• 链表_leetcode143

    # Definition for singly-linked list.
    class ListNode(object):
    def __init__(self, x):
    self.val = x
    self.next = None

    class Solution(object):
    def reorderList(self, head):
    :type head: ListNode
    :rtype: void Do not return anything, modify head in-place instead.

    if not head or not head.next or not head.next.next:
    return head

    start = head
    pre ,tail = self.findTailNode(head)

    nextStart = start.next
    pre.next = None

    start.next = tail
    tail.next = self.reorderList(nextStart)

    return start

    def findTailNode(self,head):

    pre = head
    tail = pre.next

    while tail.next:

    pre = tail
    tail = tail.next

    return pre ,tail

    def creatList(self, l):
    dummyHead = ListNode(0)

    pre = dummyHead

    for i in l:
    pre.next = ListNode(i)
    pre = pre.next

    return dummyHead.next

    def printList(self, head):
    cur = head

    while cur:
    print cur.val
    cur = cur.next

    # 思路:
    # 在中间平均截开两段,若为奇数,则第一段多一个
    # 将第二段reverse
    # 然后两段再交错地link起来

    class Solution2(object):
    def reorderList(self, head):
    :type head: ListNode
    :rtype: void Do not return anything, modify head in-place instead.
    if head is None or head.next is None or head.next.next is None:
    head = head

    slow = fast = head
    while fast.next and fast.next.next:
    slow = fast.next
    fast = fast.next.next

    head2 = slow.next
    slow.next = None

    dummy = ListNode(0)
    dummy.next = head2

    p = head2.next
    head2.next = None

    while p:

    # nextP = p.next
    # p.next = dummy.next
    # dummy.next = p
    # p = nextP
    tmp = p
    p = p.next
    tmp.next = dummy.next
    dummy.next = tmp

    head2 = dummy.next

    p1 = head
    p2 = head2

    while p2:
    t1 = p1.next
    p1.next = p2

    t2= p2.next
    p2.next = t1

    p1 = t1
    p2 = t2

    class Solution3(object):
    def reorderList(self, head):
    :type head: ListNode
    :rtype: void Do not return anything, modify head in-place instead.
    if head is None or head.next is None or head.next.next is None:
    head = head

    slow = fast = head # two parts
    while fast.next and fast.next.next:
    slow = slow.next
    fast = fast.next.next

    head2 = slow.next
    slow.next = None

    dummy = ListNode(0) # reverse 2nd part
    dummy.next = head2
    p = head2.next
    head2.next = None
    while p:
    tmp = p
    p = p.next
    tmp.next = dummy.next
    dummy.next = tmp
    head2 = dummy.next

    p1 = head # rejoin 2 parts together
    p2 = head2
    while p2:
    t1 = p1.next
    p1.next = p2
    t2 = p2.next
    p2.next = t1
    p1 = t1
    p2 = t2

    l1 = [1,2,3,4,5,6]

    s = Solution()

    head = s.creatList(l1)


    head = s.reorderList(head)


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lux-ace/p/10557197.html
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