• Code Reading chap3



    +                    Chapter3: Advanced C Data Types



    52. By recognizing the function served by a particular language construct, you can better understand

         the code that uses it. (P61)



    53. Recognize and classify classify classify the reason behind each use of a pointer.(P61)



    54. Pointers are used in C programs to construct linked data structures, to dynamically allocate  data structures,

         to implement call by reference, to access and iterate through data element, when passing arrays as

        arguments, for referring to functions, as an alias for another value, to represent character strings, and for

        direct access to system memory. (P62)

         C语言中的指针用于构建链接化的数据结构, 用于动态的分配数据结构时, 用于以引用方式实现调用时, 用于存取


         别名存在时候,用于表示一个字符数组时, 用于直接存取系统内存时。


    55. Function arguments passed by reference are used for returning function results or for avoiding the

         overhead of copying the argument.(P63)



    56. A pointer to an array element address can be used to access the element at the specific position index. (P65)



    57. Arithmetic on array element pointers has the same semantics as arithmetic on the respective array indices.



    58. Functions using global or static local variables are in most cases not reentrant.(P66)



    59. Character pointers differ from character arrays.(P72)



    60. Recognize and classify the reason behind each use of a structure or union.(P75)



    61. Structures are used in C programs to group together data elements typically used as a whole, to return

          multiple data elements from a function, to construct linked data structures, to map the organization of data

          on hardware devices, network links, and storage media, to implement abstract data types, and to program in

          an object-oriented fashion.(P75)





    62. Unions are used in C programs to optimize the use of storage, to implement polymorphism,

         and for accessing different internal representations of data.(P80) 



    63. A pointer initialized to pointe to storage for N  elements can be dereferenced as if it were an array

         of N ELEMENTS.(p85)




    64. Dynamically allocated memory blocks are freed explicitely or when the program terminateds or through

         use of a garbage collector; memory blocks allocated on the stack are freed when the function they were

         allocated in exits.(P87)


         当“在栈上的内存块分配”被分配到的函数退出的时候,它(译注:指 在栈上的内存块分配)需要被释放掉。


    65. C programs use typedef declarations to promote abstraction and enhance the code's reacability,

         to guard against protability problems, and to emulate the class decraraion behavior of C++ and JAVA.(p91)

         C语言使用了typedef 关键字声明用来提升抽象以及代码的可读性,这是为了与可移植性问题战斗, 以及



    66. You can read typedef declaration as if they were varaible definitions: the name of the varaible beinig

         defined is the type's name; the varaible's type is the type corresponding to that name.(P91)

         你可以把typedef 声明读作好像就是变量定义一般:被定义的变量的名字就是类型名;变量的类型是与那个名字相对应的类型。

    +++++++++++++++++++++++++ end of chap3 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/parsifal/p/2087788.html
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