SAP Online Help.
SAP Online Help - Release 4.5B.
The greatest forum.
Huge amount of information about IDocs, ALE, RFC, Web-interface, OLE/OCX, SapScript, Printing, Barcodes, Workflow, ABAP etc.
System Administration - ca. 105 useful programs with sources.
A lot of stuff: tips&tricks, samples, hints, references, system fields and transactions lists etc.
A lot of stuff - ABAP sources, hints, recommendations, manuals etc.
A very good ABAP examples, including new technologies (OOP, Controls, BAPIs, JAVA etc.
Alan Popes SAP page. Some stuff + forum. Good links page. Cool design!
A lot of stuff - ABAP sources, hints etc.
e.g. Development -> ABAP etc.
Technical Study Materials: ABAP/4, Basis, OSS Notes.
A lot of stuff: tips&tricks, useful functions etc.
Some sources and tips & tricks. Documentation.
Some ABAP Goodies.
SAP R/3E (Systems, Applications, Products in Data Processing). Hints and tips on MM, SD, PP, CO, FI, BS, and ABAP/4.
SAP R/3. Hints and tips, SAP tables, reports, functions, transactions.
SAP Professional Journal's free downloads.
Some ABAP sources and tips.
Some sources of useful programs.
ABAP/4 Sample Programs.
Hints n' tips monthly.
Transactions list. Under Construction.
Under Construction.