• 英语应用文写作之投诉信_抱怨信








     Dear Mr. Smith, 

    My name is Wu Yue. I am an ordinary consumer of your shop. I venture to write you a letter about the service in you shop.

    The focus of the complaint is the cashier’s attitude. For one thing, one of your cashiers shortchanged me a few days ago when I purchased several items and yesterday the same thing happened for the second time in this month. For another, I’m afraid that your clerks are too rude to answer customer’s questions. Honestly speaking, some of your staffs are very hard working and polite, and they make customers’ shopping easy and happy. But some of your staffs’ services have really damaged the reputation of the supermarket. Besides, some of them are not very kind to the customers when they mistakes are pointed out.

    All in all, there is still much for improvement. I do hope you can take time to set service standards for your staffs and offer some training to them. Thank for your time and consideration.

                                                       Sincerely yours,

                                                          Wu Yue


    1. 写信人的姓名

    2. 作者的身份

    3. 表述抱怨内容

    4. 提出抱怨内容的核心点

    5. 抱怨内容的具体方面

    6. 客观的评论

    8. 抱怨内容产生的原因

    9. 总结所抱怨事情有改进空间

    10. 表达本人的愿望


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/haore147/p/3652000.html
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