• Wraping legacy code



    // This is my custom type.
    struct Point3D { double x,y,z; };
    // We want to create an ActionNode to calls method MyLegacyMoveTo::go
    class MyLegacyMoveTo
        bool go(Point3D goal)
            printf("Going to: %f %f %f
    ", goal.x, goal.y, goal.z);
            return true; // true means success in my legacy code


    namespace BT
        template <> Point3D convertFromString(StringView key)
            // three real numbers separated by semicolons
            auto parts = BT::splitString(key, ';');
            if (parts.size() != 3)
                throw RuntimeError("invalid input)");
                Point3D output;
                output.x  = convertFromString<double>(parts[0]);
                output.y  = convertFromString<double>(parts[1]);
                output.z  = convertFromString<double>(parts[2]);
                return output;
    } // end anmespace BT


    static const char* xml_text = R"(
            <MoveTo  goal="-1;3;0.5" />
    int main()
        using namespace BT;
        MyLegacyMoveTo move_to;
        // Here we use a lambda that captures the reference of move_to
        auto MoveToWrapperWithLambda = [&move_to](TreeNode& parent_node) -> NodeStatus
            Point3D goal;
            // thanks to paren_node, you can access easily the input and output ports.
            parent_node.getInput("goal", goal);
            bool res = move_to.go( goal );
            // convert bool to NodeStatus
            return res ? NodeStatus::SUCCESS : NodeStatus::FAILURE;
        BehaviorTreeFactory factory;
        // Register the lambda with BehaviorTreeFactory::registerSimpleAction
        PortsList ports = { BT::InputPort<Point3D>("goal") };
        factory.registerSimpleAction("MoveTo", MoveToWrapperWithLambda, ports );
        auto tree = factory.createTreeFromText(xml_text);
        return 0;
    /* Expected output:
    Going to: -1.000000 3.000000 0.500000
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/gary-guo/p/14700841.html
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