• 修改住院号,住院次数

    SELECT ' update '|| a.table_name || ' set czyh='''|| to_char('aaaaaa')|| ''',izycs=1 ,v_zylsh='''||to_char('bbbbbb')|| ''' where czyh='''||to_char('ccccc')|| ''' and izycs=2 ;' FROM (
    (select TABLE_NAME from DBA_TAB_COLUMNS where COLUMN_NAME='IZYCS' AND TABLE_NAME NOT LIKE 'T_%' AND TABLE_NAME NOT LIKE'V_%') b where a.table_name=b.table_name;

    update CP_BRBRJYYB set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update CP_BRMBLJB_YEXH set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update XTGL_ZYBCJL set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update EXAM_LIS_MASTER set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update EXAM_RECORDS set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update EXAM_RECORDS_LS set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update EXAM_RECORDS_MASTER set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update LAB_RESULT_IMG set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update SSGL_SSAPB set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update SSGL_SSJL set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update BAGL_BASY set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update EMR_MZJLD_HZ set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update EMR_MZJLD_HZWB set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update EMR_MZJLD_SR set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update EMR_OFF_PATIENT set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update EMR_ORDER set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update EMR_ORDER_LS set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update EMR_ORDER_OLD set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update EMR_ORDER_PRINT set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update EMR_ORDER_PRINT_LS set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update EMR_SCD set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update EMR_SCD2 set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update EMR_SCD_LS set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update EMR_YZMBMX set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update A5 set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZYGL_BASY_VALUE set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZYGL_BINGCXX set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZYGL_BINGCXX_DAY set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZYGL_BRCKD set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZYGL_BRCRYTJ set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZYGL_BRCYZM set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZYGL_BRJIESUAN set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZYGL_BRJIESUANMX set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZYGL_BRJIESUANMX20170622 set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZYGL_BRJIESUANMX_LS set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZYGL_BRJSYH set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZYGL_BRSJB set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZYGL_BRSJD set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZYGL_BRTOUZSP set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZYGL_BRYRQD set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZYGL_BRZHUANCJL set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZYGL_BRZYJZ set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZYGL_CFD set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZYGL_CFD_LS set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZYGL_CFD_OLD set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZYGL_CQYZB set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZYGL_CQYZB_LS set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZYGL_CZYJSJL set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZYGL_DBZ set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZYGL_EMR_DOC set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZYGL_EMR_DOC_RECORD set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZYGL_EMR_DOC_VALUE set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZYGL_EMR_SX_EVENT set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZYGL_FPPRINT set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZYGL_JIAOFEIJL set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZYGL_LSYZB set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZYGL_ORDER set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZYGL_ORDER_LS set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update MZGL_BRZYDJB set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update MZGL_BRZYDJB_DEYJ set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update MZGL_BRZYDJB_SQ set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update MZGL_BRZYDJB_YE set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update MZ_BLB set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZYGL_SSSQDJB set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZYGL_YZBYD set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZYGL_YZBYD_LS set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZYGL_YZBYQQMX set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZYGL_YZBYQQMXJL set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZYGL_YZBYQQMXJLRSL set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZYGL_YZHJ set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZYGL_YZQYD set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZYGL_YZQYD_LS set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update EMR_SCD_BAK set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update HOS_WDDYJL set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update MZGL_BRDQZT set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update MZGL_BRZYDJB_200415 set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update MZGL_BRZYDJB_LOG set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update MZGL_BRZYDJB_RJZ set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update MZGL_BRZYDJ_LOG set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update PA_ZYGL_AUTO_YZZX_ZYBR set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZKGL_NHZK_WGXXJL set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZKGL_SXZK_EVENTS set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZKGL_SXZK_WGXXJL set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZYGL_BINGCXXBAK set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZYGL_BRCRYTJ_LS set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZYGL_BRSJD_BAK set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZYGL_FPPRINT_BAK set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZYGL_FYHZ_FPL set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZYGL_HLJLD set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZYGL_HSXS set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZYGL_JIAOFEIJL_RJZ set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZYGL_PLLRTW2 set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZYGL_TWD set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZYGL_TZLR set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZYGL_YZBYD_FQ set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZYGL_YZBYD_QX set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZYGL_YZBYQQMXJL_LS set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update ZYGL_ZBMXD set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update BASY_JBZD_VALUE set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update DZBL_BLJY set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update EMR_CCT_HZ set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update EMR_CCT_SR set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;
    update XTGL_XMDK_LOG set c_zyh='aaaaaa',i_zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where c_zyh='ccccc' and i_zycs=2 ;

    update BAGL_BRBAJBXX set zyh='aaaaaa',zycs=1 where zyh='ccccc' and zycs=2 ;
    update BAGL_BRCYZD set zyh='aaaaaa',zycs=1 where zyh='ccccc' and zycs=2 ;
    update BAGL_FYXX set zyh='aaaaaa',zycs=1 where zyh='ccccc' and zycs=2 ;
    update BAGL_QTXX set zyh='aaaaaa',zycs=1 where zyh='ccccc' and zycs=2 ;
    update BAGL_SSJBXX set zyh='aaaaaa',zycs=1 where zyh='ccccc' and zycs=2 ;
    update SSGL_SSSQD set zyh='aaaaaa',zycs=1 where zyh='ccccc' and zycs=2 ;
    update BAGL_WT5 set zyh='aaaaaa',zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where zyh='ccccc' and zycs=2 ;
    update BAGL_WT5FYXX set zyh='aaaaaa',zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where zyh='ccccc' and zycs=2 ;
    update BAGL_WT5SSXX set zyh='aaaaaa',zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where zyh='ccccc' and zycs=2 ;
    update BASY_ZYXXB set zyh='aaaaaa',zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where zyh='ccccc' and zycs=2 ;
    update BASY_ZYXXB_LS set zyh='aaaaaa',zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where zyh='ccccc' and zycs=2 ;
    update EMR_DOC_EMR set zyh='aaaaaa',zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where zyh='ccccc' and zycs=2 ;
    update EMR_DOC_PINGFEN set zyh='aaaaaa',zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where zyh='ccccc' and zycs=2 ;
    update EMR_JYGL set zyh='aaaaaa',zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where zyh='ccccc' and zycs=2 ;
    update EMR_MESSAGE set zyh='aaaaaa',zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where zyh='ccccc' and zycs=2 ;
    update EMR_ONLEMONITOR set zyh='aaaaaa',zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where zyh='ccccc' and zycs=2 ;
    update EMR_PATIENT_DOC set zyh='aaaaaa',zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where zyh='ccccc' and zycs=2 ;
    update EMR_PATIENT_DOC_LS set zyh='aaaaaa',zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where zyh='ccccc' and zycs=2 ;
    update EMR_PATIENT_DOC_VALUES set zyh='aaaaaa',zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where zyh='ccccc' and zycs=2 ;
    update EMR_PATIENT_DOC_VALUES_LS set zyh='aaaaaa',zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where zyh='ccccc' and zycs=2 ;
    update EMR_PATIENT_DOC_VALUES_TRACE set zyh='aaaaaa',zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where zyh='ccccc' and zycs=2 ;
    update EMR_PATIENT_DOC_VALUES_TRACE_L set zyh='aaaaaa',zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where zyh='ccccc' and zycs=2 ;
    update ZYGL_BRSCDXX set zyh='aaaaaa',zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where zyh='ccccc' and zycs=2 ;
    update EMR_BRPFB set zyh='aaaaaa',zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where zyh='ccccc' and zycs=2 ;
    update EMR_PATIENT set zyh='aaaaaa',zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where zyh='ccccc' and zycs=2 ;
    update EMR_PATIENT_DOC_BAK set zyh='aaaaaa',zycs=1 ,v_zylsh='bbbbbb' where zyh='ccccc' and zycs=2 ;
    update ZKGL_RWLB set zyh='aaaaaa',zycs=1 where zyh='ccccc' and zycs=2 ;
    update ZKGL_SSLB set zyh='aaaaaa',zycs=1 where zyh='ccccc' and zycs=2 ;

    update BASY_DATA set czyh='aaaaaa',izycs=1,bah='aaaaaa' ,zycs=1 where czyh='ccccc' and izycs=2 ;

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/doudou618/p/14248976.html
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