• 按医生统计原版本--退费不对版本

        IFNULL(t0.num,0) as num0,
        IFNULL(t1.num,0) as num1,
    -- IFNULL(t2.num,0) as num2,
    (IFNULL(t4.num,0) + IFNULL(t5.num,0) + IFNULL(t9.num,0)) as num2,    -- 实际挂号数   =    初诊数 + 复诊数 + 转诊数
        IFNULL(t3.num,0) as num3,
        IFNULL(t4.num,0) as num4,
        IFNULL(t5.num,0) as num5,
        IFNULL(t6.num,0) as num6,
        IFNULL(t8.num,0) as num8,
        IFNULL(t9.num,0) as num9,
        IFNULL(t10.num,0) as num10,
        IFNULL(t11.num,0) as num11,
        IFNULL(t12.num,0) as num12,
        IFNULL(t12.num,0) as num121,
        IFNULL(t12.num,0) as num122,
        IFNULL(t12.num,0) as num123,
        IFNULL(t13.num,0) as num13,
        IFNULL(t14.num,0) as num14
    -- ------------
    -- 总挂号数
    -- ------------
        select t.startTime, count(1) as num,t.deptId, doctorId,t.deptName,t.doctorName from
                a.dept_id as deptId,
                  IFNULL(a.appointment_doctor_id,'') as doctorId,
                h.name as deptName,
                a.appointment_doctor_name as doctorName, 
                CONCAT(a.`appointment_date`," ",a.appointment_starttime) as startTime
            from `thc_arrange`.`bpm_appointment` a 
            inner join `thc_sob`.`bpm_service_order` b on a.orderId = b.id
            inner join `thc_sob`.`bpm_service_order_item` c on c.service_order_id =  b.id and c.id = a.`order_item_id`
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_AccountBill` d on d.orderID = b.id and d.`isDelete` = 0 and d.orderSource = 1 and d.orderType = 3 and d.returnFlag = 0
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_AccountBillDetail` e on d.id = e.AccountBillId and e.itemClass = 1 and e.returnFlag is NULL
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_SettlementDetail` f on f.accountBillID = d.id and f.accountBillDetailID = e.id
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_Settlement` g on g.id = f.settlementID and g.settlementType=2 and g.`isDelete` = 0  and g.returnFlag = 0 -- 门诊挂号
            left join `thc_sob`.`bpm_serv_provider` h on a.dept_id = h.id
              where  a.del_flag = 0 and g.payStatus = 2
            ${if(len(deptId) == 0,"","and a.dept_id = '" + deptId + "'")}
            ${if(len(doctorId) == 0,"","and a.appointment_doctor_id = '" + doctorId + "'")}
        ) t
        where 1=1
        ${if(len(startTime) == 0,"","AND t.startTime     >= '" + startTime + "'")}
        ${if(len(endTime) == 0,"","AND t.startTime     <= '" + endTime + "'")}
        group by t.deptId,t.doctorId
    ) t0
    -- ------------
    -- 退号
    -- ------------
    left join 
        select count(1) as num,t.deptId, t.doctorId from
                a.dept_id as deptId,
                IFNULL(a.appointment_doctor_id,'') as doctorId,
                CONCAT(a.`appointment_date`," ",a.appointment_starttime) as startTime
            from `thc_arrange`.`bpm_appointment` a 
            inner join `thc_sob`.`bpm_service_order` b on a.orderId = b.id
            inner join `thc_sob`.`bpm_service_order_item` c on c.service_order_id =  b.id and c.id = a.`order_item_id`
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_AccountBill` d on d.orderID = b.id and d.`isDelete` = 0 and d.orderSource = 1 and d.orderType = 3 and d.returnFlag = 0
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_AccountBillDetail` e on d.id = e.AccountBillId and e.itemClass = 1 and e.returnFlag is NULL
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_SettlementDetail` f on f.accountBillID = d.id and f.accountBillDetailID = e.id
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_Settlement` g on g.id = f.settlementID and g.settlementType=2 and g.`isDelete` = 0  and g.returnFlag = 0 -- 门诊挂号
            where 1=1 and a.del_flag = 0 and g.payStatus = 2
             and a.appointment_state = -1
            ${if(len(deptId) == 0,"","and a.dept_id = '" + deptId + "'")}
            ${if(len(doctorId) == 0,"","and a.appointment_doctor_id = '" + doctorId + "'")}
        ) t
        where 1=1
        ${if(len(startTime) == 0,"","AND t.startTime     >= '" + startTime + "'")}
        ${if(len(endTime) == 0,"","AND t.startTime     <= '" + endTime + "'")}
        group by t.deptId,t.doctorId
    ) t1
    on t0.deptId = t1.deptId and t0.doctorId = t1.doctorId
    -- ------------
    -- 实际挂号数   =    初诊数 + 复诊数 + 转诊数
    -- ------------
    left join 
        select count(1) as num,t.deptId, t.doctorId from
                a.dept_id as deptId,
                IFNULL(a.appointment_doctor_id,'') as doctorId,
                CONCAT(a.`appointment_date`," ",a.appointment_starttime) as startTime
            from `thc_arrange`.`bpm_appointment` a
            inner join `thc_sob`.`bpm_service_order` b on a.orderId = b.id
            inner join `thc_sob`.`bpm_service_order_item` c on c.service_order_id =  b.id and c.id = a.`order_item_id`
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_AccountBill` d on d.orderID = b.id and d.`isDelete` = 0 and d.orderSource = 1 and d.orderType = 3 and d.returnFlag = 0
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_AccountBillDetail` e on d.id = e.AccountBillId and e.itemClass = 1 and e.returnFlag is NULL
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_SettlementDetail` f on f.accountBillID = d.id and f.accountBillDetailID = e.id
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_Settlement` g on g.id = f.settlementID and g.settlementType=2 and g.`isDelete` = 0  and g.returnFlag = 0 -- 门诊挂号
            where a.del_flag = 0 and a.subsequent_visit in (0,1,2) and g.payStatus = 2
            ${if(len(deptId) == 0,"","and a.dept_id = '" + deptId + "'")}
            ${if(len(doctorId) == 0,"","and a.appointment_doctor_id = '" + doctorId + "'")}
        ) t 
        where 1=1
        ${if(len(startTime) == 0,"","AND t.startTime     >= '" + startTime + "'")}
        ${if(len(endTime) == 0,"","AND t.startTime     <= '" + endTime + "'")}
        group by t.deptId,t.doctorId
    ) t2
    on t0.deptId = t2.deptId and t0.doctorId = t2.doctorId
    -- ------------
    -- 指定
    -- ------------    
    left join 
        select count(1) as num,t.deptId, t.doctorId from
                a.dept_id as deptId,
                IFNULL(a.appointment_doctor_id,'') as doctorId,
                CONCAT(a.`appointment_date`," ",a.appointment_starttime) as startTime
            from `thc_arrange`.`bpm_appointment` a
            inner join `thc_sob`.`bpm_service_order` b on a.orderId = b.id
            inner join `thc_sob`.`bpm_service_order_item` c on c.service_order_id =  b.id and c.id = a.`order_item_id`
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_AccountBill` d on d.orderID = b.id and d.`isDelete` = 0 and d.orderSource = 1 and d.orderType = 3 and d.returnFlag = 0
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_AccountBillDetail` e on d.id = e.AccountBillId and e.itemClass = 1 and e.returnFlag is NULL
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_SettlementDetail` f on f.accountBillID = d.id and f.accountBillDetailID = e.id
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_Settlement` g on g.id = f.settlementID and g.settlementType=2 and g.`isDelete` = 0  and g.returnFlag = 0 -- 门诊挂号
            where a.del_flag = 0 and a.is_appoint_resource = 1 and g.payStatus = 2
            ${if(len(deptId) == 0,"","and a.dept_id = '" + deptId + "'")}
            ${if(len(doctorId) == 0,"","and a.appointment_doctor_id = '" + doctorId + "'")}
        ) t 
        where 1=1
        ${if(len(startTime) == 0,"","AND t.startTime >= '" + startTime + "'")}
        ${if(len(endTime) == 0,"","AND t.startTime <= '" + endTime + "'")}
        group by t.deptId,t.doctorId
    ) t3
    on t0.deptId = t3.deptId and t0.doctorId = t3.doctorId
    -- ------------
    -- 初诊
    -- ------------
    left join 
        select count(1) as num,t.deptId, doctorId from
                a.dept_id as deptId,
                IFNULL(a.appointment_doctor_id,'') as doctorId,
                CONCAT(a.`appointment_date`," ",a.appointment_starttime) as startTime
            from `thc_arrange`.`bpm_appointment` a
            inner join `thc_sob`.`bpm_service_order` b on a.orderId = b.id
            inner join `thc_sob`.`bpm_service_order_item` c on c.service_order_id =  b.id and c.id = a.`order_item_id`
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_AccountBill` d on d.orderID = b.id and d.`isDelete` = 0 and d.orderSource = 1 and d.orderType = 3 and d.returnFlag = 0
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_AccountBillDetail` e on d.id = e.AccountBillId and e.itemClass = 1 and e.returnFlag is NULL
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_SettlementDetail` f on f.accountBillID = d.id and f.accountBillDetailID = e.id
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_Settlement` g on g.id = f.settlementID and g.settlementType=2 and g.`isDelete` = 0  and g.returnFlag = 0 -- 门诊挂号
            where a.del_flag = 0 and a.subsequent_visit = 0 and g.payStatus = 2
            ${if(len(deptId) == 0,"","and a.dept_id = '" + deptId + "'")}
            ${if(len(doctorId) == 0,"","and a.appointment_doctor_id = '" + doctorId + "'")}
        ) t 
        where 1=1
        ${if(len(startTime) == 0,"","AND t.startTime     >= '" + startTime + "'")}
        ${if(len(endTime) == 0,"","AND t.startTime     <= '" + endTime + "'")}
        group by t.deptId,t.doctorId
    ) t4
    on t0.deptId = t4.deptId and t0.doctorId = t4.doctorId
    -- ------------
    -- 复诊
    -- ------------
    left join 
        select count(1) as num,t.deptId, t.doctorId from
                a.dept_id as deptId,
                IFNULL(a.appointment_doctor_id,'') as doctorId,
                CONCAT(a.`appointment_date`," ",a.appointment_starttime) as startTime
            from `thc_arrange`.`bpm_appointment` a
            inner join `thc_sob`.`bpm_service_order` b on a.orderId = b.id
            inner join `thc_sob`.`bpm_service_order_item` c on c.service_order_id =  b.id and c.id = a.`order_item_id`
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_AccountBill` d on d.orderID = b.id and d.`isDelete` = 0 and d.orderSource = 1 and d.orderType = 3 and d.returnFlag = 0
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_AccountBillDetail` e on d.id = e.AccountBillId and e.itemClass = 1 and e.returnFlag is NULL
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_SettlementDetail` f on f.accountBillID = d.id and f.accountBillDetailID = e.id
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_Settlement` g on g.id = f.settlementID and g.settlementType=2 and g.`isDelete` = 0  and g.returnFlag = 0 -- 门诊挂号
            where a.del_flag = 0 and a.subsequent_visit = 1 and g.payStatus = 2
            ${if(len(deptId) == 0,"","and a.dept_id = '" + deptId + "'")}
            ${if(len(doctorId) == 0,"","and a.appointment_doctor_id = '" + doctorId + "'")}
        ) t 
        where 1=1
        ${if(len(startTime) == 0,"","AND t.startTime     >= '" + startTime + "'")}
        ${if(len(endTime) == 0,"","AND t.startTime     <= '" + endTime + "'")}
        group by t.deptId,t.doctorId
    ) t5
    on t0.deptId = t5.deptId and t0.doctorId = t5.doctorId
    -- ------------
    -- 体检
    -- ------------
    left join 
        select count(1) as num,t.deptId, t.doctorId from
                a.dept_id as deptId,
                IFNULL(a.appointment_doctor_id,'') as doctorId,
                CONCAT(a.`appointment_date`," ",a.appointment_starttime) as startTime
            from `thc_arrange`.`bpm_appointment` a
            inner join `thc_sob`.`bpm_service_order` b on a.orderId = b.id
            inner join `thc_sob`.`bpm_service_order_item` c on c.service_order_id =  b.id and c.id = a.`order_item_id`
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_AccountBill` d on d.orderID = b.id and d.`isDelete` = 0 and d.orderSource = 1 and d.orderType = 3 and d.returnFlag = 0
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_AccountBillDetail` e on d.id = e.AccountBillId and e.itemClass = 1 and e.returnFlag is NULL
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_SettlementDetail` f on f.accountBillID = d.id and f.accountBillDetailID = e.id
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_Settlement` g on g.id = f.settlementID and g.settlementType=2 and g.`isDelete` = 0  and g.returnFlag = 0 -- 门诊挂号
            where a.del_flag = 0 and a.subsequent_visit = 4 and g.payStatus = 2
        ) t 
        where 1=1
        ${if(len(startTime) == 0,"","AND t.startTime >= '" + startTime + "'")}
        ${if(len(endTime) == 0,"","AND t.startTime <= '" + endTime + "'")}
        group by t.deptId,t.doctorId
    ) t6
    on t0.deptId = t6.deptId and t0.doctorId = t6.doctorId
    -- ------------
    -- 简易 
    -- ------------
    left join 
        select count(1) as num,t.deptId, doctorId from
                a.dept_id as deptId,
                IFNULL(a.appointment_doctor_id,'') as doctorId,
                CONCAT(a.`appointment_date`," ",a.appointment_starttime) as startTime
            from `thc_arrange`.`bpm_appointment` a
            inner join `thc_sob`.`bpm_service_order` b on a.orderId = b.id
            inner join `thc_sob`.`bpm_service_order_item` c on c.service_order_id =  b.id and c.id = a.`order_item_id`
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_AccountBill` d on d.orderID = b.id and d.`isDelete` = 0 and d.orderSource = 1 and d.orderType = 3 and d.returnFlag = 0
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_AccountBillDetail` e on d.id = e.AccountBillId and e.itemClass = 1 and e.returnFlag is NULL
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_SettlementDetail` f on f.accountBillID = d.id and f.accountBillDetailID = e.id
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_Settlement` g on g.id = f.settlementID and g.settlementType=2 and g.`isDelete` = 0  and g.returnFlag = 0 -- 门诊挂号
            where a.del_flag = 0 and a.subsequent_visit = 5 and g.payStatus = 2
            ${if(len(deptId) == 0,"","and a.dept_id = '" + deptId + "'")}
            ${if(len(doctorId) == 0,"","and a.appointment_doctor_id = '" + doctorId + "'")}
        ) t 
        where 1=1
        ${if(len(startTime) == 0,"","AND t.startTime     >= '" + startTime + "'")}
        ${if(len(endTime) == 0,"","AND t.startTime     <= '" + endTime + "'")}
        group by t.deptId,t.doctorId
    ) t8
    on t0.deptId = t8.deptId and t0.doctorId = t8.doctorId
    -- ------------
    -- 转诊
    -- ------------
    left join 
        select count(1) as num,t.deptId, doctorId from
                a.dept_id as deptId,
                IFNULL(a.appointment_doctor_id,'') as doctorId,
                CONCAT(a.`appointment_date`," ",a.appointment_starttime) as startTime
            from `thc_arrange`.`bpm_appointment` a
            inner join `thc_sob`.`bpm_service_order` b on a.orderId = b.id
            inner join `thc_sob`.`bpm_service_order_item` c on c.service_order_id =  b.id and c.id = a.`order_item_id`
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_AccountBill` d on d.orderID = b.id and d.`isDelete` = 0 and d.orderSource = 1 and d.orderType = 3 and d.returnFlag = 0
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_AccountBillDetail` e on d.id = e.AccountBillId and e.itemClass = 1 and e.returnFlag is NULL
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_SettlementDetail` f on f.accountBillID = d.id and f.accountBillDetailID = e.id
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_Settlement` g on g.id = f.settlementID and g.settlementType=2 and g.`isDelete` = 0  and g.returnFlag = 0 -- 门诊挂号
            where a.del_flag = 0 and a.subsequent_visit = 2 and g.payStatus = 2
        ) t 
        where 1=1
        ${if(len(startTime) == 0,"","AND t.startTime     >= '" + startTime + "'")}
        ${if(len(endTime) == 0,"","AND t.startTime     <= '" + endTime + "'")}
        group by t.deptId,t.doctorId
    ) t9
    on t0.deptId = t9.deptId and t0.doctorId = t9.doctorId
    -- ------------
    -- 疫苗
    -- ------------
    left join 
        select count(1) as num,t.deptId, doctorId from
                a.dept_id as deptId,
                IFNULL(a.appointment_doctor_id,'') as doctorId,
                CONCAT(a.`appointment_date`," ",a.appointment_starttime) as startTime
            from `thc_arrange`.`bpm_appointment` a
            inner join `thc_sob`.`bpm_service_order` b on a.orderId = b.id
            inner join `thc_sob`.`bpm_service_order_item` c on c.service_order_id =  b.id and c.id = a.`order_item_id`
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_AccountBill` d on d.orderID = b.id and d.`isDelete` = 0 and d.orderSource = 1 and d.orderType = 3 and d.returnFlag = 0
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_AccountBillDetail` e on d.id = e.AccountBillId and e.itemClass = 1 and e.returnFlag is NULL
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_SettlementDetail` f on f.accountBillID = d.id and f.accountBillDetailID = e.id
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_Settlement` g on g.id = f.settlementID and g.settlementType=2 and g.`isDelete` = 0  and g.returnFlag = 0 -- 门诊挂号
            where a.del_flag = 0 and a.subsequent_visit = 2 and g.payStatus = 2
            ${if(len(deptId) == 0,"","and a.dept_id = '" + deptId + "'")}
            ${if(len(doctorId) == 0,"","and a.appointment_doctor_id = '" + doctorId + "'")}
        ) t 
        where 1=1
        ${if(len(startTime) == 0,"","AND t.startTime     >= '" + startTime + "'")}
        ${if(len(endTime) == 0,"","AND t.startTime     <= '" + endTime + "'")}
        group by t.deptId,t.doctorId
    ) t10
    on t0.deptId = t10.deptId and t0.doctorId = t10.doctorId
    -- ------------
    -- 微信数
    -- ------------
    left join 
        select count(1) as num,t.deptId, doctorId from
                a.dept_id as deptId,
                IFNULL(a.appointment_doctor_id,'') as doctorId, 
                CONCAT(a.`appointment_date`," ",a.appointment_starttime) as startTime
            from `thc_arrange`.`bpm_appointment` a
            inner join `thc_sob`.`bpm_service_order` b on a.orderId = b.id
            inner join `thc_sob`.`bpm_service_order_item` c on c.service_order_id =  b.id and c.id = a.`order_item_id`
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_AccountBill` d on d.orderID = b.id and d.`isDelete` = 0 and d.orderSource = 1 and d.orderType = 3 and d.returnFlag = 0
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_AccountBillDetail` e on d.id = e.AccountBillId and e.itemClass = 1 and e.returnFlag is NULL
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_SettlementDetail` f on f.accountBillID = d.id and f.accountBillDetailID = e.id
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_Settlement` g on g.id = f.settlementID and g.settlementType=2 and g.`isDelete` = 0  and g.returnFlag = 0 -- 门诊挂号
            where a.del_flag = 0 and a.data_source = 2 and g.payStatus = 2
            ${if(len(deptId) == 0,"","and a.dept_id = '" + deptId + "'")}
            ${if(len(doctorId) == 0,"","and a.appointment_doctor_id = '" + doctorId + "'")}
        ) t
        where 1=1
        ${if(len(startTime) == 0,"","AND t.startTime     >= '" + startTime + "'")}
        ${if(len(endTime) == 0,"","AND t.startTime     <= '" + endTime + "'")}
        group by t.deptId,t.doctorId
    ) t11
    on t0.deptId = t11.deptId and t0.doctorId = t11.doctorId
    -- ------------
    -- 现金
    -- ------------
    left join 
        select round(sum(t.realFee),2) as num,t.deptId, doctorId from
                a.dept_id as deptId,
                IFNULL(a.appointment_doctor_id,'') as doctorId,
                CONCAT(a.`appointment_date`," ",a.appointment_starttime) as startTime,
                (f.preFee - f.discountFee - f.promotionBenefitFee - f.couponFee - f.itemBenefitFee     - f.memberCardBenefitFee - f.itemComInvBenefitFee) * f.discount AS realFee
            from `thc_arrange`.`bpm_appointment` a
              inner join `thc_sob`.`bpm_service_order` b on a.orderId = b.id
            inner join `thc_sob`.`bpm_service_order_item` c on c.service_order_id = b.id and c.id = a.order_item_id
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_AccountBill` d on d.orderID = b.id and d.`isDelete` = 0 and d.orderSource = 1 and d.orderType = 3
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_AccountBillDetail` e on d.id = e.AccountBillId
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_SettlementDetail` f on f.accountBillID = d.id and f.accountBillDetailID = e.id
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_Settlement` g on g.id = f.settlementID and g.settlementType=2 and g.`isDelete` = 0 -- 门诊挂号
            inner JOIN `thc_rcm`.`pay_trade_log` h on h.settlement_id = g.id
            where 1=1 and a.del_flag = 0 and a.data_source = 2
            and h.type = 1 and h.pay_state = 1 and h.pay_method=1
            ${if(len(deptId) == 0,"","and a.dept_id = '" + deptId + "'")}
            ${if(len(doctorId) == 0,"","and a.appointment_doctor_id = '" + doctorId + "'")}
        ) t 
        where 1=1
        ${if(len(startTime) == 0,"","AND t.startTime     >= '" + startTime + "'")}
        ${if(len(endTime) == 0,"","AND t.startTime     <= '" + endTime + "'")}
        group by t.deptId,t.doctorId
    ) t121
    on t0.deptId = t121.deptId and t0.doctorId = t121.doctorId
    -- ------------
    -- 银行卡
    -- ------------
    left join 
        select round(sum(t.realFee),2) as num,t.deptId, doctorId from
                a.dept_id as deptId,
                IFNULL(a.appointment_doctor_id,'') as doctorId,
                CONCAT(a.`appointment_date`," ",a.appointment_starttime) as startTime,
                (f.preFee - f.discountFee - f.promotionBenefitFee - f.couponFee - f.itemBenefitFee     - f.memberCardBenefitFee - f.itemComInvBenefitFee) * f.discount AS realFee
            from `thc_arrange`.`bpm_appointment` a
              inner join `thc_sob`.`bpm_service_order` b on a.orderId = b.id
            inner join `thc_sob`.`bpm_service_order_item` c on c.service_order_id = b.id and c.id = a.order_item_id
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_AccountBill` d on d.orderID = b.id and d.`isDelete` = 0 and d.orderSource = 1 and d.orderType = 3
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_AccountBillDetail` e on d.id = e.AccountBillId
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_SettlementDetail` f on f.accountBillID = d.id and f.accountBillDetailID = e.id
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_Settlement` g on g.id = f.settlementID and g.settlementType=2 and g.`isDelete` = 0 -- 门诊挂号
            inner JOIN `thc_rcm`.`pay_trade_log` h on h.settlement_id = g.id
            where 1=1 and a.del_flag = 0 and a.data_source = 2
            and h.type = 1 and h.pay_state = 1 and h.pay_method=2
            ${if(len(deptId) == 0,"","and a.dept_id = '" + deptId + "'")}
            ${if(len(doctorId) == 0,"","and a.appointment_doctor_id = '" + doctorId + "'")}
        ) t 
        where 1=1
        ${if(len(startTime) == 0,"","AND t.startTime >= '" + startTime + "'")}
        ${if(len(endTime) == 0,"","AND t.startTime <= '" + endTime + "'")}
        group by t.deptId,t.doctorId
    ) t122
    on t0.deptId = t122.deptId and t0.doctorId = t122.doctorId
    -- ------------
    -- 会员卡
    -- ------------
    left join 
        select round(sum(t.realFee),2) as num,t.deptId, doctorId from
                a.dept_id as deptId,
                IFNULL(a.appointment_doctor_id,'') as doctorId,
                CONCAT(a.`appointment_date`," ",a.appointment_starttime) as startTime,
                (f.preFee - f.discountFee - f.promotionBenefitFee - f.couponFee - f.itemBenefitFee     - f.memberCardBenefitFee - f.itemComInvBenefitFee) * f.discount AS realFee
            from `thc_arrange`.`bpm_appointment` a
              inner join `thc_sob`.`bpm_service_order` b on a.orderId = b.id
            inner join `thc_sob`.`bpm_service_order_item` c on c.service_order_id = b.id and c.id = a.order_item_id
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_AccountBill` d on d.orderID = b.id and d.`isDelete` = 0 and d.orderSource = 1 and d.orderType = 3
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_AccountBillDetail` e on d.id = e.AccountBillId
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_SettlementDetail` f on f.accountBillID = d.id and f.accountBillDetailID = e.id
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_Settlement` g on g.id = f.settlementID and g.settlementType=2 and g.`isDelete` = 0 -- 门诊挂号
            inner JOIN `thc_rcm`.`pay_trade_log` h on h.settlement_id = g.id
            where 1=1 and a.del_flag = 0 and a.data_source = 2
            and h.type = 1 and h.pay_state = 1 and h.pay_method=0
            ${if(len(deptId) == 0,"","and a.dept_id = '" + deptId + "'")}
            ${if(len(doctorId) == 0,"","and a.appointment_doctor_id = '" + doctorId + "'")}
        ) t 
        where 1=1
        ${if(len(startTime) == 0,"","AND t.startTime >= '" + startTime + "'")}
        ${if(len(endTime) == 0,"","AND t.startTime <= '" + endTime + "'")}
        group by t.deptId,t.doctorId
    ) t123
    on t0.deptId = t123.deptId and t0.doctorId = t123.doctorId
    -- ------------
    -- 微信金额
    -- ------------
    left join 
        select round(sum(t.realFee),2) as num,t.deptId, doctorId from
                a.dept_id as deptId,
                IFNULL(a.appointment_doctor_id,'') as doctorId,
                CONCAT(a.`appointment_date`," ",a.appointment_starttime) as startTime,
                (f.preFee - f.discountFee - f.promotionBenefitFee - f.couponFee - f.itemBenefitFee     - f.memberCardBenefitFee - f.itemComInvBenefitFee) * f.discount AS realFee
            from `thc_arrange`.`bpm_appointment` a
              inner join `thc_sob`.`bpm_service_order` b on a.orderId = b.id
            inner join `thc_sob`.`bpm_service_order_item` c on c.service_order_id = b.id and c.id = a.order_item_id
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_AccountBill` d on d.orderID = b.id and d.`isDelete` = 0 and d.orderSource = 1 and d.orderType = 3
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_AccountBillDetail` e on d.id = e.AccountBillId
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_SettlementDetail` f on f.accountBillID = d.id and f.accountBillDetailID = e.id
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_Settlement` g on g.id = f.settlementID and g.settlementType=2 and g.`isDelete` = 0 -- 门诊挂号
            inner JOIN `thc_rcm`.`pay_trade_log` h on h.settlement_id = g.id
            where 1=1 and a.del_flag = 0 and a.data_source = 2
            and h.type = 1 and h.pay_state = 1 and h.pay_method=4
            ${if(len(deptId) == 0,"","and a.dept_id = '" + deptId + "'")}
            ${if(len(doctorId) == 0,"","and a.appointment_doctor_id = '" + doctorId + "'")}
        ) t 
        where 1=1
        ${if(len(startTime) == 0,"","AND t.startTime     >= '" + startTime + "'")}
        ${if(len(endTime) == 0,"","AND t.startTime     <= '" + endTime + "'")}
        group by t.deptId,t.doctorId
    ) t12
    on t0.deptId = t12.deptId and t0.doctorId = t12.doctorId
    -- ------------
    -- 应收金额 t12
    -- ------------
    left join 
        select round(sum(t.preFee),2)  as num,t.deptId, doctorId from
                a.dept_id as deptId,
                IFNULL(a.appointment_doctor_id,'') as doctorId,
                CONCAT(a.`appointment_date`," ",a.appointment_starttime) as startTime,
                f.preFee                    -- 原价
            from `thc_arrange`.`bpm_appointment` a
              inner join `thc_sob`.`bpm_service_order` b on a.orderId = b.id
            inner join `thc_sob`.`bpm_service_order_item` c on c.service_order_id = b.id and c.id = a.order_item_id
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_AccountBill` d on d.orderID = b.id and d.`isDelete` = 0 and d.orderSource = 1 and d.orderType = 3
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_AccountBillDetail` e on d.id = e.AccountBillId
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_SettlementDetail` f on f.accountBillID = d.id and f.accountBillDetailID = e.id
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_Settlement` g on g.id = f.settlementID and g.settlementType=2 and g.`isDelete` = 0-- 门诊挂号
            where 1=1  and a.del_flag = 0 and g.payStatus = 2
            ${if(len(deptId) == 0,"","and a.dept_id = '" + deptId + "'")}
            ${if(len(doctorId) == 0,"","and a.appointment_doctor_id = '" + doctorId + "'")}
        ) t 
        where 1=1
        ${if(len(startTime) == 0,"","AND t.startTime     >= '" + startTime + "'")}
        ${if(len(endTime) == 0,"","AND t.startTime     <= '" + endTime + "'")}
        group by t.deptId,t.doctorId
    ) t13
    on t0.deptId = t13.deptId and t0.doctorId = t13.doctorId
    -- ------------
    -- 实收金额 t13
    -- ------------
    left join 
        select round(sum(t.realFee),2) as num,t.deptId, doctorId from
                a.dept_id as deptId,
                  IFNULL(a.appointment_doctor_id,'') as doctorId,
                CONCAT(a.`appointment_date`," ",a.appointment_starttime) as startTime,
            (f.preFee - f.discountFee - f.promotionBenefitFee - f.couponFee - f.itemBenefitFee     - f.memberCardBenefitFee - f.itemComInvBenefitFee)  AS realFee
            from `thc_arrange`.`bpm_appointment` a
            inner join `thc_sob`.`bpm_service_order` b on a.orderId = b.id
            inner join `thc_sob`.`bpm_service_order_item` c on c.service_order_id =  b.id and c.id = a.`order_item_id`
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_AccountBill` d on d.orderID = b.id and d.`isDelete` = 0 and d.orderSource = 1 and d.orderType = 3
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_AccountBillDetail` e on d.id = e.AccountBillId
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_SettlementDetail` f on f.accountBillID = d.id and f.accountBillDetailID = e.id
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_Settlement` g on g.id = f.settlementID and g.settlementType=2 and g.`isDelete` = 0 -- 门诊挂号
            where 1=1 and a.del_flag = 0 and g.payStatus = 2
            ${if(len(deptId) == 0,"","and a.dept_id = '" + deptId + "'")}
            ${if(len(doctorId) == 0,"","and a.appointment_doctor_id = '" + doctorId + "'")}
        ) t 
        where 1=1
        ${if(len(startTime) == 0,"","AND t.startTime     >= '" + startTime + "'")}
        ${if(len(endTime) == 0,"","AND t.startTime     <= '" + endTime + "'")}
        group by t.deptId,t.doctorId
    ) t14
    on t0.deptId = t14.deptId and t0.doctorId = t14.doctorId
    order by t0.startTime desc


    -- ------------
    -- 退号
    -- ------------
    select * from (
                a.dept_id as deptId,
                IFNULL(a.appointment_doctor_id,'') as doctorId,
                CONCAT(a.`appointment_date`," ",a.appointment_starttime) as startTime
            from `thc_arrange`.`bpm_appointment` a 
            inner join `thc_sob`.`bpm_service_order` b on a.orderId = b.id
            inner join `thc_sob`.`bpm_service_order_item` c on c.service_order_id =  b.id and c.id = a.`order_item_id`
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_AccountBill` d on d.orderID = b.id and d.orderSource = 1 and d.orderType = 3
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_AccountBillDetail` e on d.id = e.AccountBillId and e.itemClass = 1 and e.returnFlag is not NULL
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_SettlementDetail` f on f.accountBillID = d.id and f.accountBillDetailID = e.id
            inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_Settlement` g on g.id = f.settlementID and g.settlementType=2 -- 门诊挂号
            where 1=1  and g.`returnFlag` = 1
            order by g.`createtime`  desc
    ) t
    where t.createtime > '2019-01-03 00:00:00'
    select * from thc_rcm.`Cs_Settlement` where settleCode = 'SM2019010300019B5O7t'
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/guchunchao/p/10217250.html
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