• Unity 平台依赖编译

    位置:unity文档->Manual->Scripting->Scripting Overview->Platform dependent compilation

    UNITY_EDITOR #define directive for calling Unity Editor scripts from your game code.
    UNITY_EDITOR_WIN #define directive for Editor code on Windows.
    UNITY_EDITOR_OSX #define directive for Editor code on Mac OS X.
    UNITY_STANDALONE_OSX #define directive for compiling/executing code specifically for Mac OS X (including Universal, PPC and Intel architectures).
    UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN #define directive for compiling/executing code specifically for Windows standalone applications.
    UNITY_STANDALONE_LINUX #define directive for compiling/executing code specifically for Linux standalone applications.
    UNITY_STANDALONE #define directive for compiling/executing code for any standalone platform (Mac OS X, Windows or Linux).
    UNITY_WII #define directive for compiling/executing code for the Wii console.
    UNITY_IOS #define directive for compiling/executing code for the iOS platform.
    UNITY_IPHONE Deprecated. Use UNITY_IOS instead.
    UNITY_ANDROID #define directive for the Android platform.
    UNITY_PS4 #define directive for running PlayStation 4 code.
    UNITY_SAMSUNGTV #define directive for executing Samsung TV code.
    UNITY_XBOXONE #define directive for executing Xbox One code.
    UNITY_TIZEN #define directive for the Tizen platform.
    UNITY_TVOS #define directive for the Apple TV platform.
    UNITY_WP_8_1 #define directive for Windows Phone 8.1.
    UNITY_WSA #define directive for Windows Store Apps. Additionally, NETFX_CORE is defined when compiling C# files against .NET Core.
    UNITY_WSA_8_1 #define directive for Windows Store Apps when targeting SDK 8.1.
    UNITY_WSA_10_0 #define directive for Windows Store Apps when targeting Universal Windows 10 Apps. Additionally WINDOWS_UWP and NETFX_CORE are defined when compiling C# files against .NET Core.
    UNITY_WINRT_8_1 Equivalent to UNITY_WP_8_1 | UNITY_WSA_8_1. This is also defined when compiling against Universal SDK 8.1.
    UNITY_WINRT_10_0 Equivalent to UNITY_WSA_10_0
    UNITY_WEBGL #define directive for WebGL.
    UNITY_ADS #define directive for calling Unity Ads methods from your game code. Version 5.2 and above.
    UNITY_ANALYTICS #define directive for calling Unity Analytics methods from your game code. Version 5.2 and above.
    UNITY_ASSERTIONS #define directive for assertions control process.


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