• elasticsearch 监控

    本文主要讲述使用 Prometheus监控ES,梳理核心监控指标并构建 Dashboard ,当集群有异常或者节点发生故障时,可以根据性能图表以高效率的方式进行问题诊断,再对核心指标筛选添加告警


    1. 查询和索引(indexing)性能
    2. 内存分配和垃圾回收
    3. 主机级别的系统和网络指标
    4. 集群健康状态和节点可用性
    5. 资源饱和度和相关错误

    promethues官方的提供的ElasticSearch exporter提供的核心metrics监控以上关键领域


    elasticsearch_exporter github地址:https://github.com/justwatchcom/elasticsearch_exporter


    [root@elk-log-srv01 elasticsearch_exporter-1.1.0rc1.linux-amd64]# ls
    CHANGELOG.md  dashboard.json  deployment.yml  elasticsearch_exporter  elasticsearch.rules  LICENSE  nohup.out  README.md



    nohup ./elasticsearch_exporter --es.uri="http://172.16.0.xx:9200" 2>&1 &



      - job_name: 'elasticsearch'
        - targets:
          - 172.16.0.xx:9114
          #- 172.16.0.xx:9114




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      - name: kafkaStatsAlert
        - alert: Kafka_Cluster_Health
          expr: kafka_brokers < 3
          for: 1m
            severity: critical
            summary: "Kafka running on less than 3 nodes"
            description: "There are only {{$value}} < 3 Kafka nodes running"
      - name: kafkaTagAlert
        - alert: Kafka_Cluster_Tag
          expr: sum(kafka_consumergroup_lag{}) by(consumergroup,topic)  > 500000
          #expr: sum(kafka_consumergroup_lag{consumergroup="appLogs",topic="appLogs"}) > 500000
          for: 1m
            severity: critical
            summary: "Kafka group:{{ $labels.consumergroup }} ,topic:{{ $labels.topic }},消费延迟:{{ $value }}"
            description: "Kafka group:{{ $labels.consumergroup }} ,topic:{{ $labels.topic }} Tag > 500000"


  • 相关阅读:
    Upsource 代码审查工具安装及使用
    MAC MAMP集成环境安装 PHP 扩展
    设计模式 行为型
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xuliang666/p/11211920.html
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