• 维基百科:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Command_pattern
GoF:Encapsulate a request as an object, thereby letting you parameterize clients with different requests, queue or log requests, and support undoable operations.
Wikipedia:In object-oriented programming, the command pattern is a behavioral design pattern in which an object is used to encapsulate all information needed to perform an action or trigger an event at a later time. This information includes the method name, the object that owns the method and values for the method parameters.
Four terms always associated with the command pattern are command, receiver, invoker and client. A command object knows about receiver and invokes a method of the receiver. Values for parameters of the receiver method are stored in the command. The receiver then does the work. An invoker object knows how to execute a command, and optionally does bookkeeping about the command execution. The invoker does not know anything about a concrete command, it knows only about command interface. Both an invoker object and several command objects are held by a client object. The client decides which commands to execute at which points. To execute a command, it passes the command object to the invoker object.
Using command objects makes it easier to construct general components that need to delegate, sequence or execute method calls at a time of their choosing without the need to know the class of the method or the method parameters. Using an invoker object allows bookkeeping about command executions to be conveniently performed, as well as implementing different modes for commands, which are managed by the invoker object, without the need for the client to be aware of the existence of bookkeeping or modes.
• 设计意图
• UML类图
• 结构说明
▶ Command
GoF:Declares an interface for executing an operation.
▶ ConcreteCommand
GoF:Defines a binding between a Receiver object and an action. Implements Execute by invoking the corresponding operation(s) on Receiver.
▶ Client
GoF:Creates a concrete Command object and sets its Receiver.
▶ Invoker
GoF:Asks the command to carry out the request.
▶ Receiver
GoF:Knows how to perform the operations associated with carrying out a request. Any class may serve as a Receiver.
• 模式特点
• 每个具体command对象持有一个对具体执行者receiver对象的引用。
• invoker对象中持有所有具体command对象的引用。
• 当一个request到达时,invoker对象调用对应的command对象执行(execute),command对象内部将调用其持有的具体receiver对象执行真正的处理操作。
• command模式将硬编码中的switch-case语句去除,当新增一个新的request时,只需要找到其对应的receiver,编写一个新的command类型,并将其注册给invoker即可。
• 使用command模式可能会产生过多的具体命令类,因此要针对实际情况以及将来系统的扩展情况来合理使用。
• 例子一
关于一个开关如何从最原始设计衍化为基于命令模式设计的过程,可以参见这篇《Command 模式 Step by Step》文章。
#include <stdio.h> #include <iostream> using namespace std; // The Command interface : ICommand class ICommand { public: ICommand() {} virtual ~ICommand() {} public: virtual void Execute() = 0; }; // The Invoker entity : Switch class Switch { private: ICommand *m_pClosedCommand; ICommand *m_pOpenedCommand; public: Switch(ICommand *pClosedCommand, ICommand *pOpenedCommand) { m_pClosedCommand = pClosedCommand; m_pOpenedCommand = pOpenedCommand; } ~Switch() { if ( m_pClosedCommand ) { delete m_pClosedCommand; m_pClosedCommand = NULL; } if ( m_pOpenedCommand ) { delete m_pOpenedCommand; m_pOpenedCommand = NULL; } } public: void Close() { if ( m_pClosedCommand ) { m_pClosedCommand->Execute(); } } void Open() { if ( m_pOpenedCommand ) { m_pOpenedCommand->Execute(); } } }; // The Receiver interface : ISwitchable (sometimes unnecessary) class ISwitchable { public: ISwitchable() {} virtual ~ISwitchable() {} public: virtual void PowerOn () = 0; virtual void PowerOff() = 0; }; // The Receiver entity : Light class Light : public ISwitchable { public: Light() {} virtual ~Light() {} public: virtual void PowerOn() { cout << "The light is on." << endl; } virtual void PowerOff() { cout << "The light is off." << endl; } }; // The Concrete Command : CloseSwitchCommand class CloseSwitchCommand : public ICommand { private: ISwitchable *m_pSwitchable; public: CloseSwitchCommand(ISwitchable *pSwitchable) { m_pSwitchable = pSwitchable; } virtual ~CloseSwitchCommand() { m_pSwitchable = NULL; } public: virtual void Execute() { if ( m_pSwitchable ) { m_pSwitchable->PowerOff(); } } }; // The Concrete Command : OpenSwitchCommand class OpenSwitchCommand : public ICommand { private: ISwitchable *m_pSwitchable; public: OpenSwitchCommand(ISwitchable *pSwitchable) { m_pSwitchable = pSwitchable; } virtual ~OpenSwitchCommand() { m_pSwitchable = NULL; } public: virtual void Execute() { if (m_pSwitchable) { m_pSwitchable->PowerOn(); } } }; int main() { // light receiver ISwitchable *pLamp = ::new Light; // concrete command ICommand *pClosedCommand = ::new CloseSwitchCommand(pLamp); ICommand *pOpenedCommand = ::new OpenSwitchCommand (pLamp); // invoker Switch *pSwitch = ::new Switch(pClosedCommand, pOpenedCommand); char c; for (;;) { ::scanf("%c", &c); if ('o' == c) { pSwitch->Open(); continue; } if ('c' == c) { pSwitch->Close(); continue; } if ('q' == c) { break; } } delete pSwitch; delete pLamp; return 1; }