这里的数据是一个5000 × 400的矩阵,意思就是有5000张图片而每一张都是20*20的灰度图片(这里是被拉伸成了一行),y就是标签是个5000×1的矩阵,取值范围为1-10,这里10就代表0。而且数据是以mat的形式存储的(matlab存文件就是这个形式)。
# ================== Multi-class Classification | part 1: one vs all ========================
from scipy.io import loadmat # read matfile
import numpy as np
import displayData
import lrCostFunction
import oneVsAll
import Predict
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import predictOneVsAll
# ================== load Data =============================================================
data = loadmat("../machine-learning-ex3/ex3/ex3data1.mat")
x_data = data["X"] # x_data here is a 5000 * 400 matrix (5000 training examples, 20 * 20 grid of pixel is unrolled into 4000-deminsional vector
y_data = data.get("y") # y_data here is a 5000 * 1 matrix(label)
# hint : must transpose the data to get the oriented data
x_data = np.array([im.reshape((20, 20)).T for im in x_data])
x_data = np.array([im.reshape((400, )) for im in x_data])
# can use data.key() and debugging to get this information
# ================== load end ==============================================================
# set some params
input_layer_size = 400
num_labels = 10
# ================== visualize the data ====================================================
rand = np.random.randint(0, 5000, (100, )) # [0, 5000)
displayData.data_display(x_data[rand, :]) # get 100 images randomly
# ======================= Test case for lrCostFunction =============================
theta_t = np.array([-2, -1, 1, 2])
t = np.linspace(1, 15, 15) / 10
t = t.reshape((3, 5))
x_t = np.column_stack((np.ones((5, 1)), t.T))
y_t = np.array([1, 0, 1, 0, 1])
l_t = 3
cost = lrCostFunction.cost_reg(theta_t, x_t, y_t, l_t)
grad = lrCostFunction.grad_reg(theta_t, x_t, y_t, l_t)
print("cost is {}".format(cost))
print("expected cost is 2.534819")
print("grad is {}".format(grad))
print("expected grad is 0.146561 -0.548558 0.724722 1.398003")
# ============================ test end =============================================
# ============================ one vs all:predict ===========================================
l = 0.1
theta = oneVsAll.one_vs_all(x_data, y_data, l, num_labels)
result = Predict.pred_lr(theta, x_data[1500, :])
np.set_printoptions(precision=2, suppress=True) # don't use scientific notation
print("this number is {}".format(result)) # 10 here is 0
plt.imshow(x_data[1500, :].reshape((20, 20)), cmap='gray', vmin=-1, vmax=1)
accuracy = predictOneVsAll.pred_accuracy(theta, x_data, y_data)
print("test 5000 images, accuracy is {:%}".format(accuracy))
# ============================ predict end ======================================================
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def data_display(data, image_width=20):
# compute image_height
m, n = data.shape
image_height = n / image_width
# compute rows and cols
display_rows = np.round(np.sqrt(m))
display_cols = m / display_rows
# set image padding
pad = 1
rows_pixel = np.ceil(display_rows * image_height + (display_rows + 1) * pad)
cols_pixel = np.ceil(display_cols * image_width + (display_cols + 1) * pad)
rows_pixel = rows_pixel.astype(np.int64)
cols_pixel = cols_pixel.astype(np.int64)
# initialize display matrix
display_matrix = -np.ones((rows_pixel, cols_pixel))
# the first pixel of every image is 1+(image_width+pad)*(n-1) or 1+(image_height+pad)*(n-1)
for i in range(data.shape[0]):
image_data = data[i, :].reshape((int(image_width), int(image_height)))
row_index = np.floor(i / display_cols)
cols_index = i % display_cols
row_position = pad+(image_height+pad)*row_index
cols_position = pad+(image_width+pad)*cols_index
display_matrix[int(row_position):int(row_position+image_height), int(cols_position):int(cols_position+image_width)] = image_data[:, :]
plt.imshow(display_matrix, cmap='gray', vmin=-1, vmax=1)
import numpy as np
def sigmoid(x):
return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x))
def cost_reg(theta, x_data, y_data, l):
m, n = x_data.shape
theta = theta.reshape((-1, 1))
y_data = y_data.reshape((-1, 1))
hx = sigmoid(np.dot(x_data, theta))
ln_h = np.log(hx)
part1 = -np.dot(ln_h.T, y_data) / m
ln_1h = np.log(1 - hx)
part2 = -np.dot(ln_1h.T, 1-y_data) / m
# don't do that : theta[0, 0] = 0 # don't penalize theta0
reg = l * np.dot(theta[1:, :].T, theta[1:, :]) / (2 * m)
return (part1+part2+reg).flatten()
def grad_reg(theta, x_data, y_data, l):
m, n = x_data.shape
theta_tempt = theta.reshape((-1, 1)).copy()
y_data = y_data.reshape((-1, 1))
hx = sigmoid(np.dot(x_data, theta_tempt))
theta_tempt[0, 0] = 0 # don't penalize theta0
part1 = np.dot(x_data.T, hx - y_data)
part2 = l * theta_tempt
return ((part1+part2) / m).flatten()
import numpy as np
import fmincg
def one_vs_all(x_data, y_data, l, num_labels):
# initialize some params
m, n = x_data.shape
x_data = np.column_stack((np.ones((m, 1)), x_data))
# initialize initial_theta
initial_thata = np.zeros((num_labels, n+1))
theta = fmincg.fmincg(initial_thata, x_data, y_data, l, num_labels)
return theta
import scipy.optimize as op
import numpy as np
import lrCostFunction
def fmincg(theta, x_data, y_data, l, num_labels):
for i in range(num_labels):
y_tempt = y_data.copy() # hint: must copy !
# pre-treat
pos = np.where(y_data == i)
neg = np.where(y_data != i)
if i == 0:
pos = np.where(y_data == 10)
neg = np.where(y_data != 10)
y_tempt[pos] = 1
y_tempt[neg] = 0
result = op.minimize(lrCostFunction.cost_reg, theta[i, :].T, args=(x_data, y_tempt, l), method="TNC", jac=lrCostFunction.grad_reg)
print("{} : {}".format(i, result.success))
theta[i, :] = result.x
return theta
import numpy as np
import lrCostFunction
def pred_lr(theta, x_data):
x_data = x_data.reshape((1, -1))
x_data = np.column_stack((np.ones((1, 1)), x_data))
result = lrCostFunction.sigmoid(x_data @ theta.T)
predict = np.argmax(result.flatten())
if predict == 0:
predict = 10
return predict
import Predict
def pred_accuracy(theta, x_data, y_data):
right_num = 0
m, _ = x_data.shape
for i in range(m):
pred = Predict.pred_lr(theta, x_data[i, :])
if pred == y_data[i, :]:
right_num += 1
return right_num / m