• Laravel使用笔记 —— migration

    在使用 php artisan make:migration 创建migration时,可用 --path 指定创建migration文件的路径,

    如果在执行的 php artisan migrate 命令,出现找不到对应class,

    可以用 php artisan clear-compiled php artisan optimize 命令 移除编译过的类文件和优化,

    命令详细的参数可以通过 php artisan help [command] 命令来查看。


     1 <?php
     3 use IlluminateDatabaseSchemaBlueprint;
     4 use IlluminateDatabaseMigrationsMigration;
     5 use IlluminateSupportFacadesDB;
     7 class CreateItemTempTable extends Migration
     8 {
     9     /**
    10      * Run the migrations.
    11      *
    12      * @return void
    13      */
    14     public function up()
    15     {
    16         Schema::create('item_temp', function (Blueprint $table) {
    17             $table->engine = 'InnoDB';
    18             $table->charset = 'utf8';
    19             $table->collation = 'utf8_general_ci';
    21             $table->string('o_id',50)->notNull()->comment('订单编号');
    22             $table->string('outer_oi_id',50)->default(null)->comment('子订单号');
    23             $table->string('sku_id')->notNull()->comment('商家SKU');
    24             $table->string('name',100)->default(null)->comment('商品名称');
    25             $table->decimal('amount',12,2)->default(0.00)->comment('应付金额');
    26             $table->decimal('base_price',12,2)->default(0.00)->comment('基本价(拍下价格)');
    27             $table->decimal('price',12,2)->default(0.00)->comment('');
    28             $table->string('properties_value',100)->default(null)->comment('属性');
    29             $table->integer('qty')->default(0)->comment('购买数量');
    30             $table->string('raw_so_id',50)->default(null)->comment('');
    31             $table->string('refund_id',50)->default(null)->comment('退货ID');
    32             $table->integer('refund_qty')->default(0)->comment('退货数量');
    33             $table->string('refund_status',40)->default(null)->comment('退货状态');
    34             $table->string('shop_sku_id')->default(null)->comment('网站对应的自定义SKU编号');
    36         });
    39         DB::unprepared('
    40             CREATE TRIGGER `sync_to_item_table`
    41             BEFORE INSERT
    42             ON `item_temp` FOR EACH ROW
    43             BEGIN
    44                 IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT id FROM `item` WHERE o_id = new.o_id AND sku_id = new.sku_id ) THEN
    45                     INSERT INTO `item`(o_id,outer_oi_id,sku_id,name,amount,base_price,price,properties_value,qty,raw_so_id,refund_id,refund_qty,refund_status,shop_sku_id)
    46                     VALUES(new.o_id,new.outer_oi_id,new.sku_id,new.name,new.amount,new.base_price,new.price,new.properties_value,new.qty,new.raw_so_id,new.refund_id,new.refund_qty,new.refund_status,new.shop_sku_id);
    47                 ELSE
    48                     UPDATE `item` SET
    49                     outer_oi_id = new.outer_oi_id,
    50                     name = new.name,
    51                     amount = new.amount,
    52                     base_price = new.base_price,
    53                     price = new.price,
    54                     properties_value = new.properties_value,
    55                     qty = new.qty,
    56                     raw_so_id = new.raw_so_id,
    57                     refund_id = new.refund_id,
    58                     refund_qty = new.refund_qty,
    59                     refund_status = new.refund_status,
    60                     shop_sku_id = new.shop_sku_id
    61                     WHERE o_id = new.o_id AND sku_id = new.sku_id;
    62                 END IF;
    63             END
    64         ');
    67         DB::unprepared('
    68             CREATE EVENT IF NOT EXISTS `clear_item_temp`
    69             ON SCHEDULE
    70             EVERY 1 DAY
    71             DO TRUNCATE `item_temp`
    72         ');
    73     }
    75     /**
    76      * Reverse the migrations.
    77      *
    78      * @return void
    79      */
    80     public function down()
    81     {
    82         Schema::drop('item_temp');
    83         DB::unprepared('DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `sync_to_item_table`');
    84         DB::unprepared('DROP EVENT IF EXISTS `clear_item_temp`');
    86     }
    87 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xiezero/p/5953604.html
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