embed):
        with tf.device('/cpu:0'):
             # 计算输入数据嵌入与每个嵌入向量之间的余弦相似度
            x_embed = tf.cast(x_embed, tf.float32)
            x_embed_norm = x_embed / tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(x_embed)))
            embedding_norm = embedding / tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(embedding), 1, keepdims=True), tf.float32)
            cosine_sim_op = tf.matmul(x_embed_norm, embedding_norm, transpose_b=True)
            return cosine_sim_op
    # 定义优化器
    optimizer = tf.optimizers.SGD(learning_rate)
    # 优化过程
    def run_optimization(x, y):
        with tf.device('/cpu:0'):
           # 将计算封装在GradientTape中以实现自动微分
            with tf.GradientTape() as g:
                emb = get_embedding(x)
                loss = nce_loss(emb, y)
            # 计算梯度
            gradients = g.gradient(loss, [embedding, nce_weights, nce_biases])
             # 按gradients更新 W 和 b
            optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(gradients, [embedding, nce_weights, nce_biases]))
    # 用于测试的单词
    x_test = np.array([word2id[w] for w in eval_words])
    # 针对给定步骤数进行训练
    for step in xrange(1, num_steps   1):
        batch_x, batch_y = next_batch(batch_size, num_skips, skip_window)
        run_optimization(batch_x, batch_y)
        if step % display_step == 0 or step == 1:
            loss = nce_loss(get_embedding(batch_x), batch_y)
            print("step: %i, loss: %f" % (step, loss))
        # 评估
        if step % eval_step == 0 or step == 1:
            sim = evaluate(get_embedding(x_test)).numpy()
            for i in xrange(len(eval_words)):
                top_k = 8  # 最相似的单词数量
                nearest = (-sim[i, :]).argsort()[1:top_k   1]
                log_str = '"%s" nearest neighbors:' % eval_words[i]
                for k in xrange(top_k):
                    log_str = '%s %s,' % (log_str, id2word[nearest[k]])
    step: 1, loss: 504.444214
    "five" nearest neighbors: censure, stricken, anglicanism, stick, streetcars, shrines, horrified, sparkle,
    "of" nearest neighbors: jolly, weary, clinicians, kerouac, economist, owls, safe, playoff,
    "going" nearest neighbors: filament, platforms, moderately, micheal, despotic, krag, disclosed, your,
    "hardware" nearest neighbors: occupants, paraffin, vera, reorganized, rename, declares, prima, condoned,
    "american" nearest neighbors: portfolio, rhein, aalto, angle, lifeson, tucker, sexton, dench,
    "britain" nearest neighbors: indivisible, disbelief, scripture, pepsi, scriptores, sighting, napalm, strike,
    step: 10000, loss: 117.166962
    step: 20000, loss: 65.478333
    step: 30000, loss: 46.580460
    step: 40000, loss: 25.563128
    step: 50000, loss: 50.924446
    step: 60000, loss: 51.696526
    step: 70000, loss: 17.272142
    step: 80000, loss: 32.579414
    step: 90000, loss: 68.372032
    step: 100000, loss: 36.026573
    step: 110000, loss: 22.502020
    step: 120000, loss: 15.788742
    step: 130000, loss: 31.832420
    step: 140000, loss: 25.096617
    step: 150000, loss: 12.013027
    step: 160000, loss: 20.574780
    step: 170000, loss: 12.201975
    step: 180000, loss: 20.983793
    step: 190000, loss: 11.366720
    step: 200000, loss: 19.431549
    "five" nearest neighbors: three, four, eight, six, two, seven, nine, zero,
    "of" nearest neighbors: the, a, and, first, with, on, but, from,
    "going" nearest neighbors: have, more, used, out, be, with, on, however,
    "hardware" nearest neighbors: be, known, system, apollo, and, a, such, used,
    "american" nearest neighbors: UNK, and, from, s, at, in, after, about,
    "britain" nearest neighbors: of, and, many, the, as, used, but, such,
    step: 210000, loss: 16.361233
    step: 220000, loss: 17.529526
    step: 230000, loss: 16.805817
    step: 240000, loss: 6.365625
    step: 250000, loss: 8.083097
    step: 260000, loss: 11.262514
    step: 270000, loss: 9.842708
    step: 280000, loss: 6.363440
    step: 290000, loss: 8.732617
    step: 300000, loss: 10.484728
    step: 310000, loss: 12.099487
    step: 320000, loss: 11.496288
    step: 330000, loss: 9.283813
    step: 340000, loss: 10.777218
    step: 350000, loss: 16.310440
    step: 360000, loss: 7.495782
    step: 370000, loss: 9.287696
    step: 380000, loss: 6.982735
    step: 390000, loss: 8.549622
    step: 400000, loss: 8.388112
    "five" nearest neighbors: four, three, six, two, seven, eight, one, zero,
    "of" nearest neighbors: the, a, with, also, for, and, which, by,
    "going" nearest neighbors: have, are, both, called, being, a, of, had,
    "hardware" nearest neighbors: may, de, some, have, so, which, other, also,
    "american" nearest neighbors: s, british, UNK, from, in, including, first, see,
    "britain" nearest neighbors: against, include, including, both, british, other, an, most,
    step: 410000, loss: 8.757725
    step: 420000, loss: 12.303110
    step: 430000, loss: 12.325478
    step: 440000, loss: 7.659882
    step: 450000, loss: 6.028089
    step: 460000, loss: 12.700299
    step: 470000, loss: 7.063077
    step: 480000, loss: 18.004183
    step: 490000, loss: 7.510474
    step: 500000, loss: 10.089376
    step: 510000, loss: 11.404436
    step: 520000, loss: 9.494527
    step: 530000, loss: 7.797963
    step: 540000, loss: 7.390718
    step: 550000, loss: 13.911215
    step: 560000, loss: 6.975731
    step: 570000, loss: 6.179163
    step: 580000, loss: 7.066525
    step: 590000, loss: 6.487288
    step: 600000, loss: 5.361528
    "five" nearest neighbors: four, six, three, seven, two, one, eight, zero,
    "of" nearest neighbors: the, and, from, with, a, including, in, include,
    "going" nearest neighbors: have, even, they, term, who, many, which, were,
    "hardware" nearest neighbors: include, computer, an, which, other, each, than, may,
    "american" nearest neighbors: english, french, s, german, from, in, film, see,
    "britain" nearest neighbors: several, first, modern, part, government, german, was, were,
    step: 610000, loss: 4.144980
    step: 620000, loss: 5.865635
    step: 630000, loss: 6.826498
    step: 640000, loss: 8.376097
    step: 650000, loss: 7.117930
    step: 660000, loss: 7.639544
    step: 670000, loss: 5.973255
    step: 680000, loss: 4.908459
    step: 690000, loss: 6.164993
    step: 700000, loss: 7.360281
    step: 710000, loss: 12.693079
    step: 720000, loss: 6.410182
    step: 730000, loss: 7.499201
    step: 740000, loss: 6.509094
    step: 750000, loss: 10.625893
    step: 760000, loss: 7.177696
    step: 770000, loss: 12.639092
    step: 780000, loss: 8.441635
    step: 790000, loss: 7.529139
    step: 800000, loss: 6.579177
    "five" nearest neighbors: four, three, six, seven, eight, two, one, zero,
    "of" nearest neighbors: and, with, in, the, its, from, by, including,
    "going" nearest neighbors: have, they, how, include, people, however, also, their,
    "hardware" nearest neighbors: computer, large, include, may, or, which, other, there,
    "american" nearest neighbors: born, french, british, english, german, b, john, d,
    "britain" nearest neighbors: country, including, include, general, part, various, several, by,
    step: 810000, loss: 6.934138
    step: 820000, loss: 5.686094
    step: 830000, loss: 7.310243
    step: 840000, loss: 5.028157
    step: 850000, loss: 7.079705
    step: 860000, loss: 6.768996
    step: 870000, loss: 5.604030
    step: 880000, loss: 8.208309
    step: 890000, loss: 6.301597
    step: 900000, loss: 5.733234
    step: 910000, loss: 6.577081
    step: 920000, loss: 6.774826
    step: 930000, loss: 7.068932
    step: 940000, loss: 6.694956
    step: 950000, loss: 7.944673
    step: 960000, loss: 5.988618
    step: 970000, loss: 6.651366
    step: 980000, loss: 4.595577
    step: 990000, loss: 6.564834
    step: 1000000, loss: 4.327858
    "five" nearest neighbors: four, three, seven, six, eight, two, nine, zero,
    "of" nearest neighbors: the, first, and, became, from, under, at, with,
    "going" nearest neighbors: others, has, then, have, how, become, had, also,
    "hardware" nearest neighbors: computer, large, systems, these, different, either, include, using,
    "american" nearest neighbors: b, born, d, UNK, nine, english, german, french,
    "britain" nearest neighbors: government, island, local, country, by, including, control, within,
    step: 1010000, loss: 5.841236
    step: 1020000, loss: 5.805200
    step: 1030000, loss: 9.962063
    step: 1040000, loss: 6.281199
    step: 1050000, loss: 7.147995
    step: 1060000, loss: 5.721184
    step: 1070000, loss: 7.080662
    step: 1080000, loss: 6.638658
    step: 1090000, loss: 5.814178
    step: 1100000, loss: 5.195928
    step: 1110000, loss: 6.724787
    step: 1120000, loss: 6.503905
    step: 1130000, loss: 5.762966
    step: 1140000, loss: 5.790243
    step: 1150000, loss: 5.958191
    step: 1160000, loss: 5.997983
    step: 1170000, loss: 7.065348
    step: 1180000, loss: 6.073387
    step: 1190000, loss: 6.644097
    step: 1200000, loss: 5.934450
    "five" nearest neighbors: three, four, six, eight, seven, two, nine, zero,
    "of" nearest neighbors: the, and, including, in, its, with, from, on,
    "going" nearest neighbors: others, then, through, has, had, another, people, when,
    "hardware" nearest neighbors: computer, control, systems, either, these, large, small, other,
    "american" nearest neighbors: born, german, john, d, british, b, UNK, french,
    "britain" nearest neighbors: local, against, british, island, country, general, including, within,
    step: 1210000, loss: 5.832344
    step: 1220000, loss: 6.453851
    step: 1230000, loss: 6.583966
    step: 1240000, loss: 5.571673
    step: 1250000, loss: 5.720917
    step: 1260000, loss: 7.663424
    step: 1270000, loss: 6.583741
    step: 1280000, loss: 8.503859
    step: 1290000, loss: 5.540640
    step: 1300000, loss: 6.703249
    step: 1310000, loss: 5.274101
    step: 1320000, loss: 5.846446
    step: 1330000, loss: 5.438172
    step: 1340000, loss: 6.367691
    step: 1350000, loss: 6.558622
    step: 1360000, loss: 9.822924
    step: 1370000, loss: 4.982378
    step: 1380000, loss: 6.159739
    step: 1390000, loss: 5.819083
    step: 1400000, loss: 7.775135
    "five" nearest neighbors: four, three, six, seven, two, eight, one, zero,
    "of" nearest neighbors: and, the, in, with, its, within, for, including,
    "going" nearest neighbors: others, through, while, has, to, how, particularly, their,
    "hardware" nearest neighbors: computer, systems, large, control, research, using, information, either,
    "american" nearest neighbors: english, french, german, born, film, british, s, former,
    "britain" nearest neighbors: british, country, europe, local, military, island, against, western,
    step: 1410000, loss: 8.214248
    step: 1420000, loss: 4.696859
    step: 1430000, loss: 5.873761
    step: 1440000, loss: 5.971557
    step: 1450000, loss: 4.992722
    step: 1460000, loss: 5.197714
    step: 1470000, loss: 6.916918
    step: 1480000, loss: 6.441984
    step: 1490000, loss: 5.443647
    step: 1500000, loss: 5.178482
    step: 1510000, loss: 6.060414
    step: 1520000, loss: 6.373306
    step: 1530000, loss: 5.098322
    step: 1540000, loss: 6.674916
    step: 1550000, loss: 6.712685
    step: 1560000, loss: 5.280202
    step: 1570000, loss: 6.454964
    step: 1580000, loss: 4.896697
    step: 1590000, loss: 6.239226
    step: 1600000, loss: 5.709726
    "five" nearest neighbors: three, four, two, six, seven, eight, one, zero,
    "of" nearest neighbors: the, and, including, in, with, within, its, following,
    "going" nearest neighbors: others, people, who, they, that, far, were, have,
    "hardware" nearest neighbors: computer, systems, include, high, research, some, information, large,
    "american" nearest neighbors: born, english, french, british, german, d, john, b,
    "britain" nearest neighbors: country, military, china, europe, against, local, central, british,
    step: 1610000, loss: 6.334940
    step: 1620000, loss: 5.093616
    step: 1630000, loss: 6.119366
    step: 1640000, loss: 4.975187
    step: 1650000, loss: 6.490408
    step: 1660000, loss: 7.464082
    step: 1670000, loss: 4.977184
    step: 1680000, loss: 5.658133
    step: 1690000, loss: 5.352454
    step: 1700000, loss: 6.810776
    step: 1710000, loss: 5.687447
    step: 1720000, loss: 5.992206
    step: 1730000, loss: 5.513011
    step: 1740000, loss: 5.548522
    step: 1750000, loss: 6.200248
    step: 1760000, loss: 13.070073
    step: 1770000, loss: 4.621058
    step: 1780000, loss: 5.301342
    step: 1790000, loss: 4.777030
    step: 1800000, loss: 6.912136
    "five" nearest neighbors: three, four, six, seven, eight, two, nine, zero,
    "of" nearest neighbors: the, in, first, from, became, and, following, under,
    "going" nearest neighbors: others, their, through, which, therefore, open, how, that,
    "hardware" nearest neighbors: computer, systems, include, research, standard, different, system, small,
    "american" nearest neighbors: b, d, born, actor, UNK, english, nine, german,
    "britain" nearest neighbors: china, country, europe, against, canada, military, island, including,
    step: 1810000, loss: 5.584600
    step: 1820000, loss: 5.619820
    step: 1830000, loss: 6.078709
    step: 1840000, loss: 5.052518
    step: 1850000, loss: 5.430106
    step: 1860000, loss: 7.396770
    step: 1870000, loss: 5.344787
    step: 1880000, loss: 5.937998
    step: 1890000, loss: 5.706491
    step: 1900000, loss: 5.140662
    step: 1910000, loss: 5.607048
    step: 1920000, loss: 5.407231
    step: 1930000, loss: 6.238531
    step: 1940000, loss: 5.567973
    step: 1950000, loss: 4.894245
    step: 1960000, loss: 6.104193
    step: 1970000, loss: 5.282631
    step: 1980000, loss: 6.189069
    step: 1990000, loss: 6.169409
    step: 2000000, loss: 6.470152
    "five" nearest neighbors: four, three, six, seven, eight, two, nine, zero,
    "of" nearest neighbors: the, its, in, with, and, including, within, against,
    "going" nearest neighbors: others, only, therefore, will, how, a, far, though,
    "hardware" nearest neighbors: computer, systems, for, network, software, program, research, system,
    "american" nearest neighbors: born, actor, d, italian, german, john, robert, b,
    "britain" nearest neighbors: china, country, europe, canada, british, former, island, france,
    step: 2010000, loss: 5.298714
    step: 2020000, loss: 5.494207
    step: 2030000, loss: 5.410875
    step: 2040000, loss: 6.228232
    step: 2050000, loss: 5.044596
    step: 2060000, loss: 4.624638
    step: 2070000, loss: 4.919327
    step: 2080000, loss: 4.639625
    step: 2090000, loss: 4.865627
    step: 2100000, loss: 4.951073
    step: 2110000, loss: 5.973768
    step: 2120000, loss: 7.366824
    step: 2130000, loss: 5.149571
    step: 2140000, loss: 7.846234
    step: 2150000, loss: 5.449315
    step: 2160000, loss: 5.359211
    step: 2170000, loss: 5.171029
    step: 2180000, loss: 6.106437
    step: 2190000, loss: 6.043995
    step: 2200000, loss: 5.642351
    "five" nearest neighbors: four, three, six, two, eight, seven, zero, one,
    "of" nearest neighbors: the, and, its, see, for, in, with, including,
    "going" nearest neighbors: others, therefore, how, even, them, your, have, although,
    "hardware" nearest neighbors: computer, systems, system, network, program, research, software, include,
    "american" nearest neighbors: english, french, german, canadian, british, film, author, italian,
    "britain" nearest neighbors: europe, china, country, germany, british, england, france, throughout,
    step: 2210000, loss: 4.427110
    step: 2220000, loss: 6.240989
    step: 2230000, loss: 5.184978
    step: 2240000, loss: 8.035570
    step: 2250000, loss: 5.793781
    step: 2260000, loss: 4.908427
    step: 2270000, loss: 8.807668
    step: 2280000, loss: 6.083229
    step: 2290000, loss: 5.773360
    step: 2300000, loss: 5.613671
    step: 2310000, loss: 6.080076
    step: 2320000, loss: 5.288568
    step: 2330000, loss: 5.949232
    step: 2340000, loss: 5.479994
    step: 2350000, loss: 7.717686
    step: 2360000, loss: 5.163609
    step: 2370000, loss: 5.989407
    step: 2380000, loss: 5.785729
    step: 2390000, loss: 5.345478
    step: 2400000, loss: 6.627133
    "five" nearest neighbors: three, four, six, two, seven, eight, zero, nine,
    "of" nearest neighbors: the, in, and, including, from, within, its, with,
    "going" nearest neighbors: therefore, people, they, out, only, according, your, now,
    "hardware" nearest neighbors: computer, systems, network, program, system, software, run, design,
    "american" nearest neighbors: author, born, actor, english, canadian, british, italian, d,
    "britain" nearest neighbors: china, europe, country, throughout, france, canada, england, western,
    step: 2410000, loss: 5.666146
    step: 2420000, loss: 5.316198
    step: 2430000, loss: 5.129625
    step: 2440000, loss: 5.247949
    step: 2450000, loss: 5.741394
    step: 2460000, loss: 5.833083
    step: 2470000, loss: 7.704844
    step: 2480000, loss: 5.398345
    step: 2490000, loss: 5.089633
    step: 2500000, loss: 5.620508
    step: 2510000, loss: 4.976034
    step: 2520000, loss: 5.884676
    step: 2530000, loss: 6.649922
    step: 2540000, loss: 5.002588
    step: 2550000, loss: 5.072144
    step: 2560000, loss: 5.165375
    step: 2570000, loss: 5.310089
    step: 2580000, loss: 5.481957
    step: 2590000, loss: 6.104440
    step: 2600000, loss: 5.339644
    "five" nearest neighbors: three, four, six, seven, eight, nine, two, zero,
    "of" nearest neighbors: the, first, from, with, became, in, following, and,
    "going" nearest neighbors: how, therefore, back, will, through, always, your, make,
    "hardware" nearest neighbors: computer, systems, system, network, program, technology, design, software,
    "american" nearest neighbors: actor, singer, born, b, author, d, english, writer,
    "britain" nearest neighbors: europe, china, throughout, great, england, france, country, india,
    step: 2610000, loss: 7.754117
    step: 2620000, loss: 5.979313
    step: 2630000, loss: 5.394362
    step: 2640000, loss: 4.866740
    step: 2650000, loss: 5.219806
    step: 2660000, loss: 6.074809
    step: 2670000, loss: 6.216953
    step: 2680000, loss: 5.944881
    step: 2690000, loss: 5.863350
    step: 2700000, loss: 6.128705
    step: 2710000, loss: 5.502523
    step: 2720000, loss: 5.300839
    step: 2730000, loss: 6.358493
    step: 2740000, loss: 6.058306
    step: 2750000, loss: 4.689510
    step: 2760000, loss: 6.032880
    step: 2770000, loss: 5.844904
    step: 2780000, loss: 5.385874
    step: 2790000, loss: 5.370956
    step: 2800000, loss: 4.912577
    "five" nearest neighbors: four, six, three, eight, seven, two, nine, one,
    "of" nearest neighbors: in, the, and, from, including, following, with, under,
    "going" nearest neighbors: your, then, through, will, how, so, back, even,
    "hardware" nearest neighbors: computer, systems, program, network, design, standard, physical, software,
    "american" nearest neighbors: actor, singer, born, author, writer, canadian, italian, d,
    "britain" nearest neighbors: europe, china, england, throughout, france, india, great, germany,
    step: 2810000, loss: 5.897756
    step: 2820000, loss: 7.194932
    step: 2830000, loss: 7.430175
    step: 2840000, loss: 7.258231
    step: 2850000, loss: 5.837617
    step: 2860000, loss: 5.496673
    step: 2870000, loss: 6.173716
    step: 2880000, loss: 6.095749
    step: 2890000, loss: 6.064944
    step: 2900000, loss: 5.560488
    step: 2910000, loss: 4.966107
    step: 2920000, loss: 5.789579
    1. step: 2930000, loss: 4.525987
    step: 2940000, loss: 6.704808
    step: 2950000, loss: 4.506433
    step: 2960000, loss: 6.251270
    step: 2970000, loss: 5.588204
    step: 2980000, loss: 5.423235
    step: 2990000, loss: 5.613834
    step: 3000000, loss: 5.137326
    "five" nearest neighbors: four, three, six, seven, eight, two, zero, one,
    "of" nearest neighbors: the, including, and, with, in, its, includes, within,
    "going" nearest neighbors: how, they, when, them, make, always, your, though,
    "hardware" nearest neighbors: computer, systems, network, program, physical, design, technology, software,
    "american" nearest neighbors: canadian, english, australian, british, german, film, italian, author,
    "britain" nearest neighbors: europe, england, china, throughout, india, france, great, british,



    1. https://arxiv.org/pdf/1301.3781.pdf ↩︎

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/panchuangai/p/12567958.html
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