• python中文注释问题 枯木


    [wu@server python]$ cat ex4.py 
    cars = 100
    space_in_a_car = 40
    drivers = 30
    passengers = 90
    cars_not_driven = cars - drivers
    cars_driven = drivers
    carpool_capacity = cars_driven * space_in_a_car
    average_passengers_per_car = passengers / cars_driven
    print "There are", cars, "cars available."
    print "There are only", drivers, "drivers available."
    print "There will be", cars_not_driven, "empty cars today."
    print "We can transport", carpool_capacity, "people today."
    print "We have", passengers, "to carpool today."
    print "We need to put about", average_passengers_per_car, "in each car."
    [wu@server python]$ ./ex4.py
      File "./ex4.py", line 3
    SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\xe4' in file ./ex4.py on line 3, but no encoding declared; see http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0263.html for details

    加上# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-之后就能成功使用中文注释了

    [wu@server python]$ cat ex4.py 
    # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
    cars = 100
    space_in_a_car = 40
    drivers = 30
    passengers = 90
    cars_not_driven = cars - drivers
    cars_driven = drivers
    carpool_capacity = cars_driven * space_in_a_car
    average_passengers_per_car = passengers / cars_driven
    print "There are", cars, "cars available."
    print "There are only", drivers, "drivers available."
    print "There will be", cars_not_driven, "empty cars today."
    print "We can transport", carpool_capacity, "people today."
    print "We have", passengers, "to carpool today."
    print "We need to put about", average_passengers_per_car, "in each car."
    [wu@server python]$ ./ex4.py 
    There are 100 cars available.
    There are only 30 drivers available.
    There will be 70 empty cars today.
    We can transport 1200 people today.
    We have 90 to carpool today.
    We need to put about 3 in each car.
    [wu@server python]$

  • 相关阅读:
    索引缓冲对象(EBO或IBO )的理解
    vao, vbo的一点拙见
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/kumulinux/p/2808733.html
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