private Handler handler; @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); handler = new Handler() { @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub super.handleMessage(msg); } }; handler.sendMessageDelayed(Message.obtain(), 60000); // just finish this activity finish(); }
然后执行Android Lint工具会有一个内存泄露警告:
This Handler class should be static or leaks might occur (com.example.ta.MainActivity.1)
Issue: Ensures that Handler classes do not hold on to a reference to an outer class
Id: HandlerLeakIn Android, Handler classes should be static or leaks might occur. Messages enqueued on the application thread’s MessageQueue also retain their target Handler. If the Handler is an inner class, its outer class will be retained as well. To avoid leaking the outer class, declare the Handler as a static nested class with a WeakReference to its outer class.
当在主线程中初始化Handler时,该Handler和Looper的消息队列关联。发送到消息队列的Message会引用发送该消息的Handler对象,这样系统能够调用 Handler#handleMessage(Message) 来分发处理该消息。
假设外部类是Activity。则会引起Activity泄露 。
当Activity finish后,延时消息会继续存在主线程消息队列中1分钟。然后处理消息。而该消息引用了Activity的Handler对象,然后这个Handler又引用了这个Activity。这些引用对象会保持到该消息被处理完。这样就导致该Activity对象无法被回收,从而导致了上面说的 Activity泄露。
要改动该问题,仅仅须要依照Lint提示的那样。把Handler类定义为静态就可以,然后通过WeakReference 来保持外部的Activity对象。
private static class WebViewHandler extends Handler{ public static final int what_pullRefreshCompleted = 1; private final WeakReference<WebActivity> mActivity; public WebViewHandler(WebActivity mActivity) { super(); this.mActivity = new WeakReference<WebActivity>(mActivity); } @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { if(mActivity.get() == null) return; switch(msg.what){ case what_pullRefreshCompleted: if (mActivity.get().getmPullRefreshWebView() != null)//由于该Handler为static,所以我们通过调用方法来获取外部类属性 mActivity.get().getmPullRefreshWebView().refreshComplete(); break; } super.handleMessage(msg); } }
不要持有 Context 的静态引用!
public class ExampleActivity extends Activity { //... private static MyAccountInfo info; //... @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); //... info = new MyAccountInfo(this); //... } }上面这点代码。对于一个有丰富经验的人来,可能不会犯这种错误。
假设 MyAccountInfo 通过它的构造函数保持一个指向Activity的引用,这个Activity将不会被垃圾回收(GC)。除非静态变量被从新分配到不同的Activity。
这是由于 info 是静态变量,而静态变量的内存是不会被回收,直到应用程序退出才回收。假设你正在试图做这种事情。你的代码非常有可能有严重的错误。依据实际逻辑须要换个写法吧。
注:从技术上说,你能够对一个Application Context进行静态变量引用而不引起内存泄露。但我不建议你这样做。