• SQLServer 存储过程中不拼接SQL字符串实现多条件查询

    set @sql=' select * from table where 1=1 '
    if (@addDate is not null) 
         set @sql = @sql+' and  addDate = '+ @addDate + '  ' 
    if (@name <>'' and is not null) 
        set @sql = @sql+ ' and name = ' + @name + ' '
    下面是 不采用拼接SQL字符串实现多条件查询的解决方案
    第一种写法是 感觉代码有些冗余
    if (@addDate is not null) and (@name <> '') 
          select * from table where addDate = @addDate and name = @name 
    else if (@addDate is not null) and (@name ='') 
          select * from table where addDate = @addDate 
    else if(@addDate is  null) and (@name <> '') 
          select * from table where and name = @name 
    else if(@addDate is  null) and (@name = '') 
    select * from table 
    select * from table where (addDate = @addDate or @addDate is null) and (name = @name or @name = '') 
    SELECT * FROM table where 
    addDate = CASE @addDate IS NULL THEN addDate ELSE @addDate END, 
    name = CASE @name WHEN '' THEN name ELSE @name END 
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xiaofengfeng/p/1873106.html
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