• 利用国内镜像下载Android源码,并编译生成image镜像文件

    为了编译安卓源码,首先需要一个Linux,本次采用Ubuntu Kylin14.04,内核版本3.13。装在四核、4G内存、1T硬盘的虚拟机上
    $uname -all

    下载 repo
    $git clone git://aosp.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/Android/git-repo.git/

    $vi /git-repo.git/repo
    REPO_URL = ‘https://gerrit.googlesource.com/git-repo’
    REPO_URL = ‘git://aosp.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/android/git-repo’

    下载 manifest
    google 的地址
    $ repo init -u https://android.googlesource.com/platform/manifest
    $ repo init -u git://aosp.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/android/platform/manifest
    如果需要设置版本,加入参数-b 安卓源码版本号即可。
    $ repo init -u https://aosp.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/platform/manifest -b android-4.0.1_r1

    $repo sync [-j4]

    Set up environment(设置环境变量)

    Initialize the environment with the envsetup.sh script. Note that replacing source with . (a single dot) saves a few characters, and the short form is more commonly used in
    $ source build/envsetup.sh or $ . build/envsetup.sh

    Choose a Target(选择平台编译)

    Choose which target to build with lunch. The exact configuration can be passed as an argument. For example, the following command:$ lunch aosp_arm-eng

    refers to a complete build for the emulator, with all debugging enabled.

    If run with no arguments lunch will prompt you to choose a target from the menu.

    All build targets take the form BUILD-BUILDTYPE, where the BUILD is a codename referring to the particular feature combination.

    The BUILDTYPE is one of the following:

    Build the code(构建代码)

    Build everything with make. GNU make can handle parallel tasks with a -jN argument, and it's common to use a number of tasks N that's between 1 and 2 times the number of
    hardware threads on the computer being used for the build. For example, on a dual-E5520 machine (2 CPUs, 4 cores per CPU, 2 threads per core), the fastest builds are made
    with commands between make -j16 and make -j32.

    $ make -j4

    最后运行我们刚刚编译出来的android系统Run It!

    You can either run your build on an emulator or flash it on a device. Please note that you have already selected your build target with lunch, and it is unlikely at best to
    run on a different target than it was built for.

    Flash a Device(烧进一个真实的设备)

    To flash a device, you will need to use fastboot, which should be included in your path after a successful build. Place the device in fastboot mode either manually by holding
    the appropriate key combination at boot, or from the shell with

    $ adb reboot bootloader

    Once the device is in fastboot mode, run

    $ fastboot flashall -w

    The -w option wipes the /data partition on the device; this is useful for your first time flashing a particular device but is otherwise unnecessary.

    For more information about building for and running on actual hardware, see Running Builds.

    Emulate an Android Device(模拟一个安卓设备)

    The emulator is added to your path automatically by the build process. To run the emulator, type

    emulator模拟器能成功运行起来的前提是:成功将emulator所在的目录和 android编译完之后输出目录out下面的host和target目录都添加到了你的PATH环境变量了。
    并且执行source build/envsetup.sh ;lunch sdk-eng;这2个命令。

    $ emulator

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wxishang1991/p/5649517.html
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