• Anbox:容器中的 Android,anboxandroid

    Anbox 实现分析 3:会话管理器与容器管理器的通信






    Anbox 实现分析之 I/O 模型



    Anbox is a container-based approach to boot a full Android system on a regular GNU/Linux system like Ubuntu. In other words: Anbox will let you run Android on your Linux system without the slowness of virtualization.


    Anbox uses Linux namespaces (user, pid, uts, net, mount, ipc) to run a full Android system in a container and provide Android applications on any GNU/Linux-based platform.

    The Android inside the container has no direct access to any hardware. All hardware access is going through the anbox daemon on the host. We're reusing what Android implemented within the QEMU-based emulator for OpenGL ES accelerated rendering. The Android system inside the container uses different pipes to communicate with the host system and sends all hardware access commands through these.

    For more details have a look at the following documentation pages:

    Anbox is currently suited for the desktop use case but can be used on mobile operating systems like Ubuntu Touch, Sailfish OS or Lune OS too. However as the mapping of Android applications is currently desktop specific this needs additional work to supported stacked window user interfaces too.

    The Android runtime environment ships with a minimal customized Android system image based on the Android Open Source Project. The used image is currently based on Android 7.1.1


    See our installation instructions for details.

    Supported Linux Distributions

    At the moment we officially support the following Linux distributions:

    • Ubuntu 16.04 (xenial)
    • Ubuntu 18.04 (bionic)

    However all other distributions supporting snap packages should work as well as long as they provide the mandatory kernel modules (see kernel/).

    Install and Run Android Applications


    Build from source


    To build the Anbox runtime itself there is nothing special to know. We're using cmake as build system. A few build dependencies need to be present on your host system:

    • libdbus
    • google-mock
    • google-test
    • libboost
    • libboost-filesystem
    • libboost-log
    • libboost-iostreams
    • libboost-program-options
    • libboost-system
    • libboost-test
    • libboost-thread
    • libcap
    • libsystemd
    • mesa (libegl1, libgles2)
    • libglm
    • libsdl2
    • libprotobuf
    • protobuf-compiler
    • python2
    • lxc (>= 3.0)

    On an Ubuntu system you can install all build dependencies with the following command:

    $ sudo apt install build-essential cmake cmake-data debhelper dbus google-mock 
        libboost-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-log-dev libboost-iostreams-dev 
        libboost-program-options-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-test-dev 
        libboost-thread-dev libcap-dev libsystemd-dev libegl1-mesa-dev 
        libgles2-mesa-dev libglm-dev libgtest-dev liblxc1 
        libproperties-cpp-dev libprotobuf-dev libsdl2-dev libsdl2-image-dev lxc-dev 
        pkg-config protobuf-compiler python-minimal

    We recommend Ubuntu 18.04 (bionic) with GCC 7.x as your build environment.


    Afterwards you can build Anbox with

    $ git clone https://github.com/anbox/anbox.git
    $ cd anbox
    $ mkdir build
    $ cd build
    $ cmake ..
    $ make

    A simple

    $ sudo make install

    will install the necessary bits into your system.

    If you want to build the anbox snap instead you can do this with the following steps:

    $ mkdir android-images
    $ cp /path/to/android.img android-images/android.img
    $ snapcraft

    The result will be a .snap file you can install on a system supporting snaps

    $ snap install --dangerous --devmode anbox_1_amd64.snap

    Run Anbox

    Running Anbox from a local build requires a few more things you need to know about. Please have a look at the "Runtime Setup" documentation.


    You will find additional documentation for Anbox in the docs subdirectory of the project source.

    Interesting things to have a look at

    Reporting bugs

    If you have found an issue with Anbox, please file a bug.

    Get in Touch

    If you want to get in contact with the developers please feel free to join the #anbox IRC channel on Freenode.

    Copyright and Licensing

    Anbox reuses code from other projects like the Android QEMU emulator. These projects are available in the external/ subdirectory with the licensing terms included.

    The Anbox source itself, if not stated differently in the relevant source files, is licensed under the terms of the GPLv3 license.

    Anbox 以基于容器的方式,在像 Ubuntu 这样的常规的 GNU Linux 系统上启动一个完整的 Android 系统。


    Anbox 使用 Linux 命名空间(user、pid、uts、net、mount、ipc)来在容器中运行完整的 Android 系统,并在任何基于 GNU Linux 平台上提供 Android 应用。

    容器内的 Android 无法直接访问任何硬件。所有硬件访问都通过主机上的 anbox 守护进程进行。我们重用基于 QEMU 的模拟器实现的 Android 中的 GL、ES 加速渲染。容器内的 Android 系统使用不同的管道与主机系统通信,并通过它发送所有硬件访问命令。


    • Android 硬件 OpenGL ES 仿真设计概述
    • Android QEMU 快速管道
    • Android 的 “qemud” 复用守护进程
    • Android qemud 服务

    Anbox 目前适合桌面使用,但也用在移动操作系统上,如 Ubuntu Touch、Sailfish OS 或 Lune OS。然而,由于 Android 程序的映射目前只针对桌面环境,因此还需要额外的工作来支持其他的用户界面。

    Android 运行时环境带有一个基于 Android 开源项目镜像的最小自定义 Android 系统。所使用的镜像目前基于 Android 7.1.1。



    • 启用用于 binder 和 ashmen 的非发行的树外内核模块。
    • 使用 udev 规则为 /dev/binder 和 /dev/ashmem 设置正确权限。
    • 能够启动 Anbox 会话管理器作为用户会话的一个启动任务。

    为了使这个过程尽可能简单,我们将必要的步骤绑定在一个 snap(见 https://snapcraft.io ) 中,称之为 “anbox-installer”。这个安装程序会执行所有必要的步骤。你可以在所有支持 snap 的系统运行下面的命令安装它。

    $ snap install --classic anbox-installer


    $ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/anbox/anbox-installer/master/installer.sh -O anbox-installer

    请注意,我们还不支持除所有 Linux 发行版。请查看下面的章节了解支持的发行版。


    $ anbox-installer


    注意: Anbox 目前处于 pre-alpha 开发状态。不要指望它具有生产环境你需要的所有功能。你肯定会遇到错误和崩溃。如果你遇到了,请不要犹豫并报告它们!

    注意: Anbox snap 目前 完全没有约束,因此它只能从边缘渠道获取。正确的约束是我们想要在未来实现的,但由于 Anbox 的性质和复杂性,这不是一个简单的任务。

    已支持的 Linux 发行版

    目前我们官方支持下面的 Linux 发行版:

    • Ubuntu 16.04 (xenial)


    • Ubuntu 14.04 (trusty)
    • Ubuntu 16.10 (yakkety)
    • Ubuntu 17.04 (zesty)

    安装并运行 Android 程序


    要构建 Anbox 运行时不需要特别了解什么,我们使用 cmake 作为构建系统。你的主机系统中应已有下面这些构建依赖:

    • libdbus
    • google-mock
    • google-test
    • libboost
    • libboost-filesystem
    • libboost-log
    • libboost-iostreams
    • libboost-program-options
    • libboost-system
    • libboost-test
    • libboost-thread
    • libcap
    • libdbus-cpp
    • mesa (libegl1, libgles2)
    • glib-2.0
    • libsdl2
    • libprotobuf
    • protobuf-compiler
    • lxc

    在 Ubuntu 系统中你可以用下面的命令安装所有的依赖:

    $ sudo apt install build-essential cmake cmake-data debhelper dbus 
    google-mock libboost-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-log-dev
    libboost-iostreams-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-system-dev
    libboost-test-dev libboost-thread-dev libcap-dev libdbus-1-dev
    libdbus-cpp-dev libegl1-mesa-dev libgles2-mesa-dev libglib2.0-dev
    libglm-dev libgtest-dev liblxc1 libproperties-cpp-dev libprotobuf-dev
    libsdl2-dev lxc-dev pkg-config protobuf-compiler

    之后用下面的命令构建 Anbox:

    $ mkdir build
    $ cd build
    $ cmake ..
    $ make


    $ make install

    如果你想要构建 anbox snap,你可以按照下面的步骤:

    $ mkdir android-images
    $ cp /path/to/android.img android-images/android.img
    $ snapcraft

    结果会有一个 .snap 文件,你可以在支持 snap 的系统上安装。

    $ snap install --dangerous --devmode anbox_1_amd64.snap

    运行 Anbox

    要从本地构建运行 Anbox ,你需要了解更多一点。请参考“运行时步骤”文档。


    在项目源代码的子目录下,你可以找到额外的关于 Anbox 的文档。


    • 运行时步骤
    • 构建 Android 镜像

    报告 bug

    如果你发现了一个 Anbox 问题,请提交 bug。


    如果你想要与开发者联系,你可以在 FreeNode 中加入 #anbox 的 IRC 频道。


    Anbox 重用了像 Android QEMU 模拟器这样的其他项目的代码。这些项目可在外部/带有许可声明的子目录中得到。

    anbox 源码本身,如果没有在相关源码中声明其他的许可,默认是 GPLv3 许可。

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/dream397/p/14182806.html
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