• How to avoid Over-fitting using Regularization?



    the degree to which instability and complexity of the estimator should be penalized (higher penalty for increasing value of {displaystyle lambda }lambda )


    Regularization can be motivated as a technique to improve the generalizability of a learned model.


    Regularization can be motivated as a technique to improve the generalizability of a learned model.

    The goal of this learning problem is to find a function that fits or predicts the outcome (label) that minimizes the expected error over all possible inputs and labels. The expected error of a function f_{n} is:

    Typically in learning problems, only a subset of input data and labels are available, measured with some noise. Therefore, the expected error is unmeasurable, and the best surrogate available is the empirical error over the N available samples:

    Without bounds on the complexity of the function space (formally, the reproducing kernel Hilbert space) available, a model will be learned that incurs zero loss on the surrogate empirical error. If measurements (e.g. of x_{i}) were made with noise, this model may suffer from overfitting and display poor expected error. Regularization introduces a penalty for exploring certain regions of the function space used to build the model, which can improve generalization.

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