3月12日,中国网(China.org.cn)发表文章,题为“Baidu CEO proposes national AI project”(记者Zhang Rui),至此,总算把问题说明确了。
3月11日,在全国政协新闻公布会上,李彦宏表示。他已经向大会提交一份提案“The development of a national-level artificial intelligenceprogram”(即”发展国家层面的人工智能计划“)。
这项计划叫做“China Brain”(即“中国大脑”).李彦宏把“中国大脑”计划与美国”阿波罗登月“计划相提并论。他说:“the Apollo(阿波罗)program,which gave birth to Silicon Valley(硅谷).More than 20,000 enterprises joined the program, and they spent US$25.5 billion and more than 10 years to do it. More than 300,000 people were involved. Such a big project produced long-term, persistent and stable demands for chips, so the price of chips went down in that period, which paved the way to the birth of companies such as Intel. ”
我觉得,在中国发展的这个关键时期,李彦宏提出“中国大脑”计划,抓住了时机,也顺应了民心,必有成效。本文作者使用“National AI project”指称“中国大脑”计划。当中意味深长也。
袁萌 3月15日