1.1 connect target[Connected];
modify wifi pwd to wrong pwd[Authentication error]
1.2 connect with wrong pwd[Authentication error];
modify pwd to correct pwd[Connected]
1.3 Connect hidden[Connected]
1.3.1 Add many(16+) useless profile, then add true wanted hidden profile[Connected]
1.3.2 toggle wifi after hidden profile is connected
1.4 add profile manually(broadcast)
1.5 switch
1.5.1 connect ap1,ap2;forget ap2[ap1 connected]
1.5.2 connect ap1;connect ap2 with incorrect info; when authenticating, forget ap2[ap1 connected]
1.5.3 connect ap1;connect ap2 with incorrect info; wait after "Authentication error occur"[ap1 connected]
1.5.4 connect ap1;connect ap2 with incorrect info;after ap1 is connected;connect ap3;switch to ap1;forget ap1[ap3 is connected]
1.5.5 connect ap1; close ap2 radio when connecting ap2
2 Ent
2.1 Ent connect
2.2 Ent under AC
3 P2P
3.1 P2P connection stability
3.2 Stop P2P connection under wifi, check status.