• 属性,类方法

    1. #属性的装饰器
    # class Bmi:
    # def __init__(self,name,weight,height):
    # self.name=name
    # # self.__weight = weight if type(weight) is int else return '输入格式有误,请重新输入'
    # self.__height=height
    # @property #属性,将方法伪装成属性,是代码逻辑看起来更合理
    # def wei(self):
    # return '%s的BMI指数是%.2f'% (self.name,self.__weight/self.__height/self.__height)
    # @wei.setter #属性的修改
    # def wei(self,weight):
    # if type(weight) is int:
    # self.__weight=weight
    # else:
    # return '输入格式有误,请重新输入'
    # @wei.deleter #属性的删除
    # def wei(self):
    # del self.__weight
    # p1=Bmi('小明',60,1.85)
    # p1.wei=56
    # del p1.wei
    # print(p1.__dict__)
    # p1.bmi=65
    # p1.a()
    # class Person:
    # def work(self): #普通方法
    # print(self)
    # @classmethod
    # def eat(cls): #类方法
    # print(cls)
    # p1=Person()
    # p1.work() #对象调用普通方法 传进去的参数是对象空间
    # p1.eat() #对象调用类方法,传进去的参数是对象所在的类空间

    # 类方法的应用场景
    # class Person:
    # country='诺克萨斯'
    # people='卡特琳娜'
    # @classmethod
    # def func(cls):
    # cls.a1=cls.country+cls.people
    # Person.func()
    # print(Person.__dict__)
    # class A:
    # @staticmethod
    # def login(username, password):
    # if username == 'alex' and password == 123:
    # print('登录成功')
    # else:
    # print('登录失败...')

    # A.login('alex',1234)
    # a1=A()
    # a1.login('alex',123) #类和对象都能调用,但一般对象只用来调用普通方法
    # 1,代码块.看起来更加清晰.
    # 2,复用性.
    # 3.做实际应用中一个无主的函数会显得杂乱,故而将其封装在类中可以使代码更有可读性


    # class Person:
    # name='小明'
    # @classmethod
    # def func(cls):
    # cls.name ='诺克萨斯'
    # class Game(Person):
    # name = '德玛西亚'
    # g1=Game()
    # g1.func()
    # print(Game.__dict__)
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/luxiangyu111/p/9378554.html
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