• Get on the CORBA

     from: 《The Common Object Request Broker: Architecture and Specification》


    To make a request, the Client can use the Dynamic Invocation interface (the same interface independent of the target object’s interface) or an OMG IDL stub (the specific stub depending on the interface of the target object). The Client can also directly interact with the ORB for some functions.

    Definitions of the interfaces to objects can be defined in two ways. Interfaces can be defined statically in an interface definition language, called the OMG Interface Definition Language (OMG IDL). Alternatively, or in addition, interfaces can be added to an Interface Repository service; this service represents the components of an interface as objects, permitting run-time access to these components. In any ORB implementation, the Interface Definition Language (which may be extended beyond its definition in this document) and the Interface Repository have equivalent expressive power.

    Server(Object Implementation)

    The Object Implementation receives a request as an up-call either through the OMG IDL generated skeleton or through a dynamic skeleton. The Object Implementation may call the Object Adapter and the ORB while processing a request or at other times.

    The ORB locates the appropriate implementation code, transmits parameters, and transfers control to the Object Implementation through an IDL skeleton or a dynamic skeleton. Skeletons are specific to the interface and the object adapter. In performing the request, the object implementation may obtain some services from the ORB through the Object Adapter. When the request is complete, control and output values are returned to the client.

    Object Request Broker

    In the architecture, the ORB is not required to be implemented as a single component, but rather it is defined by its interfaces. Any ORB implementation that provides the appropriate interface is acceptable. The interface is organized into three categories:

    1. Operations that are the same for all ORB implementations
    2. Operations that are specific to particular types of objects
    3. Operations that are specific to particular styles of object implementations

    Different ORBs may make quite different implementation choices, and, together with the IDL compilers, repositories, and various Object Adapters, provide a set of services to clients and implementations of objects that have different properties and qualities.There may be multiple ORB implementations (also described as multiple ORBs) which have different representations for object references and different means of performing invocations. It may be possible for a client to simultaneously have access to two object references managed by different ORB implementations. When two ORBs are intended to work together, those ORBs must be able to distinguish their object references. It is not the responsibility of the client to do so.

    The ORB Core is that part of the ORB that provides the basic representation of objects and communication of requests. CORBA is designed to support different object mechanisms, and it does so by structuring the ORB with components above the ORB Core, which provide interfaces that can mask the differences between ORB Cores.

    Client Stubs

    For the mapping of a non–object–oriented language, there will be a programming interface to the stubs for each interface type. Generally, the stubs will present access to the OMG IDL-defined operations on an object in a way that is easy for programmers to predict once they are familiar with OMG IDL and the language mapping for the particular programming language. The stubs make calls on the rest of the ORB using interfaces that are private to, and presumably optimized for, the particular ORB Core. If more than one ORB is available, there may be different stubs corresponding to the different ORBs. In this case, it is necessary for the ORB and language mapping to cooperate to associate the correct stubs with the particular object reference.

    Object-oriented programming languages, such as C++ and Smalltalk, do not require stub interfaces.

    Dynamic Invocation Interface

    An interface is also available that allows the dynamic construction of object invocations, that is, rather than calling a stub routine that is specific to a particular operation on a particular object, a client may specify the object to be invoked, the operation to be performed, and the set of parameters for the operation through a call or sequence of calls. The client code must supply information about the operation to be performed and the types of the parameters being passed (perhaps obtaining it from an Interface Repository or other run-time source). The nature of the dynamic invocation interface may vary substantially from one programming language mapping to another.

    Implementation Skeleton

    For a particular language mapping, and possibly depending on the object adapter, there will be an interface to the methods that implement each type of object. The interface will generally be an up-call interface, in that the object implementation writes routines that conform to the interface and the ORB calls them through the skeleton. The existence of a skeleton does not imply the existence of a corresponding client stub (clients can also make requests via the dynamic invocation interface). It is possible to write an object adapter that does not use skeletons to invoke implementation methods. For example, it may be possible to create implementations dynamically for languages such as Smalltalk.

    Dynamic Skeleton Interface

    An interface is available which allows dynamic handling of object invocations. That is, rather than being accessed through a skeleton that is specific to a particular operation, an object’s implementation is reached through an interface that provides access to the operation name and parameters in a manner analogous to the client side’s Dynamic Invocation Interface. Purely static knowledge of those parameters may be used, or dynamic knowledge (perhaps determined through an Interface Repository) may be also used, to determine the parameters.The implementation code must provide descriptions of all the operation parameters to the ORB, and the ORB provides the values of any input parameters for use in performing the operation. The implementation code provides the values of any output parameters, or an exception, to the ORB after performing the operation. The nature of the dynamic skeleton interface may vary substantially from one programming language mapping or object adapter to another, but will typically be an up-call interface.Dynamic skeletons may be invoked both through client stubs and through the dynamic invocation interface; either style of client request construction interface provides identical results.

    Object Adapters

    An object adapter is the primary way that an object implementation accesses services provided by the ORB. There are expected to be a few object adapters that will be widely available, with interfaces that are appropriate for specific kinds of objects. Services provided by the ORB through an Object Adapter often include: generation and interpretation of object references, method invocation, security of interactions, object and implementation activation and deactivation, mapping object references to implementations, and registration of implementations. The wide range of object granularities, lifetimes, policies, implementation styles, and other properties make it difficult for the ORB Core to provide a single interface that is convenient and efficient for all objects. Thus, through Object Adapters, it is possible for the ORB to target particular groups of object implementations that have similar requirements with interfaces tailored to them.

    ORB Interface

    The ORB Interface is the interface that goes directly to the ORB which is the same for all ORBs and does not depend on the object’s interface or object adapter. Because most of the functionality of the ORB is provided through the object adapter, stubs, skeleton, or dynamic invocation, there are only a few operations that are common across all objects. These operations are useful to both clients and implementations of objects.

    Interface Repository

    The Interface Repository is a service that provides persistent objects that represent the IDL information in a form available at run-time. The Interface Repository information may be used by the ORB to perform requests. Moreover, using the information in the Interface Repository, it is possible for a program to encounter an object whose interface was not known when the program was compiled, yet, be able to determine what operations are valid on the object and make an invocation on it.In addition to its role in the functioning of the ORB, the Interface Repository is a common place to store additional information associated with interfaces to ORB objects. For example, debugging information, libraries of stubs or skeletons, routines that can format or browse particular kinds of objects might be associated with the Interface Repository.

    Implementation Repository

    The Implementation Repository contains information that allows the ORB to locate and activate implementations of objects. Although most of the information in the Implementation Repository is specific to an ORB or operating environment, the Implementation Repository is the conventional place for recording such information. Ordinarily, installation of implementations and control of policies related to the activation and execution of object implementations is done through operations on the Implementation Repository.In addition to its role in the functioning of the ORB, the Implementation Repository is a common place to store additional information associated with implementations of ORB objects. For example, debugging information, administrative control, resource allocation, security, etc., might be associated with the Implementation Repository.

    Definitions of the interfaces to objects can be defined in two ways. Interfaces can be defined statically in an interface definition language, called the OMG Interface Definition Language (OMG IDL). Alternatively, or in addition, interfaces can be added to an Interface Repository service; this service represents the components of an interface as objects, permitting run-time access to these components. In any ORB implementation, the Interface Definition Language (which may be extended beyond its definition in this document) and the Interface Repository have equivalent expressive power.

     Structure of a Client

    Structure of an Object Implementation

    Structure of an Object Adapter

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/brt3/p/9686265.html
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