Often in unit tests we are focussing on the logic involved in crafting a network request, & how we respond to the result. The external service is unlikely to be under our control, so we need a way to ‘mock’ the Ajax request in a way that allows us to focus on the logic. In this lesson we’ll see how we can pass in dependencies into epics to make testing things Ajax requests easier.
In a real world React app, for one epic, we might have some dependecies. For example, ajax call. To make it easy for testing, we can make those deps as injectable deps.
When creating root epic:
import { createEpicMiddleware, combineEpics } from 'redux-observable'; import { ajax } from 'rxjs/observable/dom/ajax'; import rootEpic from './somewhere'; const epicMiddleware = createEpicMiddleware(rootEpic, { dependencies: { getJSON: ajax.getJSON } });
Using it in Epic:
// Notice the third argument is our injected dependencies! const fetchUserEpic = (action$, store, { getJSON }) => action$.ofType('FETCH_USER') .mergeMap(({ payload }) => getJSON(`/api/users/${payload}`) .map(response => ({ type: 'FETCH_USER_FULFILLED', payload: response })) );
---------------Test example ---------------------
index.js, root setup
import {createStore, applyMiddleware, compose} from 'redux'; import {Provider} from 'react-redux'; import reducer from './reducers'; import { ajax } from 'rxjs/observable/dom/ajax'; import {createEpicMiddleware} from 'redux-observable'; import {rootEpic} from "./epics/index"; const epicMiddleware = createEpicMiddleware(rootEpic, { dependencies: { ajax } }); const composeEnhancers = window.__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION_COMPOSE__ || compose; const store = createStore( reducer, composeEnhancers( applyMiddleware(epicMiddleware) ) );
Epic function:
import {Observable} from 'rxjs'; import {combineEpics} from 'redux-observable'; import {CANCEL_SEARCH, receiveBeers, searchBeersError, searchBeersLoading, SEARCHED_BEERS} from "../actions/index"; const beers = `https://api.punkapi.com/v2/beers`; const search = (term) => `${beers}?beer_name=${encodeURIComponent(term)}`; export function searchBeersEpic(action$, store, deps) { return action$.ofType(SEARCHED_BEERS) .debounceTime(500, deps.scheduler) .filter(action => action.payload !== '') .switchMap(({payload}) => { // loading state in UI const loading = Observable.of(searchBeersLoading(true)); // external API call const request = deps.ajax.getJSON(search(payload)) .takeUntil(action$.ofType(CANCEL_SEARCH)) .map(receiveBeers) .catch(err => { return Observable.of(searchBeersError(err)); }); return Observable.concat( loading, request, ); }) } export const rootEpic = combineEpics(searchBeersEpic);
Test code:
import {Observable} from 'rxjs'; import {ActionsObservable} from 'redux-observable'; import {searchBeersEpic} from "./index"; import {RECEIVED_BEERS, searchBeers, SEARCHED_BEERS_LOADING} from "../actions/index"; it.only('should perform a search', function () { const action$ = ActionsObservable.of(searchBeers('shane')); const deps = { ajax: { getJSON: () => Observable.of([{name: 'shane'}]) } }; const output$ = searchBeersEpic(action$, null, deps); output$.toArray().subscribe(actions => { expect(actions.length).toBe(2); expect(actions[0].type).toBe(SEARCHED_BEERS_LOADING); expect(actions[1].type).toBe(RECEIVED_BEERS); }); });
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