• ExtAspNet v2.2.1

    ExtAspNet v2.2.1

    支持的浏览器: IE 7.0+, Firefox 3.0+, Chrome 2.0+, Opera 9.5+, Safari 3.0+

    注:ExtAspNet基于一些开源的程序ExtJS, HtmlAgilityPack, Nii.JSON, YUICompressor。

    示例: http://extasp.net/
    开源: http://extaspnet.codeplex.com/
    博客: http://sanshi.cnblogs.com/


    +2010-03-28 v2.2.1
            -增加一个新的Theme - Access。
            -修正了Firefox下Zoom In/Out时页面消失的BUG。


    ExtAspNet v2.2.1
    ExtAspNet is a set of professional Asp.net controls with native AJAX support and rich UI effect
    which aim at No JavaScript, No CSS, No UpdatePanel and No WebServices.

    Support Browsers: IE 7.0+, Firefox 3.0+, Chrome 2.0+, Opera 9.5+, Safari 3.0+

    Note: ExtAspNet bases on Open Source Projects like ExtJS, HtmlAgilityPack, Nii.JSON, YUICompressor.

    Examples: http://extasp.net/
    Project: http://extaspnet.codeplex.com/
    Blog: http://sanshi.cnblogs.com/

    Release History:

    +2010-03-28 v2.2.1
        +Add a overload funtion to GetAddTabReference of TabStrip that you can specify the tab's icon url(feedback:mmdcup).
            -Fix a bug when invoking this function through PageContext.RegisterStartupScript, the icon disappears(feedback:zhaowenke).
        -Fix a bug in basic/hello.aspx, which can not pupop dialog in a new window.
        -Hide the RegionPanel's border of the example site home page - ShowBorder="false".
        +Integrate with extjs3.1.0.
            -Add a new theme - Access.
            -Fix a bug in firefox that page will disappear when using zoom in/out.
            -Delete EnableLightBackgroundColor property for Panel, and EnableBackgroundColor property only support Blue and Gray themes.


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/sanshi/p/1698892.html
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