• 012_犯人的夏日的蚊虫叮咬词汇

    1.hut /hʌt/n. 小屋;临时营房vt.使住在小屋中;驻扎vi. 住在小屋中;驻扎
    N-COUNT A hut is a small house with only one or two rooms, especially one which is made of wood, mud, grass, or stones. (木头、泥、草或石头搭成的) 小屋
    N-COUNT A hut is a small wooden building in someone's garden, or a temporary building used by builders or repair workers. 木屋; (工人住的) 临时工棚
    2.itchy /ˈɪtʃɪ/adj. 发痒的;渴望的
    ADJ If a part of your body or something you are wearing is itchy, you have an unpleasant feeling on your skin that makes you want to scratch. 发痒的
    3.wound 英[wuːnd]n.创伤,伤口vt.使受伤vi.受伤,伤害
    4.puffy /ˈpʌfɪ/adj. 肿胀的;松软洁白的;(衣服)膨起的;过分修饰的;喘息的n. 眼袋
    ADJ If a part of someone's body, especially their face, is puffy, it has a round, swollen appearance. 圆肿的
    5.bump /bʌmp/n. 肿块,隆起物;撞击vi.碰撞,撞击;颠簸而行vt.碰,撞;颠簸adv.突然地,猛烈地
    V-T/V-I If you bump into something or someone, you accidentally hit them while you are moving. 撞上
    N-COUNT A bump is a minor injury or swelling that you get if you bump into something or if something hits you. 肿块
    eg: She fell against our coffee table and got a large bump on her forehead.她撞到了我们的咖啡桌跌倒了,前额起了一个大包
    N-COUNT A bump on a road is a raised, uneven part. (路面) 隆起部分
    WOAT means "Worst of All Time"
    GOAT (Greatest of All Time)
    7.itch /ɪtʃ/n. 痒;渴望;疥疮vi.发痒;渴望vt.使发痒;使恼怒
    V-I When a part of your body itches, you have an unpleasant feeling on your skin that makes you want to scratch. 发痒
    N-COUNT Itch is also a noun. 痒
    8.long run adj.长期的n.最后
    9.saliva /səˈlaɪvə/n. 唾液;涎
    N-UNCOUNT Saliva is the watery liquid that forms in your mouth and helps you to chew and digest food. 唾液
    eg: He noticed a lot of saliva settling in his mouth.
    10.antibody /ˈæntɪˌbɒdɪ/n. [免疫]抗体(antibody的复数)
    N-COUNT Antibodies are substances that a person's or an animal's body produces in their blood in order to destroy substances that carry disease. 抗体
    11.clot /klɒt/n. 凝块,黏团(尤指血块);(非正式)笨蛋,傻瓜v.(使)凝结成块;覆以粘性物质
    N-COUNT A clot is a sticky lump that forms when blood dries up or becomes thick. (血液的) 凝块
    V-I When blood clots, it becomes thick and forms a lump. (血液) 凝结成块
    12.histamine /ˈhɪstəˌmiːn, -mɪn/n. [生化] 组胺
    N an amine formed from histidine and released by the body tissues in allergic reactions, causing irritation. It also stimulates gastric secretions, dilates blood vessels, and contracts smooth muscle. Formula: C5H9N3 组胺
    13.gastric /ˈɡæstrɪk/adj. 胃的;胃部的
    ADJ You use gastric to describe processes, pain, or illnesses that occur in someone's stomach. 胃部的
    14.secretion /sɪˈkriːʃən/n. 分泌物(secretion的复数)
    N-UNCOUNT Secretion is the process by which certain liquid substances are produced by parts of plants or from the bodies of people or animals. 分泌
    N-PLURAL Secretions are liquid substances produced by parts of plants or bodies. 分泌物
    15.dilate /daɪˈleɪt/v. 扩大,详述(dilate第三人称单数);膨胀
    V-T/V-I When things such as blood vessels or the pupils of your eyes dilate or when something dilates them, they become wider or bigger. 使扩大; 扩大
    16.swelling /ˈswɛlɪŋ/n. 肿胀,肿块;膨胀v.肿胀,膨胀;(使)凸出,鼓出;增大,增多,增强;(情绪)高涨,充满(swell 的现在分词)
    N-VAR A swelling is a raised, curved shape on the surface of your body which appears as a result of an injury or an illness. (由于受伤或疾病导致的) 肿块
    Summer means outdoor BBQs, sunsets, fireworks… and mosquitos ugh! The season is meant to be spent outside, but how annoying are those mosquitos. Suddenly realizing that you have 10 red, puffy[ˈpʌfi], itchy/[ˈɪtʃi]/ bumps/[bʌmp]/ on your legs is the actual WOAT(Worst of All Time). Unfortunately, mosquitos are kind of unavoidable during the summer, so how can you make sure that your bites/[baɪt]/ go away as fast as possible?
    夏天代表了户外烧烤、看日落、看烟火……啊,还有蚊子!这个季节注定要在室外度过,但蚊子太烦人了. 突然发现腿上被叮了10个红红的、痒痒的大包真得吓一跳. 不幸的是,蚊子在夏天几乎是不可避免的,所以怎么才能使被叮的包尽快消失呢?
    Don't itch them. You're kidding, right?! Nope… if you can avoid itching your mosquito bites, they will be less itchy in the long run[长期的], and go away faster! Why? Well basically, once a mosquito bites you, it leaves behind its saliva/[səˈlaɪvə]/ which your body recognizes as a foreign substance. So, in response, your body's immune[ɪˈmjuːn] system produces antibodies ['ænti,bɔdiz] to fight the invader[ɪnˈveɪdə(r)], which results in the release of histamine[ˈhɪstəmiːn] (the compound that makes things itch and swell[swel]). When you start itching['ɪtʃɪŋ] a mosquito bite, you give your immune system another wake-up call, and more antibodies and histamine are released, aka (also known as), more swelling, itching, and redness.
    不要挠. 你开玩笑吧?并没有……如果你能不去挠蚊子叮咬的部位,他们之后就不会那么痒,也会消失得更快!为什么呢?其实一旦你被蚊子咬了,留在你体内的蚊子唾液就会被你的身体视为异物,所以为了对抗异物,你身体的免疫系统会产生抗体来对抗入侵者,释放组胺(这种化合物会使皮肤发痒肿胀). 挠蚊子叮咬部位会再次唤醒免疫系统,然后就会释放更多的抗体和组胺,这就意味着会更肿更痒更红.
    So, next time you've been bitten by the bug, try holding off as long as you can to scratch.

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