• DevExpress VCL 已死-----关于13.1.4的发布。

        随着DevExpress VCL 13.1.4 的发布,已基本上宣布了devexpress vcl 已经死亡了。

    除了一些bug 修正,没有什么新的东西,每年的订阅费又那么贵,而且delphi 现在已经

    把主要精力放到跨平台的Firemonkey, 而devexpress 现在主要的方向是.NET,明确表示不会

    支持FM。这个VCL 时代最牛逼的界面控件看来已经算是快寿终正寝了。唉,无可奈何花落去,


    What's New in DevExpress VCL 13.1.4


    Release Notes

    Feature Highlights

    To learn about feature highlights in this version, please refer to the following page:

    New Features - DevExpress VCL 13.1.4

    Breaking Changes

    To learn about breaking changes in this version, please refer to the following page:

    Breaking Changes - DevExpress VCL 13.1.4

    Known Issues

    To learn about known issues in this version, please refer to the following page:

    Known Issues - DevExpress VCL 13.1.4

    The following sections list all minor and major changes in DevExpress VCL 13.1.4. Note that products, controls and libraries which aren't mentioned in the list below are included in the unified installer for compatibility, but have not been updated.

    New Features/Changes

    VCL Subscription
    • S170932 - Documentation - Describe that the ExpressLayout Control and ExpressDocking Library are incompatible
    ExpressTile Control
    • S172299 - Center the Back button and title text vertically within the title

    Common Libraries

    • S172107 - Add the capability to disable multi-threaded operations at the level of custom data sources (TcxCustomDataSource descendants)

    Resolved Issues

    ExpressBars Suite
    • Q476901 - Documentation - The "Ribbon Application Menu" topic does not contain the menu creation steps that are specific to TdxRibbonBackstageView
    • Q452658 - Documentation - The TdxCustomRibbonGalleryItem.GalleryGroups property is not marked as deprecated and is used in topics instead of TdxCustomRibbonGalleryItem.GalleryCategories
    • Q513198 - Moving focus to TcxDBSpinEdit placed in TdxBarControlContainerItem does not fire the OnExit and OnEnter events and, as a result, does not fire the OnGetText event of a dataset field bound to the editor
    • Q525599 - Ribbon - TcxBarEditItem content blends with background if the editor is shown in the QAT residing on the Windows Aero Glass frame
    • Q521395 - Ribbon - TdxRibbonBackstageView - Clicking the Application Button to close the parentless Backstage View created at runtime results in an AV
    • Q520539 - Ribbon - TdxRibbonGalleryItem - Invoking the drop-down gallery that contains other TdxRibbonGalleryItem controls freezes an application
    • B238682 - Ribbon - TdxRibbonGalleryItem and TdxRibbonDropDownGallery - Drop-down gallery displays extra space below its gallery items if a bar item embedded into the gallery is wider than this gallery
    • B238688 - Ribbon - TdxRibbonGalleryItem and TdxRibbonDropDownGallery - Drop-down gallery enables design-time customization with drag and drop for its gallery control
    • Q519999 - Ribbon - TdxRibbonGalleryItem does not repaint its content in response to the gallery GalleryOptions.Images or group Options.Images property value changes
    • B238928 - Ribbon - The down arrow is incorrectly painted in subitems if the system DPI setting does not match 96
    • Q521783 - Ribbon Form - An AV occurs when restoring a minimized form whose non-client area is painted by the Ribbon if the form was minimized while displaying a hint for its window button
    • Q526309 - Ribbon Form - The OnActivate event fires twice on opening the form
    • B238359 - TcxDBSpinEdit placed into TdxBarControlContainerItem incorrectly handles spin button presses
    • S172073 - TdxRibbonBackstageView - Clicking a page tab or embedded button does not display page/button properties within the Object Inspector
    • Q518386 - TdxStatusBar and TdxRibbonStatusBar - Incorrect width of the last visible panel if one or more hidden panels follow it
    ExpressLayout Control
    • Q517792 - Two layout groups containing controls in AutoSize mode hang up an application if the alignment settings of these groups are set to occupy the entire client area
    • B238354 - Items designer - The Select All and Delete buttons do not always perform the associated operation with selected items in RAD Studio XE3 or later
    • B238839 - A custom button's OnCanShow event fires in response to hot-tracking tabs if the Properties.CustomButtons.Mode property is set to cbmNone or cbmActiveTab
    • B238639 - Localization - Localized resource strings are not applied to tab/page control elements
    • Q523671 - TcxPageControl - Docking a form to the page control with one or more hidden pages unexpectedly modifies page settings
    • Q526647 - The mouse pointer flickers when moved over a control embedded to a TcxControl descendant if the Cursor property values of these controls do not match
    ExpressPivotGrid Suite
    • B238331 - AV when displaying a filter dropdown of a data field whose GroupInterval property is set to group by date/time values
    ExpressPrinting System
    • Q500098 - Certain cxProgressBar values are incorrectly rounded in a report
    • Q459163 - Documentation - The cpoDropStorageModeAfterPreview flag is not described in the TCustomdxComponentPrinter.Options topic
    • Q459167 - Documentation - The TBasedxReportLink.StorageName property is not described
    • B238554 - Print Preview - All Ribbon-style and Advanced dialogs incorrectly apply TdxComponentPrinter.PreviewOptions.VisibleOptions settings to UI elements
    • Q522890 - Spreadsheet Report Link - Incorrect row height if the system DPI setting does not match 96
    • B238381 - The "Control 'Preview' has no parent window" exception occurs when closing the Print Preview window that displays a report loaded via the LoadDataFromFile or LoadDataFromStream method
    ExpressQuantumGrid Suite
    • Q522716 - Automatic sizing enabled with EditAutoHeight produces painting artifacts in a cell whose vertical alignment does not match taTopJustify
    • B233000 - Documentation - The TcxCustomGridTableView.OnUpdateEdit event is not documented
    • Q526060 - Memory leaks when destroying a form if the View's BeginUpdate method is called without calling a matching EndUpdate method
    • Q520431 - Naming mechanism for newly created View items is changed
    ExpressQuantumTreeList Suite
    • B238916 - AV occurs if the Screen.Cursor property value is modified while handling a mouse event
    • Q504869 - Bands unexpectedly swap their positions when restoring previously saved layout
    • Q525613 - Creating a node in a tree list with an unallocated Handle does not specify the node's AbsoluteIndex property value
    • Q520603 - cxDBTreeList - The "List index out of bounds" exception occurs after a top node is inserted, and then the insertion is canceled
    • Q520696 - cxDBTreeList - The "Stack overflow" exception occurs when binding the tree list to a Firebird table using a TSQLTable component
    • Q524576 - Documentation - A typo in the TcxTreeListImageIndexType type syntax
    • Q523360 - TcxVirtualTreeList - "Access violation" when adding an icon to TcxImageList from the GetNodeImageIndex event handler
    ExpressScheduler Suite
    • Q518829 - Gantt View - Automatically view scrolling does not work when an event is sized horizontally
    • B238298 - Gantt View - The 'Invalid argument to date encode' exception occurs when horizontally sizing an event scrolls the View
    • Q524684 - TcxSchedulerDBStorage - AV occurs when setting an event's ParentGroup property to nil
    ExpressSkins Library
    • Q520899 - Form - Incorrect size of the non-client area after a maximized form is minimized and then restored
    • Q521751 - Cells marked as blank in the formula array display the source formula rather than remain blank
    • Q522927 - Deleting cells containing data with a shift in a column corrupts its cell data if the rectangle to be deleted terminates below the bottommost data cell
    • Q521622 - Incorrect output text when drawing text that contains chars with #160 code and current locale is Chinese (Simplified, PRC)
    • B238620 - Memory leaks when opening an invalid spreadsheet file
    • B238856 - The "List index out of bounds" exception occurs when undoing the deletion of a cell with custom style settings
    ExpressTile Control
    • Q522777 - AV occurs when you delete a tile item while its hot-track animation is played
    ExpressVerticalGrid Suite
    • Q519549 - Painting issues with styles applied to rows
    • Q520547 - TcxVirtualVerticalGrid - Possible exception in the TcxvgPainter.DrawRow method when destroying and recreating rows within the BeginUpdate/EndUpdate block
    • Q525420 - The Styles.OnGetContentStyle event initializes its ARecordIndex parameter with a row VisibleIndex rather than a record index

    Common Libraries

    • Q515962 - Destroying a data controller's owner initiates unnecessary operations with data
    ExpressEditors Library
    • B238538 - TcxFilterControl being destroyed updates its filter criteria
    • B238464 - AV when pasting certain DevExpress controls from the clipboard to a form at design time
    • Q522581 - cxColorComboBox - Selecting a new custom color with the system Color dialog does not replace the currently selected color if their descriptions match
    • Q523958 - cxMemo - The Stack Overflow exception occurs when calling the PostEditValue method from the Properties.OnChange event handler
    • Q525238 - Documentation - Classes defined in the cxDBNavigator unit reference the cxNavigator unit in error
    • B238476 - TcxButton is incorrectly painted in applications run via Remote Desktop if the Office11 paint style is applied and Windows themes are disabled
    • Q524948 - TcxButton plays fading animation if the native painting style is applied and Windows themes are disabled
    • B238538 - TcxFilterControl being destroyed updates its filter criteria
    • Q525331 - TdxShellBreadcrumbEdit incorrectly updates its content in response to renaming shell items if the Properties.ShellOptions.TrackShellChanges option is enabled
    • B238537 - Destroying a TcxCustomPopupWindow class instance may recreate it
    • B238931 - Export - Files exported to XLSX cannot be opened with OpenOffice or LibreOffice
    • Q520691 - The dxHalfOfPi constant declaration in cxGeometry.hpp causes warnings when generating precompiled headers in C++Builder
    Installation (VCL)
      • B238797 - Mail Client demo - An AV occurs when displaying the Feeds | Webinars module
      • B238272 - Trial version - The IDE displays warnings about missing FireDAC packages if FireDAC is not installed
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xalion/p/3351939.html
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