• Mybatis中常见的SQL DML

    1、sql select 查询

    <select id="query"  resultType="CfCurrbusilogEntity" >
                    cb.bizid bizid,
                    cb.phone phone,
                    cb.ispno ispno,
                    cb.ipstype ipstype,
                    cb.province province,
                    cb.facevalue facevalue,
                    cb.orderid orderid,
                    cb.cporderno cporderno,
                    cb.systransno systransno,
                    cb.responsecode responsecode,
                    cb.spprice spprice,
                    cb.spno spno,
                    cb.apprice apprice,
                    cb.apno apno,
                    cb.createtime createtime,
                    cb.updatetime updatetime,
                    cb.status status,
                    ac.acname  acname,
                    c.cname  cname,
                    p.pname pname
                        CF_CURRBUSILOG CB
                         LEFT JOIN CF_ACCESSCLIENT AC
                             ON CB.APNO = AC.ID
                                 LEFT JOIN CF_CUSTOMER C
                                     ON AC.CID = C.ID
                                         LEFT JOIN CF_PROVINCE P
                                             ON CB.PROVINCE = P.PNO
                    1 =1
                    and cb.createtime  between REPLACE(#{param1.begintime},'-','') AND CONCAT(REPLACE(#{param1.endtime},'-',''),'99')
                    <if test="param1.begintime!='' and param1.begintime!=null and param1.endtime!='' and param1.endtime!=null">
                        and cb.createtime  between #{param1.begintime} and #{param1.endtime} 
                    </if>      -->
                    <if test="param1.cid!='' and param1.cid!=null">
                        and c.id = #{param1.cid} 
                    <if test="param1.acid!='' and param1.acid!=null">
                        and ac.id = #{param1.acid} 
                    <if test="param1.ispno!='' and param1.ispno!=null">
                        and cb.ispno = #{param1.ispno} 
                    <if test="param1.province!='' and param1.province!=null">
                        and cb.province = #{param1.province} 
                    <if test="param1.ipstype!='' and param1.ipstype!=null">
                        and cb.ipstype = #{param1.ipstype} 
                    <if test="param1.status!='' and param1.status!=null">
                        <if test='param1.status == "4" '>
                            and cb.status in( '3', '4')
                        <if test='param1.status != "4" '>
                            and cb.status = #{param1.status}
                    <if test="param1.facevalue!='' and param1.facevalue!=null">                           
                        and cb.facevalue like CONCAT('%',#{param1.facevalue},'%' )                    
                    <if test="param1.systransno!='' and param1.systransno!=null">
                        and cb.systransno = #{param1.systransno} 
                    <if test="param1.orderid!='' and param1.orderid!=null">
                        and cb.orderid = #{param1.orderid} 
                    <if test="param1.phone!='' and param1.phone!=null">
                        and cb.phone like CONCAT('%',#{param1.phone},'%' )
            order by cb.updatetime desc
             limit #{start},#{length}

    2、sql insert

     1 <!-- 插入数据 -->
     2     <insert id="insertBlack" parameterType="BlacklistEntity">
     4             (     
     5                 BLACKID,
     6                 BLACKTYPE,
     7                 BLACKVALUE,
     8                 ACTIONID,
     9                 REMARK,
    10                 OVERTIME,
    11                 STATUS
    12             ) 
    13                 VALUES 
    14             (
    15                 #{blackid},
    16                 #{blacktype},
    17                 #{blackvalue},
    18                 #{actionid},
    19                 #{remark},
    20                 #{overtime},
    21                 #{status}
    22             )
    23     </insert>

    3、sql update

     1 <!-- 修改数据 -->
     2     <update id="updateblack" parameterType="BlacklistEntity">
     3         UPDATE 
     4             BLACKLIST
     5             <set>
     6                 <if test="overtime!='' and overtime!=null">
     7                      OVERTIME = #{overtime},
     8                 </if>
     9                 <if test="blacktype!='' and blacktype!=null">
    10                      BLACKTYPE = #{blacktype}, 
    11                 </if>
    12                 <if test="blackvalue!='' and blackvalue!=null">
    13                      BLACKVALUE = #{blackvalue},
    14                 </if>
    15                 <if test="actionid!='' and actionid!=null">
    16                      ACTIONID = #{actionid}, 
    17                 </if>
    18                 <if test="status!='' and status!=null">
    19                      STATUS = #{status}, 
    20                 </if>
    21                 <if test="remark!='' and remark!=null">
    22                      REMARK = #{remark} 
    23                 </if>
    24             </set>
    25         WHERE
    26              BLACKID = #{blackid}
    27     </update>

    4、sql delete

    1 <!-- 删除数据 -->
    2     <delete id="deleteblack" parameterType="String">
    3         DELETE FROM
    4             BLACKLIST
    5         WHERE
    6             BLACKID=#{blackid}
    7     </delete>
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/guoziyi/p/5993486.html
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