确认你的工程在weblogic中跑的起来,然后再结合eclipse debug配置+java debug运行模式搞个调试。
然后点击Debug Configurations修改
set JAVA_OPTIONS=%JAVA_OPTIONS% -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=none -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y,suspend=n
@ECHO OFF @REM WARNING: This file is created by the Configuration Wizard. @REM Any changes to this script may be lost when adding extensions to this configuration. SETLOCAL @REM --- Start Functions --- GOTO :ENDFUNCTIONS :stopAll @REM We separate the stop commands into a function so we are able to use the trap command in Unix (calling a function) to stop these services if NOT "X%ALREADY_STOPPED%"=="X" ( GOTO :EOF ) @REM STOP POINTBASE (only if we started it) if "%POINTBASE_FLAG%"=="true" ( echo Stopping PointBase server... call "%WL_HOME%commoninstopPointBase.cmd" -port=%POINTBASE_PORT% -name=%POINTBASE_DBNAME% >"%DOMAIN_HOME%pointbaseShutdown.log" 2>&1 echo PointBase server stopped. ) set ALREADY_STOPPED=true @REM Restore IP configuration the node manager starts IP Migration if NOT "%SERVER_IP%"=="" ( call "%WL_HOME%commoninwlsifconfig.cmd" -removeif "%IFNAME%" "%SERVER_IP%" ) GOTO :EOF :ENDFUNCTIONS @REM --- End Functions --- @REM ************************************************************************* @REM This script is used to start WebLogic Server for this domain. @REM @REM To create your own start script for your domain, you can initialize the @REM environment by calling @USERDOMAINHOMEsetDomainEnv. @REM @REM setDomainEnv initializes or calls commEnv to initialize the following variables: @REM @REM BEA_HOME - The BEA home directory of your WebLogic installation. @REM JAVA_HOME - Location of the version of Java used to start WebLogic @REM Server. @REM JAVA_VENDOR - Vendor of the JVM (i.e. BEA, HP, IBM, Sun, etc.) @REM PATH - JDK and WebLogic directories are added to system path. @REM WEBLOGIC_CLASSPATH @REM - Classpath needed to start WebLogic Server. @REM PATCH_CLASSPATH - Classpath used for patches @REM PATCH_LIBPATH - Library path used for patches @REM PATCH_PATH - Path used for patches @REM WEBLOGIC_EXTENSION_DIRS - Extension dirs for WebLogic classpath patch @REM JAVA_VM - The java arg specifying the VM to run. (i.e. @REM - server, -hotspot, etc.) @REM USER_MEM_ARGS - The variable to override the standard memory arguments @REM passed to java. @REM PRODUCTION_MODE - The variable that determines whether Weblogic Server is started in production mode. @REM POINTBASE_HOME - Point Base home directory. @REM POINTBASE_CLASSPATH @REM - Classpath needed to start PointBase. @REM @REM Other variables used in this script include: @REM SERVER_NAME - Name of the weblogic server. @REM JAVA_OPTIONS - Java command-line options for running the server. (These @REM will be tagged on to the end of the JAVA_VM and @REM MEM_ARGS) @REM @REM For additional information, refer to "Managing Server Startup and Shutdown for Oracle WebLogic Server" @REM (http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E12839_01/web.1111/e13708/overview.htm). @REM ************************************************************************* @REM Call setDomainEnv here. set DOMAIN_HOME=C:Oracleuser_projectsdomainsase_domainin for %%i in ("%DOMAIN_HOME%") do set DOMAIN_HOME=%%~fsi call "%DOMAIN_HOME%insetDomainEnv.cmd" %* set SAVE_JAVA_OPTIONS=%JAVA_OPTIONS% set SAVE_CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH% @REM Start PointBase set PB_DEBUG_LEVEL=0 if "%POINTBASE_FLAG%"=="true" ( call "%WL_HOME%commoninstartPointBase.cmd" -port=%POINTBASE_PORT% -debug=%PB_DEBUG_LEVEL% -console=false -background=true -ini=%DOMAIN_HOME%pointbase.ini >"%DOMAIN_HOME%pointbase.log" 2>&1 ) set JAVA_OPTIONS=%SAVE_JAVA_OPTIONS% set SAVE_JAVA_OPTIONS= set CLASSPATH=%SAVE_CLASSPATH% set SAVE_CLASSPATH= if "%PRODUCTION_MODE%"=="true" ( set WLS_DISPLAY_MODE=Production ) else ( set WLS_DISPLAY_MODE=Development ) if NOT "%WLS_USER%"=="" ( set JAVA_OPTIONS=%JAVA_OPTIONS% -Dweblogic.management.username=%WLS_USER% ) if NOT "%WLS_PW%"=="" ( set JAVA_OPTIONS=%JAVA_OPTIONS% -Dweblogic.management.password=%WLS_PW% ) if NOT "%MEDREC_WEBLOGIC_CLASSPATH%"=="" ( if NOT "%CLASSPATH%"=="" ( set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%MEDREC_WEBLOGIC_CLASSPATH% ) else ( set CLASSPATH=%MEDREC_WEBLOGIC_CLASSPATH% ) ) echo . echo . echo JAVA Memory arguments: %MEM_ARGS% echo . echo WLS Start Mode=%WLS_DISPLAY_MODE% echo . echo CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH% echo . echo PATH=%PATH% echo . echo *************************************************** echo * To start WebLogic Server, use a username and * echo * password assigned to an admin-level user. For * echo * server administration, use the WebLogic Server * echo * console at http:\hostname:portconsole * echo *************************************************** @REM Set up IP Migration related variables. @REM Set interface name. @REM Perform IP Migration if SERVER_IP is set by node manager. set JAVA_OPTIONS=%JAVA_OPTIONS% -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=none -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y,suspend=n if NOT "%Interface%"=="" ( set IFNAME=%Interface% ) else ( set IFNAME= ) @REM Set IP Mask. if NOT "%NetMask%"=="" ( set IPMASK=%NetMask% ) else ( set IPMASK= ) @REM Perform IP Migration if SERVER_IP is set by node manager. if NOT "%SERVER_IP%"=="" ( call "%WL_HOME%commoninwlsifconfig.cmd" -addif "%IFNAME%" "%SERVER_IP%" "%IPMASK%" ) @REM START WEBLOGIC echo starting weblogic with Java version: %JAVA_HOME%injava %JAVA_VM% -version if "%WLS_REDIRECT_LOG%"=="" ( echo Starting WLS with line: echo %JAVA_HOME%injava %JAVA_VM% %MEM_ARGS% -Dweblogic.Name=%SERVER_NAME% -Djava.security.policy=%WL_HOME%serverlibweblogic.policy %JAVA_OPTIONS% %PROXY_SETTINGS% %SERVER_CLASS% %JAVA_HOME%injava %JAVA_VM% %MEM_ARGS% -Dweblogic.Name=%SERVER_NAME% -Djava.security.policy=%WL_HOME%serverlibweblogic.policy %JAVA_OPTIONS% %PROXY_SETTINGS% %SERVER_CLASS% ) else ( echo Redirecting output from WLS window to %WLS_REDIRECT_LOG% %JAVA_HOME%injava %JAVA_VM% %MEM_ARGS% -Dweblogic.Name=%SERVER_NAME% -Djava.security.policy=%WL_HOME%serverlibweblogic.policy %JAVA_OPTIONS% %PROXY_SETTINGS% %SERVER_CLASS% >"%WLS_REDIRECT_LOG%" 2>&1 ) CALL :stopAll popd @REM Exit this script only if we have been told to exit. if "%doExitFlag%"=="true" ( exit ) ENDLOCAL
然后,启动weblogic,同时在eclipse运行刚配置的Remote-icore debug,在工程中想要调试的地方打上断点就好啦~