• linux操作系统上路由管理维护

    比如家里的路由器 网关是192.168.1.1 网段是192.168.0.0 ,你的IP 是192.168.1.10
    route add default gw


    ROUTE(8) Linux System Administrator's Manual ROUTE(8)

    NAME 名称

       route - show / manipulate the IP routing table


       route [-CFvnNee] [-A family |-4|-6]
       route  [-v]  [-A  family |-4|-6] add [-net|-host] target [netmask Nm] [gw Gw] [metric N] [mss M] [window W]
              [irtt I] [reject] [mod] [dyn] [reinstate] [[dev] If]
       route  [-v] [-A family |-4|-6] del [-net|-host] target [gw Gw] [netmask Nm] [metric N] [[dev] If]
       route  [-V] [--version] [-h] [--help]

    NOTE 笔记

       This program is obsolete. For replacement check ip route.


       Route manipulates the kernel's IP routing tables.  Its primary use is to set up static routes  to  specific
       hosts or networks via an interface after it has been configured with the ifconfig(8) program.
       When the add or del options are used, route modifies the routing tables.  Without these options, route dis‐
       plays the current contents of the routing tables.

    OPTIONS 参数

       -A family
              use the specified address family (eg `inet'). Use route --help for a full list. You can use -6 as an
              alias for --inet6 and -4 as an alias for -A inet
       -F     operate on the kernel's FIB (Forwarding Information Base) routing table.  This is the default.
       -C     operate on the kernel's routing cache.
       -v     select verbose operation.
       -n     show  numerical  addresses instead of trying to determine symbolic host names. This is useful if you
              are trying to determine why the route to your nameserver has vanished.
       -e     use netstat(8)-format for displaying the routing table.  -ee will generate a very long line with all
              parameters from the routing table.
       del    delete a route.
       add    add a new route.
       target the  destination  network  or  host.  You can provide IP addresses in dotted decimal or host/network
       -net   the target is a network.
       -host  the target is a host.
       netmask NM
              when adding a network route, the netmask to be used.
       gw GW  route packets via a gateway.  NOTE: The specified gateway must  be  reachable  first.  This  usually
              means  that  you have to set up a static route to the gateway beforehand. If you specify the address
              of one of your local interfaces, it will be used to decide about the interface to which the  packets
              should be routed to. This is a BSDism compatibility hack.
       metric M
              set the metric field in the routing table (used by routing daemons) to M.
       mss M  sets  MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) of the route to M bytes.  Note that the current implementation
              of the route command does not allow the option to set the Maximum Segment Size (MSS).
       window W
              set the TCP window size for connections over this route to W bytes. This is typically only  used  on
              AX.25 networks and with drivers unable to handle back to back frames.
       irtt I set  the  initial  round  trip  time  (irtt)  for  TCP connections over this route to I milliseconds
              (1-12000). This is typically only used on AX.25 networks. If omitted the RFC 1122 default  of  300ms
              is used.
       reject install a blocking route, which will force a route lookup to fail.  This is for example used to mask
              out networks before using the default route.  This is NOT for firewalling.
       mod, dyn, reinstate
              install a dynamic or modified route. These flags are for diagnostic purposes, and are generally only
              set by routing daemons.
       dev If force  the  route  to  be  associated with the specified device, as the kernel will otherwise try to
              determine the device on its own (by checking already existing routes and device specifications,  and
              where the route is added to). In most normal networks you won't need this.
              If  dev If is the last option on the command line, the word dev may be omitted, as it's the default.
              Otherwise the order of the route modifiers (metric - netmask - gw - dev) doesn't matter.


       **route add -net netmask dev lo**
              adds the normal loopback entry, using netmask and associated with the "lo" device  (assum‐
              ing this device was previously set up correctly with ifconfig(8)).
               添加正常环回条目,使用网络掩码 并与“lo”设备相关联, 之前使用 ifconfig(8) 正确设置了此设备。
       **route add -net netmask dev eth0**
              adds a route to the local network 192.56.76.x via "eth0".  The word "dev" can be omitted here.
              通过“eth0”添加到本地网络 192.56.76.x 的路由。这里可以省略“dev”这个词。
       **route del default**
              deletes the current default route, which is labeled "default" or in the destination field of
              the current routing table.
              删除当前默认路由,在目标字段中标记为“默认”或 当前路由表。
       **route add default gw mango-gw**
              adds a default route (which will be used if no other route matches).  All packets using  this  route
              will  be gatewayed through "mango-gw". The device which will actually be used for that route depends
              on how we can reach "mango-gw" - the static route to "mango-gw" will have to be set up before.
              关于我们如何到达“mango-gw” - 必须先设置到“mango-gw”的静态路由。
       **route add ipx4 sl0**
              Adds the route to the "ipx4" host via the SLIP interface (assuming that "ipx4" is the SLIP host).
       **route add -net netmask gw ipx4**
              This command adds the net "192.57.66.x" to be gatewayed through the former route to the SLIP  inter‐
               该命令添加了要通过前一条路由到 SLIP 接口
       **route add -net netmask dev eth0**
              This  is an obscure one documented so people know how to do it. This sets all of the class D (multi‐
              cast) IP routes to go via "eth0". This is the correct normal configuration line with a  multicasting
              这是一个晦涩的记录,因此人们知道如何去做。这将设置所有的 D 类(
              cast) IP 路由通过“eth0”。这是带有多播的正确正常配置行
       **route add -net netmask reject**
              This installs a rejecting route for the private network "10.x.x.x."
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/qianxiaoruofeng/p/15486718.html
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