• [JS Compse] 4. A collection of Either examples compared to imperative code

    For if..else:

    const showPage() {
      if(current_user) {
        return renderPage(current_user);
      } else {
        return showLogin();
    const showPage() {
        .fold(showLogin, renderPage)
    const getPrefs = user => {
      if(user.premium) {
        return loadPrefs(user.preferences)
      } else {
        return defaultPrefs;
    const getPrefs = user => 
      (user.premium ? Right(user): Left('not premium'))
      .map(p => user.preferences)
        x => defaultPrefs,
        x => loadPrefs(x)
    const streetName = user => {
      const address = user.address;
      if(address) {
        const street = address.street;
        if(street) {
          return street.name;
      return 'no street';
    cosnt streetName = user => 
        .flatMap(address => fromNullable(address.street))
        .map(street => street.name)
        .fold(e => 'no street', n => n)
    const concatUniq = (x, ys) => {
      const found = ys.filter(y => y === x)[0]
      return found ? ys : ys.concat(x);
    const concatUniq = (x, ys) => 
      fromNullable(ys.filter(y => y === x)[0]) // fromNullable needs value
      .fold(() => ys.concat(x), y => ys)
    const wrapExamples = example => {
        try {
          example.preview = fs.readFileSync(example.previewPath)
        } catch(e) {
        return example;
    const readFile = x => tryCatch(() => readFileSync(x));
    const wrapExample = example => 
      .fold(() => example,
             ex => Object.assign({preview: p}, ex);
    const parseDbUrl = cfg => {
      try {
        const c = JSON.parse(cfg);
        if(c.url) {
          return c.url.match(/..../)
        } catch(e) {
          return null
    const parseDbUrl = cfg => 
      tryCatch(() => JSON.parse(cfg))
      .flatMap(c => fromNullable(c.url))
        e => null,
        u => u.match(/..../)
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Answer1215/p/6175759.html
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