• elasticsearch自动补全详解



    Elasticsearch Suggester 详解


    2.1 bing 示例

    2.2 suggest 过程

    三、ES 的 suggester

    3.1 实现原理

    将输入的文本分解为token, 然后在索引的字典中查找相似的 term 并且返回

    3.2 4 种 suggester

    (1) term suggester

    (2) phrase suggester

    (3) completion suggester

    (4) context suggester

    四、term suggester

    (1) 创建索引,写入文档

    # 创建索引
    PUT yztest/
      "mappings": {
        "properties": {
          "message": {
            "type": "text"
    # 添加文档1
    POST yztest/_doc/1
      "message": "The goal of Apache Lucene is to provide world class search capabilities"
    # 添加文档2
    POST yztest/_doc/2
      "message": "Lucene is the search core of both Apache Solr and Elasticsearch."

    (2) 查看分词 token

    # 分析分词器结果
    GET yztest/_analyze
      "field": "message",
      "text": [
        "The goal of Apache Lucene is to provide world class search capabilities",
        "Lucene is the search core of both Apache Solr and Elasticsearch."

    (3) 不同的查询结果

    a) 当输入单词拼写错误时候,会推荐正确的拼写单词列表

    # 查询
    POST yztest/_search
      "suggest": {
        "suggest_message": { # 自定义的suggester名称
          "text": "lucenl",  # 查询的字符串,即用户输入的内容
          "term": { # suggester类型为term suggester
            "field": "message", # 待匹配字段
            "suggest_mode": "missing" # 推荐结果模式,missing表示如果存在了term和用户输入的文本相同,则不再推荐
    # 返回结果
      "took" : 7,
      "timed_out" : false,
      "_shards" : {
        "total" : 1,
        "successful" : 1,
        "skipped" : 0,
        "failed" : 0
      "hits" : {
        "total" : {
          "value" : 0,
          "relation" : "eq"
        "max_score" : null,
        "hits" : [ ]
      "suggest" : {
        "suggest_message" : [
            "text" : "lucenl",
            "offset" : 0,
            "length" : 6,
            "options" : [ # options为一个数组,里面的值为具体的推荐值
                "text" : "lucene",
                "score" : 0.8333333,
                "freq" : 2

    b) 当输入为多个单词组成的字符串时

    # 查询
    POST yztest/_search
      "suggest": {
        "suggest_message": {
          "text": "lucene search",
          "term": {
            "field": "message",
            "suggest_mode": "always"
    # 查询结果
      "took" : 3,
      "timed_out" : false,
      "_shards" : {
        "total" : 1,
        "successful" : 1,
        "skipped" : 0,
        "failed" : 0
      "hits" : {
        "total" : {
          "value" : 0,
          "relation" : "eq"
        "max_score" : null,
        "hits" : [ ]
      "suggest" : {
        "suggest_message" : [
            "text" : "lucene",
            "offset" : 0,
            "length" : 6,
            "options" : [ ]
            "text" : "search",
            "offset" : 7,
            "length" : 6,
            "options" : [ ]

    五、phrase suggester

    # 词组查询
    POST yztest/_search
      "suggest": {
        "YOUR_SUGGESTION": {
          "text": "Solr and Elasticearc", # 用户输入的字符串
          "phrase": { # 指定suggest类型为phrase suggester
            "field": "message", # 待匹配的字段
            "highlight": { # 可以设置高亮
              "pre_tag": "<em>",
              "post_tag": "</em>"
    # 返回结果
      "took" : 9,
      "timed_out" : false,
      "_shards" : {
        "total" : 1,
        "successful" : 1,
        "skipped" : 0,
        "failed" : 0
      "hits" : {
        "total" : {
          "value" : 0,
          "relation" : "eq"
        "max_score" : null,
        "hits" : [ ]
      "suggest" : {
        "YOUR_SUGGESTION" : [
            "text" : "Solr and Elasticearc",
            "offset" : 0,
            "length" : 20,
            "options" : [
                "text" : "solr and elasticsearch",
                "highlighted" : "solr and <em>elasticsearch</em>", # 高亮部分
                "score" : 0.017689342

    六、completion suggester


    6.1 创建 mapping 指定 suggest 字段

    # 创建索引
    PUT yztest/
      "mappings": {
        "properties": {
          "message": { # 通过字段的type,指定是否使用suggest
            "type": "completion"

    6.2 查询

    (1) 索引文档

    POST yztest/_doc/1
      "message": "The goal of Apache Lucene is to provide world class search capabilities"
    POST yztest/_doc/2
      "message": "Lucene is the search core of both Apache Solr and Elasticsearch."
    POST yztest/_doc/3
      "message": "Lucene is the search core of Elasticsearch."
    POST yztest/_doc/4
      "message": "Lucene is the search core of Apache Solr."

    (2) 前缀查询

    # 查询
    POST yztest/_search
      "suggest": {
        "message_suggest": { # 自定义suggester名称
          "prefix": "lucene is the", # 前缀字符串,即用户输入的文本
          "completion": { # 指定suggester的类型为 completion suggester
            "field": "message" # 待匹配的字段
    # 查询结果
      "took" : 1,
      "timed_out" : false,
      "_shards" : {
        "total" : 1,
        "successful" : 1,
        "skipped" : 0,
        "failed" : 0
      "hits" : {
        "total" : {
          "value" : 0,
          "relation" : "eq"
        "max_score" : null,
        "hits" : [ ]
      "suggest" : {
        "message_suggest" : [
            "text" : "lucene is the",
            "offset" : 0,
            "length" : 13,
            "options" : [
                "text" : "Lucene is the search core of Apache Solr.",
                "_index" : "yztest",
                "_type" : "_doc",
                "_id" : "4",
                "_score" : 1.0,
                "_source" : {
                  "message" : "Lucene is the search core of Apache Solr."
                "text" : "Lucene is the search core of Elasticsearch.",
                "_index" : "yztest",
                "_type" : "_doc",
                "_id" : "3",
                "_score" : 1.0,
                "_source" : {
                  "message" : "Lucene is the search core of Elasticsearch."
                "text" : "Lucene is the search core of both Apache Solr and ",
                "_index" : "yztest",
                "_type" : "_doc",
                "_id" : "2",
                "_score" : 1.0,
                "_source" : {
                  "message" : "Lucene is the search core of both Apache Solr and Elasticsearch."

    (3) skip_duplicates


    # 查询中指定skip_duplicates, 默认值为false
    POST yztest/_search
      "suggest": {
        "message_suggest": {
          "prefix": "lucene is the",
          "completion": {
            "field": "message",
            "skip_duplicates": true

    (4) fuzzy query

    # 查询中指定fuzzy属性,即不一定是prefix准确查询
    POST yztest/_search
      "suggest": {
        "message_suggest": {
          "prefix": "lucen is the",
          "completion": {
            "field": "message",
            "fuzzy": {
              "fuzziness": 2

    (5) regex 查询,正则匹配

    # 正则匹配
    POST yztest/_search
      "suggest": {
        "message_suggest": {
          "regex": ".*solr.*", # 正则表达式
          "completion": {
            "field": "message"

    七、context suggester


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/thewindyz/p/14500976.html
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