• red5学习笔记系列之二red5常见问题解答FAQ

    Red5 is an Open Source Flash Server written in Java that supports:
    • Streaming Audio/Video (FLV and MP3)
    • Recording Client Streams (FLV only)
    • Shared Objects
    • Live Stream Publishing
    • Remoting (AMF)
    For the current release information goto the Releases[http://www.red5.org/red5-server/]
    page at red5.org.
    Lastly the documentation is under development at the moment. If you have unanswered
    questions after using it, please check out our mailing list[http://groups.google.com/group/

    red5是个用java写的开源的flash server,支持下列功能:

    • 音频流和视频流
    • 录制客户端视频流(仅限于flv)
    • 共享对象
    • 直播
    • 远程调用amf格式


    0.8 Public Beta Release
    More stable version of 0.7 for production environment testing. This public beta release will
    have many more features and so the focus should be on testing and bug reports.
    • Hot Deployment不好翻译
    • Auto-unpacking of wars,war文件好想是java里面的吧
    • New Install application for example apps 实例程序,新的安装程序,所以导致资料比较少,这个我也没有弄明白,等下参照网上的资料就好了。
    ** examples are downloaded and installed on demand 根据需要下载和安装,但是这个就么有看懂
    • No installed examples by default默认不安装例子,这个好奇怪不知道为什么
    • New Download Repository
    • Official Release Home (red5.org)
    • New Welcome page with new styles新的欢迎界面
    • Bug fixes修复了bug


    The best way you can help make this FAQ more useful is by asking questions: either in any
    of the places above, or by leaving your questions in the comments below.
    • Bugs and requests for new features can be submitted to Trac
    • Ideas for new features can be talked about on the mailinglist



    2.2. Answers
    2.2.1. General What is Red5?
    Red5is an open source Flash RTMP server written in Java that supports:
    • Streaming Audio/Video (FLV and MP3)
    • Recording Client Streams (FLV only)
    • Shared Objects
    • Live Stream Publishing
    • Remoting这个上面翻译过了 What does Red5 stand for?
    Originally referenced to Star Wars.  Red5 was the "one who did the
    impossible". red5是什么意思,回答可能是和星际争霸有关,谁做了不可能是事情 Is there a migration guide from FMS to Red5?
    Yes: Migration Guide 有从fms到red5的迁移指导 How do I create new applications?
    Creating New Applications如何创建新的应用 What are configuration files?
    see: Configuration Files In Red5 Is there a mailing list?
    Check the mailing list page[http://trac.red5.org/wiki/MailingLists

    这里介绍了邮件列表,不过我没有使用过邮件列表都不知道怎么用呢的,惭愧啊 What Ports does Red5 use?
    http.port=5080 // tomcat or jetty servlet container
    rtmp.port=1935 // traditional rtmp
    rtmpt.port=8088 // rtmp tunneled over http
    mrtmp.port=9035 // used with an edge/origin setup
    proxy.source_port=1936 // used to debug
    These default ports can be changed in "RED5_HOME]conf ed5.properties"
    Additionally, most users only forward port 1935 and 5080

    这里问的是red5使用什么端口,介绍了哥哥使用的端口,而且这些端口可以改的 I'm interested in helping the project. How can I help?
    You can create a new Trac ticket for any contributions you want to make, attach the
    files there or link it. Make sure you signup on the mailinglist[http://trac.red5.org/wiki/
    MailingLists]as well..

    如何参与到项目 How do I stream to/from custom directories?
    Customize Stream Paths

    关于流的自定义目录,自己定义流的路径 How to detect the end of recording ?
    See the API docs[http://api.red5.nl/org/red5/server/api/stream/
    IStreamAwareScopeHandler.html]. How can I record RTMP streams from Red5?

    See: http://ptrthomas.wordpress.com/2008/04/19/how-to-record-rtmp-flash-video-streamsusing-red5 Does Red5 support multicast streaming?
    It should be noted that multicasting support is not available in the Flash Player. For that
    reason, no media server can deliver a multi-casting solution to the Flash Player. In addition,
    many networks have multicasting turned off so it may not be realiable for other platforms
    either such as Windows Media Player. These solutions usually fall back to unicasting when
    clients cannot receive muliticasted media. In regards to Unicasting, Red5 already has this
    functionality. In addition, we have an edge-origin solution sometimes referred to as streamreapeating.
    Frequently Asked Questions
    red5支持组播吗,因为flash player本身不支持组播,所以基于flash的流媒体服务器自然也就不支持组播了。


    然后回使用单播,至于单播,red5已经有这个功能, Can Red5 stream using UDP?
    No. Even though Java can stream using UDP, the Flash Player can not receive data sent
    using UDP.

    这里有个疑问就是貌似flash player最新的代码已经支持udp了,flp已经支持p2p技术了,这个有待观察。
    2.2.5. Codecs What Codecs does Red5 Support?
    Video codecs:
    • ScreenVideo
    • On2 VP6
    • Sorenson H.263
    • H264
    Audio codecs:
    • ADPCM
    • NellyMoser
    • MP3
    • Speex
    • AAC

    介绍了red5支持的编码,有很多,这里screenvideo难道是录制屏幕吗? What is RTMFP and when will it be available in Red5?
    RTMFP stands for "RTMFP (Real Time Media Flow Protocol". You can read more about it
    in the release notes. Just search the following page[http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/
    To understand what this protocol is and does, read the following FAQ[http://
    Red5 does not support RTMFP. At the moment, there isn't enough exposure to RTMFP
    and discussion can resume once it is released and more is known about the protocol.

    2.2.6. Database What databases are supported?
    Red5 is built with Java. So any database that has a JDBC driver will work. Can I use Hibernate with Red5?
    2.2.7. Scripting What scripting languages are available?
    Scripting support (JavaScript, Groovy, Beanshell, JRuby, Jython)

    Frequently Asked Questions
    9 Does Red5 support Actionscript 1?
    Not yet, but there is development in this area and proof of concepts have been presented
    at conferences. Does Red5 support Actionscript 3?
    Not yet, but there is development in this area and proof of concepts have viewed by Red5
    team members.

    2.2.8. Shared Objects How do you setup a Remote SharedObject?
    see: http://livedocs.adobe.com/fms/2/docs/wwhelp/wwhimpl/common/html/wwhelp.htm?
    context=LiveDocs_Parts&file=00000607.html  这里介绍了如何声明一个共享对象 Are there any examples on the web?

    Below is a list of applications that use Red5.
    • http://www.snappmx.com/a Rapid Application Development System that supports the
    creation of Red5 applications.
    • http://code.google.com/p/openmeetingsby Sebastian Wagner.
    • http://www.dokeos.comvideconf module by Sebastian Wagner.
    • http://spreed.com
    Frequently Asked Questions
    • http://www.videokent.com/videochat.php
    • http://www.weekee.tvan online video editing site by Weekee team.

    • http://blipback.comBlipBack is a video comment widget that you can embed on any
    number of social network sites or blogs you]have. Blipback lets you or your friends record
    short video comments directly to your page.
    • http://artemis.effectiveui.comBridge AIR applications to the Java runtime.
    • http://jooce.comJooce is your very own, private online desktop - with public file sharing
    capabilities. A highly-secure, on]ine space to keep, view, listen to - and instantly share
    with friends - all your files, photos,music and video.
    • http://facebook.com/videoVideo uploading/recording/messaging system that allows you
    to record a video on the upload page or]send a private message to another user and
    attach a video.
    • http://www.f-ab.netF-ab is a simple browser for Flash movies. F-ab has "FLVPhone",
    which is a video conferencing telephone ]sing the Flash movie. Red5 is embedded in Fab to communicate with the remote FLVPhone.
    • Streaming video chat software script is a RED5 based system that allows you to build
    [http://www.streamingvideosoftware.info]comprehensive pay per minute / pay per view
    video chat site.
    • http://pixelquote.comHuge Pixelwall where visitors can simply add Pixels with their
    Messages - by Simon Kusterer.
    • http://nonoba.com/chris/fridge-magnetsClassical fridge magnet toy.
    • http://www.quarterlife.comVideo blogging
    • http://www.avchat.netRed5 Flash Audio/Video Chat Software
    • http://www.avchat.net/fms-bandwidth-checker.phpRed5 bandwidth checker with upload/
    download and latency tests
    • http://www.justepourrire-nantes.frRed5 Flash Video streaming
    • http://www.nielsenaa.com/TV/tv.phpRed5 Flash Php/MySql/Ajax driven scheduled &
    streamed multi channel TV - VOD
    • http://www.videoflashchat.comVideoFlashChat - Red5 version for Web Based Video
    • http://www.videogirls.bizVideoGirls BiZ - Red5 version for Pay Per View Video Chat
    • http://www.ligachannel.comLigachannel.com - Italian singer site. Red5 used for VOD
    Protected Streaming and audio/video reco]ding widgets
    • http://www.sticko.com/Video portal with widgets for popular social networking sites
    • http://www.zingaya.jp/VOIP server built on Red5 for Flashphone
    Frequently Asked Questions
    • http://www.gchats.com/red5chat/visichat/Visichat, flash video and audio chat with red5
    • http://www.agileagenda.com/The AgileAgenda web service was written with Red5
    • http://www.videoondemandsoftware.comRED5 based Video on demand HD-TV quality
    pay per view/minutes software
    • http://www.videochatsoftware.orgFlash red5 video chat software
    • http://www.hubbabubba.com/HubbaBubba world
    • http://www.deltastrike.org/DeltaStrike - free online realtime multiplayer strategy game Is there any professional support?

    Companies Listed:
    • Infrared5 ( www.infrared5.com[http://www.infrared5.com])
    • Red5Server ( http://www.red5server.com)


    而且还有个问题就是不知道后台管理的用户名密码是什么,我明明没有设置用户名密码啊,red5 1.0版本安装的时候也没有给出任何提示,这是拿人开涮的吗?

    On this page you can find some sample applications that show the various features provided by Red5.

    You must install the demo applications before running them. 运行这些例子之前必须安装! 问题在于没有给出安装的方法,让人不知所谓




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