• 算法导论第十章数据结构--双向链表




    using namespace std;
    template<class T> struct Node
    T value;
    Node<T>* pre;
    Node<T>* next;

    template<class T> class Flist
    Node<T>* front;
    Node<T>* end; //每写一个函数,遍历类中变量哪个要维护 
    int count;

    Flist();   //defaut constructor
    Flist(const Flist& C_list);//支持了这个,没有写支持 = 能够写个空的内联函数来放空这样的行为。否则有相关操作时。编译器会自己主动产生 
    inline void Deeply_Copy(const Flist& Copylist);
    bool Isempty() const;
    int Listsize() const;
    T& Listfront()const;
    T& Listend() const;  //返回引用是不是能够改首尾node的key值了 
    void push_front(T N);
    void push_back(T N);
    void del_front();
    void del_back();
    //Node<T>* Listfind(T x); //搜索有key值x的节点 
    T ShowKey(int n);   //输出第n个值 
    template<class T> Flist<T>::Flist():count(0),front(0),end(0) //初始化顺序与类中声明有关与这无关 

    template<class T> Flist<T>::~Flist()
    Node<T>* temp;
    while (front != 0)
    temp = front;
    delete temp;
    front = front->next;
    temp = NULL;
    template<class T> bool Flist<T>::Isempty() const
    return 0 == count;
    template<class T> int Flist<T>::Listsize() const{
    return count;
    template<class T> Flist<T>::Flist(const Flist& C_list)

    template<class T> T& Flist<T>::Listfront() const
    return front->value;
    template<class T> T& Flist<T>::Listend() const
    return end->value;
    template<class T> void Flist<T>::push_front(T N)
    Node<T>* p = new Node<T>;
    p->value = N;
    p->next = front;
    if (front != 0)
    front->pre = p;
    front = p;
    if(end == 0)
    end = p ;
    p->pre = 0;
    template<class T> void Flist<T>::push_back(T N)
    Node<T>* p = new Node<T>;
    p->value = N;
    p->pre = end;
    if (end != 0)   //一開始这里崩溃是由于end没有初始化0就用 
      end->next = p; 
    end = p;
    end->next = 0;
    template<class T> void Flist<T>::del_front()
    Node<T>* temp = front;
    front = front->next;
    front->pre = 0;
    delete temp;
    template<class T> void Flist<T>::del_back()
    Node<T>* temp = end;
    end = end->pre;
    end->next = 0;
    delete temp;

    template<class T> T Flist<T>::ShowKey(int n)

    if (front == 0)
    cout << "there is no element is the list.." << endl;
    return ;                                          //未解决,size为0时,怎样提示 
        if ((front !=0)  && (n <=count) && (n >= 1))
        Node<T>* temp = front;
    while(--n)                    //这里假设while(n--)就溢出崩溃。n用后再减。这里的用是推断,不要以为仅仅是括号就能够前后随便用 
    temp = temp->next;   //n大于size也会溢出 
    return temp->value;

    template<class T> void Flist<T>::Deeply_Copy(const Flist& Copylist)
    front = end = 0;
    if (Copylist.front == 0)
    return ;          //这里起到了结束函数的作用 
    front = new Node<T>;
    Node<T>* cp = Copylist.front;
    Node<T>* np = front;
    np->value = cp->value;
    count = 1;
    np->pre = 0;
    cp = cp->next;
    while (cp != 0)
    np->next = new Node<T>;
    (np->next)->pre = np;
    np = np->next;
    np->value = cp->value;
    cp = cp->next;
    end = np; 
    int main()
    Flist<int> listf;
    int a[5] = {1,2,3,4,5};
    for (int i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++)
    cout << "lisrfsize: " << listf.Listsize() << endl;
    for (int i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++)
    cout << "lisrfsize: " << listf.Listsize() << endl; 
    cout << "listf is empty?

    : " << listf.Isempty() << endl; 
    Flist<int> listf2(listf);
    cout << "Listf2size : " << listf2.Listsize() << endl;
    cout << "Listf2 front :" << listf2.Listfront() << endl;
    cout << "Listf2 end :" << listf2.Listend() << endl;
    cout << "Listf2 size :" << listf2.Listsize() << endl;
    for (int i = 1; i <= listf2.Listsize(); i++) 
      cout << listf2.ShowKey(i) << endl;

    return 0;

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wgwyanfs/p/7008151.html
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