• 11件日常事正在缩短你的生命

    11 Things You're Doing That Could Shorten Your Life 11件日常事正在缩短你的生命 Are you sitting down while reading this? Well that could be shortening your lifespan. 你正坐着阅读本文吗?请注意:这可能会让你减寿。 Let's be honest: From the moment we're born, we're all dying just as we're living. But certain mundane things we do every day may actually be helping us get there faster. None of this means we should even try to eliminate these behaviors from our lives entirely, but it's proof that overdoing anything, even when seemingly innocuous, can have serious impacts on our health. Below we've rounded up 11 everyday things you're probably doing that could potentially shorten your lifespan: 让我们实话实说吧:从出生的那一刻起,我们活着的每一分钟都正在迈向死亡。虽说如此,一些日常小事却可能会让这个过程加速。当然,这并不意味着我们应该将这些行为完全摒弃,但是这也证明了一点:做任何事情,即便是看似无害的事情,如果过度的话,都可能对我们的健康造成严重的影响。下文中总结了11条日常生活小事,而这些事情很有可能会让你的寿命缩减: 1. You're having a hard time finding love. 1. 寻爱旅程坎坷 Having a difficult time finding a mate can shave off months of your life, while being single for prolonged periods of time could cost you a whole decade. A study by Harvard Medical School found that communities with gender ratios skewing significantly more male or female caused the minority sex to have shorter lifespans. Even when exposed to short timeframes of competition, such as attending a high school entirely of one gender, participants were found to have generally shorter lives. Lead researcher Nicholas Christakis stressed this ratio had a sexual mating basis, rather than simple social dominance. 在寻觅伴侣中受尽煎熬的人可能会少活好几个月,而长时间单身的人可能会少活整整十年。哈佛医学院的一份研究显示:在一个性别比例严重不均的群体中,如果其中多数为男性或女性,这种情况会造成其中的“少数派”群体减寿。即使这种性别不均的情况只维持一小段时间,像是在男校或女校上学的高中生涯,都可能会导致人们因此减寿。主管研究员尼古拉斯•克里斯塔基斯强调:这个性别比例是基于人类的性伴侣基础,而并非出于简单的社会优势群体的问题。 On top of all this, another study found that never getting married could increase risk of death over a lifetime by 32 percent, and led to the previously mentioned loss of a decade. That said, changing attitudes toward the social necessity of getting married over the 60-year research period could have potentially affected the results. In 1950, Census data shows that 78 percent of households were occupied by a married couple -- by 2010, that figure had dropped to 48 percent. In other words? Being single or partnered and unmarried is no longer the minority status. 除了上述问题之外,另一份研究发现:一直不婚会将死亡风险提升32%,这还没算前面提到的单身所造成的十年减寿。虽说如此,在研究过程覆盖的60年中,人们的态度也发生了变化,渐渐不再将婚姻看作社会必需品,这一点也会对研究结果造成潜在的影响。1950年的人口普查资料显示:社会的家庭构成中,78%的家庭是由已婚夫妇构成;到了2010年,这个数字下降到了48%。换句话说,无论单身还是同居,甚至不婚的人都不再是“少数派”了。 2. You're sitting down for more than a few hours every day. 2. 每天坐上好几个小时 Two whole years of your life could be cut just from sitting more than three hours a day. Australian researchers published in the British Medical Journal found that even regular exercise couldn't deter the potential negative effects of sitting for long stretches of time. 假如你一天保持坐姿的时间超过3个小时的话,可能会因此减寿整整两年。澳洲研究人员在《英国医学杂志》上发表的文章称:即使日常锻炼也无法降低久坐的潜在负面影响。 Another study published in the JAMA Internal Medicine found that sitting for more than 11 hours a day increased the risk of death by 40 percent over the next three years, compared to sitting for under four hours a day. Time to get that stand-up desk. 另一份刊登在《美国医学会杂志•内科学》上的研究表示:相对于每天坐下来不超过4小时的人来说,那些每天久坐超过11小时的人在未来三年内的死亡可能性会增加四成。 3. You're neglecting your friends. 3. 忽略朋友 People with weak social connections were found to die at much higher rates than their counterparts, according to research by Brigham Young University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, which collected data from 148 different studies. The same researchers found that prolonged loneliness could be as bad for your lifespan as smoking 15 cigarettes a day. 根据美国杨百翰大学和美国北卡罗来纳大学-教堂山分校的研究结果显示:不经常社交的人与社交频繁的人相比,死亡率会高出许多。研究人员收集了148份不同的研究数据后,最终得出了这个结论。此外他们还发现:长时间处于孤独状态对寿命所造成的危害,相当于每天抽15支烟。 On top of all this, elderly people with large circles of friends were found to be 22 percent less likely to die over a tested study period, and those social connections generally promote brain health in aging brains. 除此之外:研究测试期间还发现,拥有大型社交圈的中老年人与对照组相比,要多出22%的生存率。对于上了年纪的人来说,社交联系通常能够促进大脑的健康。 4. You're vegging out in front of your TV. 4. 泡在电视机前面 Watching just two hours of television a day can lead to an increased risk of premature death, heart disease and Type 2 diabetes, according to Harvard researchers. The negative effects of watching television seem to overlap with the potential negative effects of sitting too much, but watching television seems to make the negative effects of sitting even worse. According to the New York Times, "every single hour of television watched after the age of 25 reduces the viewer’s life expectancy by 21.8 minutes." 根据哈佛的研究人员所述:即使每天只看两个小时的电视,都可能导致早逝、心脏病和二型糖尿病的风险增加。虽然看似看电视的问题与久坐的潜在负面效应有所重叠,但是看电视会比单纯久坐更糟糕。《纽约时报》报道:“25岁以后,每多看一小时电视就会减寿约21.8分钟。” 5. You're eating too much unhealthy food. 5. 食用太多的不健康食品 Perhaps this sounds obvious, but the truth is that so many of us continue to do it. The existence of the "Stroke Belt" -- which includes many southeastern states and ranges from parts of Texas to Virginia, overlapping with much of the "Diabetes Belt" -- has led to many studies trying to figure out why life expectancy is so low and strokes are so common there. One such study focused on a town in East Texas. The residents of this town died seven years earlier than the healthiest Texans, according to the research done by the University of Washington Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. 也许这一点显而易见,也应该很容易避免,但事实上,大多数人还在继续食用不健康食品。“卒中带”的存在——从德州的一部分直到佛吉尼亚州,跨越了美国东南部许多州和地区,而这部分地区同时也覆盖了“糖尿病带”的很大一部分地区——引发了很多相关研究,人们想要了解为什么这里的平均寿命如此之短,同时中风如此易发。其中一个相关的研究集中在德克萨斯东部的镇子。根据华盛顿大学健康指标和评估研究所的研究结果:这个镇上的居民比最健康的德州人要少活7年。 As the New York Times reported, "The proof of Anderson County’s live-hard, die-young culture is in the bread pudding — and the all-you-can-eat fried catfish, the drive-through tobacco barns and the dozens of doughnut shops that dot this East Texas county of about 57,000." 正如《纽约时报》报道:“想要证明为什么安德森郡人有生活艰辛和英年早逝这种风气,就去看一看他们的面包布丁吧——以及炸鲶鱼自助餐,汽车直达的烟叶棚,还有遍布整个东德州的这大约有57000家的一大堆甜甜圈商店。 As far as what foods to especially avoid, eating red meat seems to shorten life expectancy by as much as 20 percent when eating extra portions. 特别需要忌口的食物:食用过量的红肉时,可能会减少两成左右的寿命。 6. You're still looking for a job. 6. 待业之路悠悠 Being unemployed can increase a person's risk of premature death by 63 percent, according to findings by Canadian researchers after analyzing 40 years of data from 20 million people in 15 countries. Other more specific studies on the changing mortality rates of American white women found that "the two factors most strongly associated with higher death rates were smoking and not having a job." Another found that older people who lost their jobs during the recession could have seen their lifespan decrease by as many as three years. 在研究了15个国家2千万人口40年来的数据后,加拿大研究人员得出发现:持续失业状态会让一个人早逝的可能性提高63%,其他还有:在改变美国白人妇女死亡率的专项研究中,研究人员发现“有两项因素与高居不下的死亡率息息相关,分别是吸烟与失业”。另一项发现表明:在经济衰退期失业的老年人,其平均预期寿命可能会减少差不多三年左右。 7. You're dealing with a long commute. 7. 通勤之路漫漫 Commutes of about an hour have been found to increase stress and have been linked to the same negative effects as sitting. Long commutes also reduce the likelihood that individuals will consistently participate in health related activities. The greatest lifespan risk is with female commuters, who were found to have significantly shorter lifespans after consistently commuting for 31 miles or more, according to researchers at Sweden’s Umeå University. The cause for the dip in female life expectancies has been the topic of much speculation lately, but while the Swedish research was able to link commuting to obesity, insomnia and a higher rate of divorce, it wasn't able to pinpoint why female mortality rates are higher. 长达差不多一个小时的上下班路程会让人压力倍增,同时也会导致与久坐相同的负面问题。此外,花费大量的时间在通勤路上,也会让持续参加健康相关活动的可能性愈发遥远。瑞典于默奥大学的研究者发现:女性员工将会面临最大的风险,长期上下班超过31英里(约50公里)的女性员工会严重的减寿。近来有很多猜测,讨论这个趋势的成因,但是该原因目前成谜,即使瑞典的研究人员将上下班与肥胖、失眠和较高的离婚率等因素联系到一起之后,也还是无法精确地指出原因:为何女性的死亡率会更高一些。 8. You're having a dry-spell. 8. 旱涸期过长 A study among men found that failing to orgasm for extended periods of time can potentially cause your mortality rate to be 50 percent higher than for those who have frequent orgasms. This result was found even when controlling for factors such as age, smoking, and social class. On the opposite spectrum, orgasms have been linked to quite a few additional health benefits. 一项关于男性的调查显示:长期没有性高潮的人群存在着潜在的风险,他们的死亡率会比经常爱爱的人高出五成。甚至在去除了诸如年龄、吸烟与否和社会阶层等因素后,这项结果仍旧存在。相反的,获得性高潮意味着可以获得相当不少的额外健康获益。 9. You're putting up with annoying co-workers. 9. 忍字头上一把刀 Missing out on strong connections with your co-workers can also potentially mean missing out on a longer life. According to researchers at Tel Aviv University, "Peer social support, which could represent how well a participant is socially integrated in his or her employment context, is a potent predictor of the risk of all causes of mortality." Although having feelings of encouragement coming from bosses and managers didn't seem to affect the subjects' lifespans, those who reported feelings of low social support at work were 2.4 times more likely to die over the study period. 跟同事无法保持良好的关系?这意味着你可能也会失去一部分预期寿命。以色列特拉维夫大学的研究人员表示:“在所有造成死亡的原因中,同事是否友爱——某人在工作场合中是否能够融入社交圈——是相当重要的一个检测标准。尽管感觉上来说,老板和经理给予的鼓励并不会让员工的寿命发生变化,但是在研究期间,那些表示在工作中与同事相处不怎么愉快的人,比其他人的死亡率要高出2.4倍。 10. You're not sleeping enough (or maybe too much?) 10. 要么睡不够,要么睡太多 Harvard Medical School points out that research has shown that life expectancies significantly decrease in subjects who average less than five or more than nine hours a night. 哈佛医学院指出:有研究证明,每晚的平均睡眠时间不足5小时或大于9小时,都会严重影响到预期寿命。 Most of us suffer from too little rather than too much sleep, but research suggests there truly is a sleep "sweet spot" -- at least if you're primarily concerned about living for as long as possible. 我们大多数人更多是睡得太少,而不是睡得太多,但是研究显示:这里的确有一个睡眠的“最佳平衡点”——至少在你关心的首要问题是活的够久的时候。 Chronic lack of sleep is associated with a greater risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, some cancers, dementia, cognitive and memory problems, weight gain and early death. And some research shows that too much (dramatically, unusually too much) regular sleep could be problematic as well. 长期缺少睡眠可能会对健康产生较大隐患,引发像是心血管疾病、糖尿病、某些癌症、痴呆症、认知和记忆问题、增重等病症和早逝问题。一些研究显示:即使是规律的睡眠,如果睡得太多的话(特别多、非常多)也可能会产生问题。 Research has also shown that we need an average of eight hours to function optimally, but another, somewhat controversial study found that getting more than seven hours of sleep a night has been linked to shortened lifespans. A 12 percent increase in mortality rate was found in people who slept eight hours versus those who hovered closer to seven, in a 2002 study from Brigham and Women's Hospital. However, other studies have found that needing to sleep for too long may be a sign of other physical ailments, from diabetes to depression. 还有研究显示:我们需要平均8小时的睡眠,来确保睡眠产生最大的效果。但是另一个多少会引起争论的研究有发现:每晚睡眠时间多于7小时的话,有可能会缩短寿命。布莱根妇女医院在2002年的一项研究称:睡八小时的人,比起大约在七小时左右的人来说,死亡率增加了12%。但是,还有调查发现:人们需要过长睡眠的话,可能是身体有其他疾病的信号,从糖尿病到抑郁症都有可能造成这种效果。 11. You're fearing death or that you won't live for as long as you'd like. 11. 恐惧死亡,或是不能想活多久活多久 This is a painful paradox. A fear of a shortened lifespans, or Thanatophobia, can potentially end up causing - a shortened lifespan. A 2012 study on cancer patients published in the US National Library of Medicine ended up finding that, "life expectancy was perceived as shortened in patients with death anxiety." 这是一个痛苦的悖论:人们担心预期寿命被缩短或者恐惧死亡,而这样的想法却有可能造成预期寿命被缩短。2012年发布在美国国家医学图书馆上的一项关于癌症病人的研究表示:“病人越是恐惧死亡,他们的预期寿命就越短”。 Outside of cancer patients, an intense fear of death can also lead to a three to five times increase in the risk of cardiovascular ailments, according to research on Americans who feared death from another terrorist attack following Sept. 11, 2001. Although a slight fear of death has been shown to have positive benefits, like an increase in exercise and healthy eating, the fear has been shown to significantly affect lifespans, especially in adults nearing the age of being considered elderly. These effects can also be correlated to especially paranoid people having weaker connections with society and increased feelings of alienation -- the negative effects of which were both discussed above. 除了癌症病人以外,还有一项研究是针对2001年9月11日之后害怕恐怖分子袭击的美国人的,其结果显示:对死亡强烈的恐惧会导致心血管疾病发生率增加三到五倍。尽管轻微的恐惧死亡会有积极的效果,就像增加锻炼和健康饮食一样,但是恐惧会严重地影响到预期寿命,尤其是对那些接近花甲之年的成年人来说。这些影响还可见于那些少社交的偏执型孤僻者,增加其与世隔绝的感觉——这些情况的负面效果在上面都有讨论到。 转:http://xue.youdao.com/biarticle.a?articleId=5465886705810212803&keyfrom=PopWindow&date=2014-06-04&abtest=0
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/kingshow123/p/11things.html
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