做unity 项目也有一段时间了,从unity项目开发和学习中也遇到了很多坑,并且也从中学习到了很多曾经未接触的领域。项目中的很多功能模块,从今天开始把自己的思路和代码奉上给学渣们作为一份学习的资料。如果学长们看到哪里写的不好欢迎吐槽并给予更好的解决方案。好了话也不多说了今天给大家亮出的是excel 数据解析和在unity项目中的应用。
*原理 在导入xml文件的时候通过XmlReader读取xml文件
注:ExcelControl 这个类必须放在Editor目录下
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using UnityEditor; using System.Xml; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; public class ExcelControl : AssetPostprocessor { static string FILE_PATH = "Assets\Data\"; /** 在导入所有资源之后 */ static void OnPostprocessAllAssets(string[] importedAssets, string[] deletedAssets, string[] movedAssets, string[] movedFromAssetPaths) { string excelPath = ""; for (int i = 0; i < importedAssets.Length; i++) { /** 拦截Assets/Excel目录下面所有.xml文件进行解析 */ excelPath = importedAssets[i]; if (excelPath.Contains(".xml")) { ReadXml(excelPath); Debug.Log("Excel import asset path : " + excelPath); } } } static void ReadXml(string xmlPath) { /** 读取xml 文件 */ XmlReader xReader = null; try { xReader = XmlReader.Create(xmlPath); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogError("Read Excel Error! Path = " + xmlPath); } if (xReader == null) { return; } /** 保存所有数据到表中 */ List<xmlSheetList> xmlDataList = new List<xmlSheetList>(); xmlSheetList xsl = null; /** 记录每个节点的开始 */ bool sheetBegin = false; bool rowBegin = false; bool cellBegin = false; bool dataBegin = false; /** 行数 */ int rowNum = 0; /** 列数 */ int cellNum = 0; /** 计数器 */ int num = 0; while (xReader.Read()) { string name = xReader.Name; if (name == "Worksheet") { /** 开始 */ if (xReader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { sheetBegin = true; /** xmlSheet */ xsl = new xmlSheetList(); xsl.Clear(); } /** 结束 */ else if (xReader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement) { sheetBegin = false; xmlDataList.Add(xsl); } } else if (name == "Row") { /** 开始 */ if (xReader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { rowBegin = true; rowNum++; } /** 结束 */ else if (xReader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement) { rowBegin = false; } } else if (name == "Cell") { /** 开始 */ if (xReader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { cellBegin = true; if (rowNum == 1) { cellNum++; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(xReader.GetAttribute("ss:Index"))) { Debug.LogError(string.Format("xml read error! may be empty! : {0} Row = {1} Cell = {2}.", xmlPath, (int)(num / cellNum), ((num % cellNum) + 1))); return; } } /** 结束 */ else if (xReader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement) { cellBegin = false; } } else if (name == "Data") { /** 开始 */ if (xReader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { dataBegin = true; } /** 结束 */ else if (xReader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement) { dataBegin = false; } } else { /** 过滤数据 */ if (sheetBegin && rowBegin && cellBegin && dataBegin) { num++; if (xsl != null) { xsl.Add(xReader.Value); } } } } int an = xmlDataList.Count; //生成key列表 List<string> keys = new List<string>(); for (int i = 0; i < xmlDataList.Count; i++) { for (int k = 0; k < cellNum; k++) { if (k < cellNum) { keys.Add(xmlDataList[i].sheetList[0]); // 删除原始列表中key的数据 xmlDataList[i].sheetList.RemoveAt(0); } else { break; } } } // 创建key 和 value 结构 List<Row> rowList = new List<Row>(); int nb = 0; for (int k = 0; k < xmlDataList.Count; k++) { nb = xmlDataList[k].sheetList.Count / cellNum; for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) { Row row = new Row(); row._key = keys; for (int j = 0; j < cellNum; j++) { row._cells.Add(xmlDataList[k].sheetList[0]); xmlDataList[k].sheetList.RemoveAt(0); } rowList.Add(row); } } /** 创建资源 */ CreatXmlListAsset(rowList, xmlPath); } /** 生成数据文件 */ static void CreatXmlListAsset(List<Row> rl, string xmlPath) { if (xmlPath.Contains("excel.xml")) { //新生成的数据 ExcelDataList dataList = null; //检查是否已经声称过了数据表 UnityEngine.Object oldFile = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(xmlPath, typeof(ExcelDataList)); bool newFile = false; if (oldFile) { dataList = oldFile as ExcelDataList; } else { dataList = new ExcelDataList(); newFile = true; } //清空已有数据 dataList.Datalist.Clear(); //生成数据 for (int i = 0; i < rl.Count; i++) { ExcelData newData = new ExcelData(); Row data = rl[i]; newData.id = GetInt(data["ID"]); newData.name = data["Name"]; dataList.Datalist.Add(newData); } // 创建数据文件 if (newFile) { AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(dataList, FILE_PATH + "ExcelDataList.asset"); } else { EditorUtility.SetDirty(dataList); } } } static int GetInt(string data) { float val = 0; try { val = float.Parse(data); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogError(e.Message + " data[" + data + "]"); } return Mathf.RoundToInt(val); } static float GetFloat(string data) { float val = 0; try { val = float.Parse(data); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogError(e.Message + " data[" + data + "]"); } return val; } static bool GetBool(string data) { int val = 0; try { val = int.Parse(data); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogError(e.Message + " data[" + data + "]"); } return val == 0 ? false : true; } } /** xmlsheel所有字符串数据 */ public class xmlSheetList { public List<string> sheetList = new List<string>(); public void Add(string str) { sheetList.Add(str); } public void Clear() { sheetList.Clear(); } } /** xml (key, Value) Cell */ public class Row { public List<string> _cells = new List<string>(); public List<string> _key = new List<string>(); public string this[string key] { get { string val = ""; int pos = _key.IndexOf(key); if (pos < 0 || pos >= _cells.Count) { Debug.LogError("can't find the value of the key:[" + key + "]"); } else { val = _cells[pos]; } return val; } } }
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; [System.Serializable] public class ExcelData { public string name = ""; public int id = 0; } public class ExcelDataList : ScriptableObject { public List<ExcelData> Datalist = new List<ExcelData>(); }
ExcelData 自定义的数据格式根据项目需求