• error C2662: CObject::getFacetIndicesAt' : cannot convert 'this' pointer from 'const hiveRayTracing::CObject' to 'hiveRayTracing::CO(c++ const this )

     1 class CObject
     2     {
     3         friend class CPlyLoader;
     4     public:
     5         CObject::CObject() : m_pMaterial(NULL) {}
     6         CObject::~CObject() 
     7         {
     8             m_Vertex.clear();
     9             m_VertexNormal.clear();
    10             m_FacetIndices.clear();
    11             m_FacetNormal.clear();
    12         }
    14         void setMaterial(const CMaterial* pMaterial)  {m_pMaterial  = pMaterial;}
    16         Point3f getVertexAt(unsigned int vIndex)        {_ASSERT(vIndex < m_Vertex.size()); return m_Vertex.at(vIndex);}
    22         Point3f getVertexNormalAt(unsigned int vIndex)  {_ASSERT(vIndex < m_VertexNormal.size()); return m_VertexNormal.at(vIndex);}
    23         Point3i getFacetIndicesAt(unsigned int vIndex)  {_ASSERT(vIndex < m_FacetIndices.size()); return m_FacetIndices.at(vIndex);}
    24         Point3f getFacetNormalAt(unsigned int vIndex)   {_ASSERT(vIndex < m_Vertex.size()); return m_FacetNormal.at(vIndex);}
    32         const CMaterial*  getMaterial()  const  {return m_pMaterial;}
    34     private:
    35         std::vector<Point3f> m_Vertex;
    36         std::vector<Point3f> m_VertexNormal;
    37         std::vector<Point3i> m_FacetIndices;
    38         std::vector<Point3f> m_FacetNormal;
    class CScene
            void loadModel(const std::string vFileName)
                m_pObject = new CObject();
                m_Ply.load(vFileName, m_pObject);
            const CObject* getObject() const          {return m_pObject;}     .............    }


     1 void queryLeafNode(const TVertexProperty& vLeaf)
     2         {
     3             const CObject* pObject = getObject();//注意这里是 const*  4             CBBox BBox = vLeaf.getNodeInfo().BBox;
     5             float tMin, tMax;
     6             if (!BBox.intersectRay(m_CurrentQuery, tMin, tMax)) return;
     7             m_CurrentQuery.setMint(tMin);
     8             m_CurrentQuery.setMaxt(tMax);
    10             unsigned int NumElement = vLeaf.getNumElements();
    11             for (unsigned int i = 0; i < NumElement; ++i)
    12             {
    13                 Point3i Index = pObject->getFacetIndicesAt(vLeaf.getElementAt(i));
    14                 float t, u, v;
    15                 if (rayIntersectTriangle(pObject->getVertexAt(Index[0]), pObject->getVertexAt(Index[1]), pObject->getVertexAt(Index[2]), 16                                          m_CurrentQuery, u, v, t))
    17                 {
    18                     if (t > m_QueryResult.curDis) continue;
    20                     m_QueryResult.intersectPos = m_CurrentQuery.getOrigin() + m_CurrentQuery.getDir() * t;
    21                     m_QueryResult.curDis = t; 
    22                     m_QueryResult.u = u;
    23                     m_QueryResult.v = v;
    24                     m_QueryResult.triIdx = vLeaf.getElementAt(i);
    25                 }
    26             }
    27         }

    第15行 error C2662: 'hiveRayTracing::CObject::getFacetIndicesAt' : cannot convert 'this' pointer from 'const hiveRayTracing::CObject' to 'hiveRayTracing::CObject &'

    原因在于带“后”const(成员函数后面:getX() const之类的)修饰符的接口会把this指针转化为为const this类型 ,但是getFacetIndicesAt()是非“后带”const修饰的接口。

    修改方法:(1)Point3f getVertexAt(unsigned int vIndex)       const {_ASSERT(vIndex < m_Vertex.size()); return m_Vertex.at(vIndex);}

              (2)Point3f getVertexAt(unsigned int vIndex)       {_ASSERT(vIndex < m_Vertex.size()); return std::const_cast<Point3f*>(this)m_Vertex.at(vIndex);}

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/forgood/p/3405176.html
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