在节点核心(node core)内以latex作为输入文本的开头(默认快捷键设置的情况下,按F2直接进入节点核心编辑),之后所有文本被解释为LaTeX代码并被转换为矢量图片。初次创建LaTeX公式时,具有语法加亮功能的对话框不会弹出,而是直接在节点核心内编辑。对于已经包含LaTeX公式的节点,双击则在弹出的对话框中进行编辑。
Macros from amsmath and symbols from amssymb and stmaryrd;
includegraphics (without options);
The TeX macro over;
Accents from amsxtra package;
The macros definecolor, extcolor, colorbox and fcolorbox from the package color;
The macros otatebox, eflectbox and scalebox from the package graphicx;
The most of latin unicode characters are available and cyrillic or greek characters are detected for the loading of the different fonts;
The commands ewcommand and ewenvironment;
The environments array, align, matrix, pmatrix,..., eqnarray, cases;
The vertical and horizontal lines are handled in array environment;
The commands to change the size of the font are available: iny, small,...,LARGE, huge, Huge.
可以看出,以上功能基本上可以满足常见数学公式输入的需求。而且,用户可以使用 ewcommand与 ewenvironment定义新的命令与环境,从而方便复杂命令的输入。如下图所示,相关配置位于Preferences → Plugins → LaTeX。
ewcommand{intd}{\,{ m d}} % Symbol 'd' used in integration, such as 'dx' ewcommand{diff}{{ m d}} % Symbol 'd' used in differentiation ewcommand{Diff}{{ m D}} % Symbol 'D' used in differentiation ewcommand{pdiff}{partial} % Partial derivative ewcommand{ me}{{ m e}} % Exponential e ewcommand{ mi}{{ m i}} % Imaginary unit i ewcommand{ mj}{{ m j}} % Imaginary unit j ewcommand{vect}[1]{oldsymbol{#1}} % Vector typeset in bold and italic ewcommand{dform}[1]{overset{ ightharpoonup}{oldsymbol{#1}}} % Vector for differential form ewcommand{cochain}[1]{overset{ ightharpoonup}{#1}} % Vector for cochain ewcommand{abs}[1]{|#1|} % Absolute value (single vertical bar) ewcommand{ orm}[1]{|#1|} % Norm (double vertical bar) ewcommand{ouset}[3]{overset{#3}{underset{#2}{#1}}} % over and under set