• jQuery动态数字翻滚计数到指定数字的文字特效 JQuery.Running.js

    代码:  <span class="animateNum" data-animatetarget="999.9">999.9</span>万


    <div class="prograss">
    <div class="bar animateBar" data-animatetarget="100" style="80%;"></div>


    <div class="prograss">
    <div class="bar animateBar" data-animatetarget="100" style="80%;"></div>


    链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1mbc0wel0o9MZhj_hsE8NKg    提取码:atg3 


     * jQuery.Running.js - jQuery plugin for Running
     * Copyright (c) 2007-2015 Qietu inc
     * Licensed under the MIT license:
     *   http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
     * Project home:
     *   http://www.qietu.com/p/jQuery.Running.js
     * Version:  1.0.0
    (function ($) {
        $.fn.running = function () {
            function n() {
                var t = $(".animateNum");
                var n = {top: $(window).scrollTop(), bottom: $(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height()};
                t.each(function () {
                    var t = $(this).attr("data-animateTarget");
                   //n.top <= $(this).offset().top + $(this).height() && n.bottom >= $(this).offset().top && !$(this).data("start") && ($(this).data("start", !0),
                    !$(this).data("start") && ($(this).data("start", !0),
                    new AnimateNum({
                        obj: $(this),
                        target: t,
                        totalTime: 1e3
            function b() {
                var t = $(".animateBar");
                var n = {top: $(window).scrollTop(), bottom: $(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height()};
                t.each(function () {
                    var t = $(this).attr("data-animateTarget");
    //n.top <= $(this).offset().top + $(this).height() && n.bottom >= $(this).offset().top && !$(this).data("start") && ($(this).data("start", !0), new AnimateBar({
              //恢复注释下面的代码,解注释上面的代码 !$(this).data("start") && ($(this).data("start", !0), new AnimateBar({ obj: $(this), target: t, totalTime: 1e3 })) }) }; function p() { var t = $(".animatePie"); var n = {top: $(window).scrollTop(), bottom: $(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height()}; t.each(function () { var t = $(this).attr("data-animateTarget"); //n.top <= $(this).offset().top + $(this).height() && n.bottom >= $(this).offset().top && !$(this).data("start") && ($(this).data("start", !0), new AnimatePie({ !$(this).data("start") && ($(this).data("start", !0), new AnimatePie({ obj: $(this), target: t, totalTime: 1e3 })) }) };$(window).bind("load", function () { //如果是想刷新页面就直接加载动画,此处绑定的事件是load ,如果想滚动的时候加载,此处绑定是事件是scroll
    n(); b(); p() });
    function AnimateNum(t) { this.obj = t.obj, this.target = t.target.toString(), this.totalTime = t.totalTime || 1e3, this.init() }; function AnimateBar(t) { this.obj = t.obj, this.target = t.target.toString(), this.totalTime = t.totalTime || 1e3, this.init() }; function AnimatePie(t) { this.obj = t.obj, this.target = t.target.toString(), this.totalTime = t.totalTime || 1e3, this.init() };AnimateNum.prototype = { init: function () { return this.target ? (this.animation(), void 0) : !1 }, animation: function () { var t = this, i = this.target.indexOf("."), e = 0; i >= 0 && (e = this.target.length - i - 1); var n = this.target.replace(".", ""), s = this.totalTime / 30 | 0, a = n / s | 0, r = 0, h = 0; t.timer = setInterval(function () { r++, h += a, t.obj.html(h / Math.pow(10, e)), r >= s && (clearInterval(t.timer), t.obj.html(t.target)) }, 30) } }; AnimateBar.prototype = { init: function () { return this.target ? (this.animation(), void 0) : !1 }, animation: function () { var t = this, i = this.target.indexOf("."), e = 0; i >= 0 && (e = this.target.length - i - 1); var n = this.target.replace(".", ""), s = this.totalTime / 30 | 0, a = n / s | 0, r = 0, h = 0; t.timer = setInterval(function () { r++, h += a, t.obj.css('width', h / Math.pow(10, e) + '%'), r >= s && (clearInterval(t.timer), t.obj.animate({'width': t.target + '%'})) }, 30) } }; AnimatePie.prototype = { init: function () { return this.target ? (this.animation(), void 0) : !1 }, animation: function () { var t = this; s = this.totalTime / 60 | 0; r = 0; t.i = 0; t.count = 0; t.j = 0; num = t.target; function start1() { t.obj.find('.pieInner span').html(t.i + 1); if (num == 0) return false; t.i = t.i + 1; if (t.i == num) { clearInterval(t.t1) } if (t.i == 50) { clearInterval(t.t1); num2 = num - 50; t.t2 = setInterval(start2, 1) } ;t.obj.find(".pieLeftInner").css("-o-transform", "rotate(" + t.i * 3.6 + "deg)"); t.obj.find(".pieLeftInner").css("-moz-transform", "rotate(" + t.i * 3.6 + "deg)"); t.obj.find(".pieLeftInner").css("-webkit-transform", "rotate(" + t.i * 3.6 + "deg)") }; function start2() { t.obj.find('.pieInner span').html(50 + t.j + 1); if (num2 == 0) return false; t.j = t.j + 1; if (t.j == num2) { clearInterval(t.t2) } if (t.j == 50) { clearInterval(t.t2) } ;t.obj.find(".pieRightInner").css("-o-transform", "rotate(" + t.j * 3.6 + "deg)"); t.obj.find(".pieRightInner").css("-moz-transform", "rotate(" + t.j * 3.6 + "deg)"); t.obj.find(".pieRightInner").css("-webkit-transform", "rotate(" + t.j * 3.6 + "deg)") };t.t1 = setInterval(function () { r++; r >= s && (clearInterval(t.timer), start1()) }, 30) } } } })(jQuery);
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/pyghost/p/10675513.html
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