(1) 从键盘读入一个合法的算术表达式,输出正确的结果。
(2) 显示输入序列和栈的变化过程。
(1) 扩充运算符集合。
(2) 引入变量操作数。
(3) 操作数类型扩充到实数。
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> #include <conio.h> #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 #define Stack_Size 50 char ops[7]={'+','-','*','/','(',')','#'}; /*运算符数组*/ int cmp[7][7]={{2,2,1,1,1,2,2}, /*用来进行比较运算符优先级的矩阵,3代表'=',2代表'>',1代表'<',0代表不可比*/ {2,2,1,1,1,2,2}, {2,2,2,2,1,2,2}, {2,2,2,2,1,2,2}, {1,1,1,1,1,3,0}, {2,2,2,2,0,2,2}, {1,1,1,1,1,0,3}}; typedef struct { char elem[Stack_Size]; int top; }SeqStack; /*运算符栈的定义*/ typedef struct { int elem[Stack_Size]; int top; }nSeqStack; /* 运算数栈的定义*/ void InitStack(SeqStack *S) /*初始化运算符栈*/ { S->top =-1; } void InitStackn(nSeqStack *S) /*初始化运算数栈*/ { S->top =-1; } int IsEmpty(SeqStack *S) /*判断栈S为空栈时返回值为真,反之为假*/ { return(S->top==-1?TRUE:FALSE); } int IsEmptyn(nSeqStack *S) /*判断栈S为空栈时返回值为真,反之为假*/ { return(S->top==-1?TRUE:FALSE); } /*判栈满*/ int IsFull(SeqStack *S) /*判断栈S为满栈时返回值为真,反之为假*/ { return(S->top==Stack_Size-1?TRUE:FALSE); } int IsFulln(nSeqStack *S) /*判断栈S为满栈时返回值为真,反之为假*/ { return(S->top==Stack_Size-1?TRUE:FALSE); } int Push(SeqStack *S, char x) /*运算符栈入栈函数*/ { if (S->top==Stack_Size-1) { printf("Stack is full! "); return FALSE; } else { S->top++; S->elem[S->top]=x; return TRUE; } } int Pushn(nSeqStack *S, int x) /*运算数栈入栈函数*/ { if (S->top==Stack_Size-1) { printf("Stack is full! "); return FALSE; } else { S->top++; S->elem[S->top]=x; return TRUE; } } int Pop(SeqStack *S, char *x) /*运算符栈出栈函数*/ { if (S->top==-1) { printf("运算符栈空! "); return FALSE; } else { *x=S->elem[S->top]; S->top--; return TRUE; } } int Popn(nSeqStack *S, int *x) /*运算数栈出栈函数*/ { if (S->top==-1) { printf("运算符栈空! "); return FALSE; } else { *x=S->elem[S->top]; S->top--; return TRUE; } } char GetTop(SeqStack *S) /*运算符栈取栈顶元素函数*/ { if (S->top ==-1) { printf("运算符栈为空! "); return FALSE; } else { return (S->elem[S->top]); } } int GetTopn(nSeqStack *S) /*运算数栈取栈顶元素函数*/ { if (S->top ==-1) { printf("运算符栈为空! "); return FALSE; } else { return (S->elem[S->top]); } } int Isoperator(char ch) /*判断输入字符是否为运算符函数,是返回TRUE,不是返回FALSE*/ { int i; for (i=0;i<7;i++) { if(ch==ops[i]) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /* int isvariable(char ch) { if (ch>='a'&&ch<='z') return true; else return false; }*/ char Compare(char ch1, char ch2) /*比较运算符优先级函数*/ { int i,m,n; char pri; int priority; for(i=0;i<7;i++) /*找到相比较的两个运算符在比较矩阵里的相对位置*/ { if(ch1==ops[i]) m=i; if (ch2==ops[i]) n=i; } priority = cmp[m][n]; switch(priority) { case 1: pri='<'; break; case 2: pri='>'; break; case 3: pri='='; break; case 0: pri='$'; printf("表达式错误! "); break; } return pri; } int Execute(int a, char op, int b) /*运算函数*/ { int result; switch(op) { case '+': result=a+b; break; case '-': result=a-b; break; case '*': result=a*b; break; case '/': result=a/b; break; } return result; } int ExpEvaluation() /*读入一个简单算术表达式并计算其值。optr和operand分别为运算符栈和运算数栈,OPS为运算符集合*/ { int a,b,v,temp; char ch,op; char *str; int i=0; SeqStack optr; nSeqStack operand; InitStack(&optr); InitStackn(&operand); Push(&optr,'#'); printf("请输入表达式(以#结束): "); /*表达式输入*/ str =(char *)malloc(50*sizeof(char)); gets(str); ch=str[i]; i++; while(ch!='#'||GetTop(&optr)!='#') { if(!Isoperator(ch)) { temp=ch-'0'; /*将字符转换为十进制数*/ ch=str[i]; i++; while(!Isoperator(ch)) { temp=temp*10 + ch-'0'; /*将逐个读入运算数的各位转化为十进制数*/ ch=str[i]; i++; } Pushn(&operand,temp); } else { switch(Compare(GetTop(&optr),ch)) { case '<': Push(&optr,ch); ch=str[i]; i++; break; case '=': Pop(&optr,&op); ch=str[i]; i++; break; case '>': Pop(&optr,&op); Popn(&operand,&b); Popn(&operand,&a); v=Execute(a,op,b); /* 对a和b进行op运算 */ Pushn(&operand,v); break; } } } v=GetTopn(&operand); return v; } void main() /*主函数*/ { int result; result=ExpEvaluation(); printf(" 表达式结果是%d ",result); }
用 C++ 实现的加、减、乘、除表达式计算 前些日子面试一个开发工作,考官出了这么一笔试题目,要我写出实现过程, 思量半天,终于 用 C++ 完成,现将代码贴出,与诸同道共分享。 // 头文件 Calc.h #ifndef __CALC_H__ #define __CALC_H__ #include <stack> #define ascii_int(x) (x >= 0x30 && x <= 0x39) ? (x - 0x30) : (x) const int GREATER = 1; const int EQUAL = 0; const int LESS = -1; class Calculate { public: int evaluteExpr(char *exp); private: int getLevel(char ch); bool isOperator(char ch); int compareOpteratorLevel(char inputChar, char optrStackTop); int calc(int num1, int num2, char op); void evaluate(char ch); private: std::stack<int> _opnd_stack; std::stack<char> _optr_stack; static char _optr[]; static int _level[]; }; #endif // 头文件的实现代码 Calc.cxx #include "Calc.h" char Calculate::_optr[] = {'#', '(', '+', '-', '*', '/', ')'}; int Calculate::_level[] = { 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4 }; // Get current operator level for calculating int Calculate::getLevel(char ch) { for (int i = 0; *(_optr+i) != ' '; ++i) if (*(_optr+i) == ch) return *(_level+i); } // Calculate the operands int Calculate::calc(int num1, int num2, char op) { switch (op) { case '+': return num1 + num2; case '-': return num1 - num2; case '*': return num1 * num2; case '/': return num1 / num2; } } // judge inputing character is operator or not bool Calculate::isOperator(char ch) { for (char *p = _optr; *p != ' '; ++p) if (*p == ch) return true; return false; } // Compare level of input operator and the top operator of operator stack int Calculate::compareOpteratorLevel(char inputChar, char optrStackTop) { // if (inputChar == '(' && optrStackTop == ')') // return EQUAL; // else if (inputChar == '(') return GREATER; if (inputChar == ')' && optrStackTop == '(') return EQUAL; else if (inputChar == ')') return LESS; if (inputChar == '#' && optrStackTop == '#') return EQUAL; // else if (inputChar == '#') // return LESS; return (getLevel(inputChar) > getLevel(optrStackTop)) ? GREATER : LESS; } // Evaluate value while inputing operators void Calculate::evaluate(char ch) { char op; int num, result; if (!isOperator(ch)) { _opnd_stack.push(ascii_int(ch)); return ; } switch (compareOpteratorLevel(ch, _optr_stack.top())) { case GREATER : _optr_stack.push(ch); break; case EQUAL : _optr_stack.pop(); break; case LESS : num = _opnd_stack.top(); _opnd_stack.pop(); result = _opnd_stack.top(); _opnd_stack.pop(); op = _optr_stack.top(); _optr_stack.pop(); result = calc(result, num, op); _opnd_stack.push(result); evaluate(ch); break; } } // Evaluate user specified expression int Calculate::evaluteExpr(char *exp) { _optr_stack.push('#'); for (char *p =exp; *p != ' '; ++p ) evaluate(*p); int result = _opnd_stack.top(); _opnd_stack.pop(); return result; } // 测试代码 calc_test.cxx #include <iostream> #include "Calc.h" using namespace std; int main(void) { Calculate *calc = new Calculate(); cout << "1+3*(4+7) = " << calc->evaluteExpr("1+3*(4+7)#") << endl; cout << "((1+2)) = " << calc->evaluteExpr("((1+2))#") << endl; cout << "3*8+9/7-5-9+(1-9)/4 = " << calc->evaluteExpr("3*8+9/7-5-9+(1-9)/4#") << endl; cout << "(6-7)*(5+9) = " << calc->evaluteExpr("(6-7)*(5+9)#") << endl; cout << "0*8+0/6-9+(7-1) = " << calc->evaluteExpr("0*8+0/6-9+(7-1)#") << endl; delete calc; } 用 MinGW/G++ 3.4.5 编译如下: g++ -o test.exe Calc.cxx Calc_test.cxx 作为一个演示算法够了, 但代码还是有一些缺点: (1) 只能处理一位数的加、减、乘、除表达式计算(可带括号)