• 从另一个线程获取消息的确认

    pika/pika: Pure Python RabbitMQ/AMQP 0-9-1 client library

    Requesting message acknowledgements from another thread

    The single-threaded usage constraint of an individual Pika connection adapter instance may result in a dropped AMQP/stream connection due to AMQP heartbeat timeout in consumers that take a long time to process an incoming message. A common solution is to delegate processing of the incoming messages to another thread, while the connection adapter's thread continues to service its I/O loop's message pump, permitting AMQP heartbeats and other I/O to be serviced in a timely fashion.

    Messages processed in another thread may not be acknowledged directly from that thread, since all accesses to the connection adapter instance must be from a single thread, which is the thread running the adapter's I/O loop. This is accomplished by requesting a callback to be executed in the adapter's I/O loop thread. For example, the callback function's implementation might look like this:

    def ack_message(channel, delivery_tag):
        """Note that `channel` must be the same Pika channel instance via which
        the message being acknowledged was retrieved (AMQP protocol constraint).
        if channel.is_open:
            # Channel is already closed, so we can't acknowledge this message;
            # log and/or do something that makes sense for your app in this case.

    The code running in the other thread may request the ack_message() function to be executed in the connection adapter's I/O loop thread using an adapter-specific mechanism:

    • pika.BlockingConnection abstracts its I/O loop from the application and thus exposes pika.BlockingConnection.add_callback_threadsafe(). Refer to this method's docstring for additional information. For example:

      connection.add_callback_threadsafe(functools.partial(ack_message, channel, delivery_tag))
    • When using a non-blocking connection adapter, such as pika.adapters.asyncio_connection.AsyncioConnection orpika.SelectConnection, you use the underlying asynchronous framework's native API for requesting an I/O loop-bound callback from another thread. For example, pika.SelectConnection's I/O loop provides add_callback_threadsafe(),pika.adapters.tornado_connection.TornadoConnection's I/O loop has add_callback(), whilepika.adapters.asyncio_connection.AsyncioConnection's I/O loop exposes call_soon_threadsafe().

    This threadsafe callback request mechanism may also be used to delegate publishing of messages, etc., from a background thread to the connection adapter's thread.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/rsapaper/p/11011889.html
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