• 关于amazon亚马逊SPAPI开发人员资料注册,amazon亚马逊开发人员资料申请注册,amazon亚马逊销售合作伙伴 API申请注册,amazon亚马逊SP-API申请注册,amazon亚马逊Selling Partner API申请注册详细指导

    关于amazon亚马逊SPAPI开发人员资料注册,amazon亚马逊开发人员资料申请注册,amazon亚马逊销售合作伙伴 API申请注册,amazon亚马逊SP-API申请注册,amazon亚马逊Selling Partner API申请注册详细指导   

    从2020年10月6日开始,亚马逊不在提供MWS API申请了,以后所有的开发都要转到销售伙伴api了,也就是SP-API。之前的mws api还可以继续使用,但是最终亚马逊还是会要求你迁移到SP-API的,这是趋势。


    申请开发人员资料的流程稍微有些区别,但是区别不大,你依然可以找我。 无论是全新申请、还是补充资料,那么这些问题都是些很专业的问题,如果需要我帮您详细指导,请加我的微信:yzw886


    销售合作伙伴 API (SP-API) 现已可供全球所有注册开发人员使用。SP-API 是亚马逊销售合作伙伴的下一代基于 API 的自动化功能套件,也是亚马逊市场 Web 服务 (Amazon MWS) 的演变。

    今后,所有新的 API 功能都将在 SP-API 中构建,仅对 Amazon MWS 进行更新,以支持业务关键型更改。


    SP-API 在所有市场都可用。


    所有注册的开发人员都可以在开发人员中心通过自助服务创建 SP-API 应用程序(转到应用和服务>在卖家中心开发应用程序)。新开发人员将根据其用例完成角色访问权限的注册,并能够创建具有其资格角色的 SP-API 应用程序。对于具有现有 Amazon MWS 凭据和角色的开发人员,我们使用细粒度角色回填了对 SP-API 的访问;这些开发人员可以更新其现有集成以使用这两个 API 套件。开发人员可以通过更新其开发人员配置文件并提供任何其他所需信息来请求其他访问。


    目前,具有现有 Amazon MWS 集成的开发人员不需要更改或操作。但是,传统的 Amazon MWS API 将来将被弃用。我们尚未确定日期,但将提供通知、时间和工具,以支持现有 Amazon MWS 集成的迁移。我们鼓励所有开发人员探索 SP-API 功能并开始规划迁移。



    SP-API 网站: https://developer.amazonservices.com

    GitHub 上的 SP API 文档:https://github.com/amzn/selling-partner-api-docs






    **列出您检索亚马逊信息时发现的所有非亚马逊 MWS 来源。



     3、描述贵机构为监控和防止从员工个人设备(例如 USB 闪存盘、手机)访问亚马逊信息而实施的机制,以及在发生此类事件时如何向您发出提醒。

    4、提供贵机构的隐私和数据处理政策,以描述如何收集、处理、存储、使用、共享和处置亚马逊数据。您可以以公共网站 URL 的形式提供此信息。






    Developer Profile collects your organization’s contact information, information about the data you require in Seller Partner API, and security and use information to ensure your compliance with Amazon’s Acceptable Use Policy and Data Protection Policy. If you are an Amazon Marketplace Web Service developer with multiple developer IDs, you do not need to submit a separate Developer Profile for each developer ID.

    Once you complete the Developer Profile, Amazon will evaluate your information and create a case with next steps. You may be asked to provide additional information or documentation, so please complete all fields truthfully and accurately.

    Contact Information
    Organization name
    Organization website
    Organization home country
    Primary contact name
    Contact email
    Contact country code
    Contact phone number
    Data Access
    Please select the option that best describes your organization
    Note that your answers represent your organization
    If you are currently an MWS developer, please provide your organization's developer ID(s)
    Please include all of your organization's developer IDs separated by a comma. Note: If you are an Amazon Marketplace Web Service developer with multiple developer IDs, you do not need to submit a separate Developer Profile for each developer ID.

    Example: 123456789123, 987654321987
    Roles determine access to Selling Partner API. Role definitions can be found here
    Note: Restricted roles contain Personally Identifiable Information (PII) about Amazon Buyers, and you will be required to provide additional information about your data use and security controls.
    Finance & Accounting
    Produce accounting and financial statements.
    Selling Partner Insights
    View information about the Amazon Selling Partner account and performance.
    Buyer Communication
    Manage messaging to and from Amazon buyers.
    Determine list prices and automate product pricing.
    Direct-to-Consumer Shipping(Restricted)
    Ship orders directly to customers using carrier of choice, including Amazon.
    Tax Remittance(Restricted)
    Calculate and remit sales taxes.
    Inventory and Order Management
    Analyze and manage inventory.
    Amazon Fulfillment
    Ship to Amazon, and Amazon ships directly to customers.
    Buyer Solicitation
    Solicit Amazon buyers for feedback.
    Product Listing
    Create and manage product listings.
    Tax Invoicing(Restricted)
    Generate tax invoices to comply with tax regulation.
    Use Cases
    Describe the application or feature(s) you intend to build using the functionality in the requested roles.
    5000 characters maximum
    Describe why you require Personally Identifiable Information to build your application or feature.
    500 characters maximum
    Security Controls
    Do you use network controls to prevent unauthorized access to Amazon Information?


    Do you restrict access to Amazon Information based on users’ job duties or business functions?


    Do you encrypt Amazon Information in transit?


    Do you have an incident response plan that covers monitoring, detection, and response for potential threats and security incidents?


    Does your incident response plan to detect and handle Security Incidents, and report Security Incidents to 3p-security@amazon.com?


    List all outside parties with whom your organization shares Amazon Information and describe how your organization shares this information.
    500 characters maximum
    List all non-Amazon MWS sources where you retrieve Amazon Information.
    500 characters maximum
    Because the roles you have requested are Restricted, you must comply with the Personally Identifiable Information security requirements in the Data Protection Policy.
    How long do you retain Personally Identifiable Information data?

    Less than 31 days after order shipments

    31 to 90 days after order shipments

    91 to 180 days after order shipments

    More than 180 days after order shipments
    Do you have a privacy and data handling policy?


    Do you encrypt Personally Identifiable Information at rest?


    Do you use fine-grained access controls to restrict to Personally Identifiable Information?


    Do you use audit logs from systems or applications that contain Personally Identifiable Information to detect and alert on Security Incidents?


    Describe the network protection controls used by your organization to restrict public access to databases, file servers, and desktop/developer endpoints.
    500 characters maximum
    Describe how your organization individually identifies employees who have access to Amazon Information, and restricts employee access to Amazon information on a need- to-know basis.
    500 characters maximum
    Describe the mechanism your organization has in place to monitor and prevent Amazon Information from being accessed from employee personal devices (such as USB flash drives, cellphones) and how are you alerted in the event such incidents occur.
    500 characters maximum
    Provide your organization's privacy and data handling policies to describe how Amazon data is collected, processed, stored, used, shared and disposed. You may provide this in the form of a public website URL.
    500 characters maximum
    Describe where your organization stores Amazon Information at rest and provide details on any encryption algorithm used.
    500 characters maximum
    Describe how your organization backups or archives Amazon Information and provide details on any encryption algorithm used.
    500 characters maximum
    Describe how your organization monitors, detects, and logs malicious activity in your application(s).
    500 characters maximum
    Describe how your organization's incident response plan addresses database hacks, unauthorized access, and data leaks. A link to your incident response plan is also acceptable.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ycxyyzw/p/13887667.html
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