• Java读取word文档,转换为网页


    public class Test3 {  
         * @param path  
         * @param paths  
         * @param savepaths  
        public static void change(String path, String paths, String savepaths) {  
            File d = new File(paths);  
            // 取得当前文件夹下所有文件和目录的列表  
            File lists[] = d.listFiles();  
            String pathss = new String("");  
            // 对当前目录下面所有文件进行检索  
            for (int i = 0; i < lists.length; i++) {  
                if (lists[i].isFile()) {  
                    // 得到doc文件名  
                    String filename = lists[i].getName();  
                    // 定义最简文件名  
                    String realfilename = new String(filename.substring(0,  
                            (filename.length() - 4)));  
                    // 定义文件全名为路径加文件名  
                    String fullsavefilename = paths + realfilename;  
                    fullsavefilename = fullsavefilename.replace('/', '_');// /////  
                    fullsavefilename = fullsavefilename.replace(':', '@');  
                    // fullsavefilename = fullsavefilename.substring(47,  
                    // fullsavefilename.length());  
                    // 定义文件类型  
                    String filetype = new String("");  
                    filetype = filename.substring((filename.length() - 3),  
                    if (filetype.equals("doc")) {  
                        // 打印当前目录路径  
                        // 打印doc文件名  
                        // 启动word  
                        ActiveXComponent app = new ActiveXComponent(  
                        String docpath = paths + filename;  
                        String txtpath = savepaths + fullsavefilename + ".htm";  
                        // 格式化文件名  
                        txtpath = formatname(txtpath);  
                        // 将中文文件名改为拼音  
                        txtpath = pinyin(path, txtpath);  
                        // 要转换的word文件  
                        String inFile = docpath;  
                        // txt文件  
                        String tpFile = txtpath;  
                        boolean flag = false;  
                        try {  
                            // 设置word不可见  
                            app.setProperty("Visible", new Variant(false));  
                            Object docs = app.getProperty("Documents").toDispatch();  
                            // 打开word文件  
                            Object doc = Dispatch.invoke(  
                                    (Dispatch) docs,  
                                    new Object[] { inFile, new Variant(false),  
                                            new Variant(true) }, new int[1])  
                            // 作为txt格式保存到临时文件  
                            Dispatch.invoke((Dispatch) doc, "SaveAs",  
                                    Dispatch.Method, new Object[] { tpFile,  
                                            new Variant(10) }, new int[1]);  
                            Variant f = new Variant(false);  
                            Dispatch.call((Dispatch) doc, "Close", f);  
                            flag = true;  
                        } catch (Exception e) {  
                        } finally {  
                            app.invoke("Quit", new Variant[] {});  
                } else {  
                    pathss = paths;  
                    // 进入下一级目录  
                    pathss = pathss + lists[i].getName() + "//";  
                    // 递归遍历所有目录  
                    change(path, pathss, savepaths);  
        public static String formatname(String name) {  
            name = name.replace('、', '_');  
            name = name.replace(')', ')');  
            name = name.replace('(', '(');  
            return name;  
        public static String pinyin(String path, String hanzi) {  
            File f = new File(path);  
            String pinyin = new String("");  
            pinyin = hanzi;  
            try {  
                FileReader fr = new FileReader(f);  
                BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr);  
                String line = new String("");  
                line = br.readLine();  
                int count = 0;  
                int location = 0;  
                while (line != null) {  
                    while (pinyin.indexOf(line.charAt(0)) != -1) {  
                        location = pinyin.indexOf(line.charAt(0));  
                        pinyin = pinyin.substring(0, location)  
                                + line.substring(1, 2)  
                                + pinyin.substring(location + 1, pinyin.length());  
                    line = br.readLine();  
                    System.out.print("/b/b/b/b/b/b" + count++);  
            } catch (Exception e) {  
                // System.err.println(e);  
            return pinyin;  
        public static void main(String[] args) {  
            String paths = new String("e://360Downloads//");  
            String savepaths = new String("e://360Downloads//Video//");  
            String path = new String("e://360Downloads//pinyin.doc");  
            change(path, paths, savepaths);  


    1) 把jacob.dll在 C:Program FilesJavajdk1.5.0_08in、C:Program FilesJavajdk1.5.0_08jrein、C:WINDOWSsystem32    目录下各.放一份
    2) 把jacob.jar放入 项目的lib包下,并且在“java构建路径”中也要加载此jar包。.
    3) 运行项目即可编译通过.


    本文出自 “阿凡达” 博客,请务必保留此出处http://shamrock.blog.51cto.com/2079212/833580

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/umgsai/p/3908146.html
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