• BuiltIn的学习与总结



    1.Run Keyword/Run Keywords/Run Keyword And Continue On Failure/Run Keyword And Expect Error/Run Keyword And Ignore Error/Wait Until Keyword Succeeds

    Run Keyword:执行给定的关键字,待执行的关键字可以使一个动态变化的变量。

    Run Keywords:执行给定的一系列关键字,多用于setups和teardowns 中。

    Run Keyword And Continue On Failure:在给定的关键字执行失败后继续执行,在case结束后报错。

    Run Keyword And Expect Error

    Run Keyword And Ignore Error:执行给定的关键字,忽视错误,返回两个值:第一个值时关键字的执行结果(Pass/Fail),第二个值是关键字的返回值或错误信息。

    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds:在给定时间内等待关键字执行成功。

    2.return from keyword/return from keyword if/Run Keyword And Return/Run Keyword And Return If/Run Keyword And Return Status

    return from keyword:当满足条件时,从关键字中跳出来,不执行该关键字之后的步骤。

    使用在关键字中,不能在测试用例中直接使用(会报Invalid 'Return From Keyword' usage.的错误)

    return from keyword if:后跟条件,当条件成立时,从用户关键字中跳出,类似于上图中第一种情况。

    Run Keyword And Return:执行给定关键字KEYWORD1,然后从用户关键字中跳出,类似于run keywords KEYWORD1 AND return from keyword

    Run Keyword And Return       KEYWORD1

    Run Keyword And Return If:满足一定条件后执行给定关键字KEYWORD1,然后从用户关键字中跳出,类似于run keyword if 条件 关键字1,return from keyword

    Run Keyword And Return If       条件    KEYWORD1

    Run Keyword And Return Status:执行关键字,并返回关键字的状态(True/False)

    注意:此关键字不会捕获由无效语法、超时或致命异常引起的错误。多与Run Keyword And Continue On Failure配合使用,较鸡肋。

    3.Run Keyword If/Run Keyword Unless/Run Keyword If All Critical Tests Passed/Run Keyword If All Tests Pased/Run Keyword If Any Critical Tests Failed/Run Keyword If Any Tests Failed/Run Keyword If Test Failed/Run Keyword If Test Passed/Run Keyword If Timeout Occurred

    Run Keyword If/Run Keyword Unless:如果条件满足/不满足,执行后跟关键字

    Run Keyword If All Critical Tests Passed/Run Keyword If Any Critical Tests Failed/Run Keyword If All Tests Passed/Run Keyword If Any Tests Failed只能被用在suite teardown

    Run Keyword If Test Failed/Run Keyword If Test Passed/Run Keyword If Timeout Occurred只能被用在test teardown

    2.Should 系列关键字:

    Should Be Empty/Should Not Be Empty

    Should Be Equal/Should Not Be Equal

    Should Be Equal As Integers/Should Not Be Equal As Integers

    Should Be Equal As Numbers/Should Not Be Equal As Numbers

    Should Be Equal As Strings/Should Not Be Equal As Strings

    Should Be True/Should Not Be True

    Should Contain/Should Not Contain

    Should Contain Any/Should Not Contain Any

    Should End With/Should Not End With

    Should Not Start With/Should Start With

    Should Match/Should Not Match

    Should Match Regexp/Should Not Match Regexp

    Variable Should Exist/Variable Should Not Exist

    Should Contain X Times

    3.Convert To系列关键字:

    Convert To Binary · Convert To Boolean  Convert To Bytes  Convert To Hex · Convert To Integer · Convert To Number · Convert To Octal · Convert To String

    4.set 系列关键字

    Set Global Variable/Set Suite Variable/Set Test Variable

    Set Library Search Order


    例如:file should exist在OperatingSystem与SSHLibrary中都存在,如果在使用时未指定库,则会报错:Keyword 'File Should Exist' found both from a custom test library 'SSHLibrary' and a standard library 'OperatingSystem'. The custom keyword is used. To select explicitly, and to get rid of this warning, use either 'SSHLibrary.File Should Exist' or 'OperatingSystem.File Should Exist'.


    注意:该关键字执行后只适用于该suite;resources 中关键字的优先级要比库中的高;设置参数(library/resource name)要注意大小写&空格

    Set Suite Documentation/Set Test Documentation


    Set Test Message

    设置当前测试用例的消息,设置后在case的teardown中通过RF 内置变量${TEST MESSAGE}来获取到。

    Set Suite Metadata

    用法:设置当前用例的元数据,设置后可以通过内置变量${SUITE METADATA}来获取到。

    Set Log Level

    Valid levels are TRACE, DEBUG, INFO (default), WARN, ERROR and NONE (no logging)

    Set Tags

    在当前case或整个suite所有case中增加新的标签,可通过内置变量@{TEST TAGS}获取所有标签

    Set Variable


    Set Variable If



    continue for loop/continue for loop if



     Exit For Loop/Exit For Loop If



    pass execution/pass execution if




    import library/import resource/import variables

    7.get 类关键字

    Get Count/Get Length/Get Library Instance/Get Time/Get Count/Get Variable Value/Get Variables






    create dictionary   create list 



    log /log many/log to console/log variables


    call method

    Arguments: [ object | method_name | *args | **kwargs ]

    Fatal Error

    keyword should exist

    length should be

    no operation

    regexp escape

    reload library

    remove tags

    repeat keyword

    replace variables




    Evaluate 关键字:如果你需要进行一些数值运算并得到结果,你就需要用到Evaluate关键字。Evaluate会把你想要计算的表达式直接传递给Python,并把Python的计算结果返回给你。这是最经常要用到的。
    Should 系列关键字:Should系列关键字是Should大头的一系列关键字。
     Should Be Empty · Should Be Equal · Should Be Equal As Integers · Should Be Equal As Numbers · Should Be Equal As Strings · Should Be True · Should Contain · Should Contain X Times· Should End With · Should Match · Should Match Regexp · Should Not Be Empty · Should Not Be Equal · Should Not Be Equal As Integers · Should Not Be Equal As Numbers · Should Not Be Equal As Strings · Should Not Be True · Should Not Contain · Should Not End With · Should Not Match ·Should Not Match Regexp · Should Not Start With · Should Start With 
    这些关键字都是用作判断时用的,每个用例都会用到,比如我们的执行结果得到了一个字符串,我们要判断这个字符串要与一个预期字符串相等,否则用例就无法通过,这时候,肯定会用上 Should Be Equal As String
    Convert To系列关键字:
     Convert To Binary · Convert To Boolean · Convert To Hex · Convert To Integer · Convert To Number · Convert To Octal · Convert To String
    Run keyword系列关键字:
     Run Keyword If · Run Keyword If All Critical Tests Passed · Run Keyword If All Tests Passed · Run Keyword If Any Critical Tests Failed ·Run Keyword If Any Tests Failed · Run Keyword If Test Failed · Run Keyword If Test Passed · Run Keyword If Timeout Occurred · 
    这些关键字能根据一个判断条件的真假来看是否执行关键字。一般使用这些关键字来实现高级语言中的if else功能。最常用的是Run Keyword If 和 Run Keyword unless 他们俩实现的效果正好相反。
    Exit For Loop关键字:
    用作退出循环,一般和Run keyword if 关键字联合使用,来实现条件退出。
    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds
    BuiltIn库里还有很多宝贝,比如日期相关的关键字Get Time。让测试暂停的Sleep等。都相当有用。还等什么?
    注1:RF目前仅有2个内置关键字:FOF 和 IN,来实现循环结构。功能还是比较弱的。

  • 相关阅读:
    gson 简要使用
    maven 仓库地址:
    oracle 函数大全及运算符
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ting152/p/12516852.html
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