• 2019 Multi-University Training Contest 5

    2019 Multi-University Training Contest 5


    题意:对于 (a equiv bx pmod{p}) ,给出 p 和 x,求找到一组 a 和 b,使得 (a<b) 且 b 最小。 (T le 2 imes 10^5, 3 le p le 10^{15}) , p 是质数。


    化简 (bx mod p < b) ,易得 (1 le lfloorfrac{bx}{p} floor-lfloorfrac{b(x-1)}{p} floor) ,翻译成人话就是求最小的 b ,使得 ((bx/p,b(x-1)/p)) 之间存在一个整数。直接上类欧板子

    using namespace std;
    typedef __int128 LL;
    typedef long double LD;
    typedef pair<int,int> pii;
    typedef pair<LL,int> pli;
    const int SZ = 1e6 + 10;
    const int INF = 1e9 + 10;
    const int mod = 1e9 + 7;
    const LD eps = 1e-8;
    LL read() {
        LL n = 0;
        char a = getchar();
        bool flag = 0;
        while(a > '9' || a < '0') { if(a == '-') flag = 1; a = getchar(); }
        while(a <= '9' && a >= '0') { n = n * 10 + a - '0',a = getchar(); }
        if(flag) n = -n;
        return n;
    LL solve(LL a,LL b,LL c,LL d) {
        if(a/b<c/d) return 1;
        if(a>=b||c>=d) return solve(a%b,b,c%d,d);
        LL x = a / b;
        LL t = solve(d,c,b,a);
      //  printf("%lld %lld %lld %lld: %lld
        return t*d/c+1;
    int main() {
        int T = read();
        while(T --) {
            LL p = read(),x = read();
            LL A = x-1,B = p,C = x,D = p;
            LL b = solve(A,B,C,D);
            LL a = b * x % p;
    ",(long long)a,(long long)b);

    改了一下板子,a/b<x/y<c/d 时,先 y 最小,再 x 最小。

    void solve(LL a,LL b,LL c,LL d,LL &x,LL &y) {
        LL z = (a+b-1)/b;
        if(z<=c/d) { x=z; y=1; return ; }
        a -= (z-1) * b; c -= (z-1) * d;
        x += (z-1) * y;


    题意:给两个序列,可以任意打乱顺序,求对应位置的异或值序列字典序最小是多少。 (n le 10^5, a_i < 2^{30})


    先说一个naive的贪心:在两个 trie 上 dfs ,要保证相同子树尽量合并,此时只会剩下若干个 a 中的值或者若干个 b 中的值,回溯时收集两个子树中剩余点集,能合并就合并。由于每次只会在两个点集上尝试合并,如果每次是暴力较小的一侧,在较大的一侧形成的trie中查询,那么每次在trie上查询都会消掉一对点,所以dfs+查询的复杂度是 (O(nlog n))


    首先假设元素互不相同(存在相同元素时只需记录出现次数),假设 (f(x,y)=x xor y) ,那么所有的 (f(a_i,*)) 互不相同,所以必定存在最小值。同理 (f(*,b_i)) 也是。如果把它看成二分图,那么每个点都向另一侧有一条边指向取最优时的结果。

    如果每次随机选取一个点开始dfs,那么一定不会形成一个大于 2 的环(因为如果存在 a->b, b->c,这意味着 f(b,c) 优于 f(b,a) ,形成大于 2 的环必然矛盾)。由于搜下去一定会终止,那么此时一定找到一个二元环,可以把它拿出作为一个最优匹配。之后再找最优即可。

    具体地说,维护一个栈。当栈为空时,随便丢进去一个点,寻找它的 f 最优解。继续做下去,当栈顶元素找到的最优解已入栈,说明它一定在栈顶第二个,弹出并计算答案。

    由于每次寻找最优解都会使一个元素入栈/使两个元素弾栈,所以操作次数是 (O(n)) 的(有重复元素时也是如此)。对于此题,复杂度即 (O(nlog MAXV ))


    1. (f(a_i,*), f(*,b_i)) 互不相同
    2. 寻找 (f(a_i,*), f(*,b_i)) 的最优解可以快速完成

    就可以沿用该算法。复杂度是 (O(n*find\_optimzal))

    using namespace std;
    typedef long long LL;
    typedef long double LD;
    typedef pair<int,int> pii;
    typedef pair<LL,int> pli;
    const int SZ = 1e5 + 10;
    const int INF = 1e9 + 10;
    const int mod = 1e9 + 7;
    const LD eps = 1e-8;
    LL read() {
        LL n = 0;
        char a = getchar();
        bool flag = 0;
        while(a > '9' || a < '0') { if(a == '-') flag = 1; a = getchar(); }
        while(a <= '9' && a >= '0') { n = n * 10 + a - '0',a = getchar(); }
    	if(flag) n = -n;
    	return n;
    const int MAXN = 2 * 31 * SZ;
    struct Trie {
        int ch[MAXN][2],sz[MAXN],val[MAXN];
        int Tcnt = 0;
        void insert(pii v) {
            int p = 0;
            for(int i = 29;i >= 0;i --) {
                int c = v.first >> i & 1;
                sz[p] ++;
                if(!ch[p][c]) ch[p][c] = ++ Tcnt;
                assert(Tcnt < 310 * SZ);
                p = ch[p][c];
            sz[p] ++;
            val[p] = v.second;
        pii find_xor_min(int x) {
            int p = 0,ans = 0;
            for(int i = 29;i >= 0;i --) {
                int c = x >> i & 1;
                if(ch[p][c] && sz[ch[p][c]]) p = ch[p][c],ans |= c<<i;
                else p = ch[p][c^1],ans |= (c^1)<<i;
            return make_pair(ans,val[p]);
        void erase(int x) {
            int p = 0;
            for(int i = 29;i >= 0;i --) {
                int c = x >> i & 1;
                sz[p] --;
                p = ch[p][c];
            sz[p] --;
            val[p] = 0;
        void clear() {
            for(int i = 0;i <= Tcnt;i ++) {
                sz[i] = 0;
                val[i] = 0;
                memset(ch[i],0,sizeof ch[i]);
            Tcnt = 0;
    struct haha {
        int v,t,type,id;
    mt19937 rd(time(0));
    int randlr(int l,int r) { return rd()%(r-l+1)+l; }
    int main() {
        int T = read();
        while(T --) {
            int n;
            n = read();
            vector<haha> V;
            for(int o = 0;o < 2;o ++) {
                map<int,int> mp;
                for(int i = 1;i <= n;i ++) {
                    int x = read();
                    mp[x] ++;
                for(pii p : mp) {
            for(int i = 0;i < V.size();i ++) {
            vector<int> ans,ins; ins.resize(V.size());
            for(int i = 0;i < V.size();i ++) {
                if(V[i].t == 0) continue;
                stack<int> S;
                S.push(i); ins[i] = 1;
                while(S.size()) {
                    haha u = V[S.top()]; S.pop(); ins[u.id] = 0;
                    pii p = tree[u.type^1].find_xor_min(u.v);
                    assert(V[p.second].type != u.type);
                    if(!ins[p.second]) {
                        S.push(u.id); S.push(p.second);
                        ins[u.id] = ins[p.second] = 1;
                    else {
                        haha v = V[p.second];
                        ins[v.id] = 0; S.pop();
                        while(V[u.id].t && V[v.id].t) {
                            V[u.id].t --; V[v.id].t --;
                        if(V[u.id].t) {
                        if(V[v.id].t) {
                            ins[v.id] = 1;
            for(int i = 0;i < ans.size();i ++) {
    ':' ');
        return 0;




    按 b/a 排序后,每个区间的变化是线性的,只需要对每个区间求解即可。顺序扫过去可以轻松维护解方程所需的系数。


    using namespace std;
    typedef long long LL;
    typedef long double LD;
    typedef pair<int,int> pii;
    typedef pair<LL,int> pli;
    const int SZ = 1e5 + 10;
    const int INF = 1e9 + 10;
    const int mod = 1e9 + 7;
    const LD eps = 1e-8;
    namespace fastIO{
        #define BUF_SIZE 100000
        #define OUT_SIZE 100000
        #define ll long long
        bool IOerror=0;
        inline char nc(){
            static char buf[BUF_SIZE],*p1=buf+BUF_SIZE,*pend=buf+BUF_SIZE;
            if (p1==pend){
                p1=buf; pend=buf+fread(buf,1,BUF_SIZE,stdin);
                if (pend==p1){IOerror=1;return -1;}
                //{printf("IO error!
    ");system("pause");for (;;);exit(0);}
            return *p1++;
        inline bool blank(char ch){return ch==' '||ch=='
    '||ch=='	';}
        inline void read(int &x){
            bool sign=0; char ch=nc(); x=0;
            for (;blank(ch);ch=nc());
            if (IOerror)return;
            if (ch=='-')sign=1,ch=nc();
            for (;ch>='0'&&ch<='9';ch=nc())x=x*10+ch-'0';
            if (sign)x=-x;
        inline void read(ll &x){
            bool sign=0; char ch=nc(); x=0;
            for (;blank(ch);ch=nc());
            if (IOerror)return;
            if (ch=='-')sign=1,ch=nc();
            for (;ch>='0'&&ch<='9';ch=nc())x=x*10+ch-'0';
            if (sign)x=-x;
        inline void read(double &x){
            bool sign=0; char ch=nc(); x=0;
            for (;blank(ch);ch=nc());
            if (IOerror)return;
            if (ch=='-')sign=1,ch=nc();
            for (;ch>='0'&&ch<='9';ch=nc())x=x*10+ch-'0';
            if (ch=='.'){
                double tmp=1; ch=nc();
                for (;ch>='0'&&ch<='9';ch=nc())tmp/=10.0,x+=tmp*(ch-'0');
            if (sign)x=-x;
        inline void read(char *s){
            char ch=nc();
            for (;blank(ch);ch=nc());
            if (IOerror)return;
            for (;!blank(ch)&&!IOerror;ch=nc())*s++=ch;
        inline void read(char &c){
            for (c=nc();blank(c);c=nc());
            if (IOerror){c=-1;return;}
        inline void read1(int &x){
            char ch;int bo=0;x=0;
            for (ch=getchar();ch<'0'||ch>'9';ch=getchar())if (ch=='-')bo=1;
            for (;ch>='0'&&ch<='9';x=x*10+ch-'0',ch=getchar());
            if (bo)x=-x;
        inline void read1(ll &x){
            char ch;int bo=0;x=0;
            for (ch=getchar();ch<'0'||ch>'9';ch=getchar())if (ch=='-')bo=1;
            for (;ch>='0'&&ch<='9';x=x*10+ch-'0',ch=getchar());
            if (bo)x=-x;
        inline void read1(double &x){
            char ch;int bo=0;x=0;
            for (ch=getchar();ch<'0'||ch>'9';ch=getchar())if (ch=='-')bo=1;
            for (;ch>='0'&&ch<='9';x=x*10+ch-'0',ch=getchar());
            if (ch=='.'){
                double tmp=1;
                for (ch=getchar();ch>='0'&&ch<='9';tmp/=10.0,x+=tmp*(ch-'0'),ch=getchar());
            if (bo)x=-x;
        inline void read1(char *s){
            char ch=getchar();
            for (;blank(ch);ch=getchar());
            for (;!blank(ch);ch=getchar())*s++=ch;
        inline void read1(char &c){for (c=getchar();blank(c);c=getchar());}
        inline void read2(int &x){scanf("%d",&x);}
        inline void read2(ll &x){
            #ifdef _WIN32
            #ifdef __linux
                puts("error:can't recognize the system!");
        inline void read2(double &x){scanf("%lf",&x);}
        inline void read2(char *s){scanf("%s",s);}
        inline void read2(char &c){scanf(" %c",&c);}
        inline void readln2(char *s){gets(s);}
        struct Ostream_fwrite{
            char *buf,*p1,*pend;
            Ostream_fwrite(){buf=new char[BUF_SIZE];p1=buf;pend=buf+BUF_SIZE;}
            void out(char ch){
                if (p1==pend){
            void print(int x){
                static char s[15],*s1;s1=s;
                if (!x)*s1++='0';if (x<0)out('-'),x=-x;
            void println(int x){
                static char s[15],*s1;s1=s;
                if (!x)*s1++='0';if (x<0)out('-'),x=-x;
                while(s1--!=s)out(*s1); out('
            void print(ll x){
                static char s[25],*s1;s1=s;
                if (!x)*s1++='0';if (x<0)out('-'),x=-x;
            void println(ll x){
                static char s[25],*s1;s1=s;
                if (!x)*s1++='0';if (x<0)out('-'),x=-x;
                while(s1--!=s)out(*s1); out('
            void print(double x,int y){
                static ll mul[]={1,10,100,1000,10000,100000,1000000,10000000,100000000,
                if (x<-1e-12)out('-'),x=-x;x*=mul[y];
                ll x1=(ll)floor(x); if (x-floor(x)>=0.5)++x1;
                ll x2=x1/mul[y],x3=x1-x2*mul[y]; print(x2);
                if (y>0){out('.'); for (size_t i=1;i<y&&x3*mul[i]<mul[y];out('0'),++i); print(x3);}
            void println(double x,int y){print(x,y);out('
            void print(char *s){while (*s)out(*s++);}
            void println(char *s){while (*s)out(*s++);out('
            void flush(){if (p1!=buf){fwrite(buf,1,p1-buf,stdout);p1=buf;}}
        inline void print(int x){Ostream.print(x);}
        inline void println(int x){Ostream.println(x);}
        inline void print(char x){Ostream.out(x);}
        inline void println(char x){Ostream.out(x);Ostream.out('
        inline void print(ll x){Ostream.print(x);}
        inline void println(ll x){Ostream.println(x);}
        inline void print(double x,int y){Ostream.print(x,y);}
        inline void println(double x,int y){Ostream.println(x,y);}
        inline void print(char *s){Ostream.print(s);}
        inline void println(char *s){Ostream.println(s);}
        inline void println(){Ostream.out('
        inline void flush(){Ostream.flush();}
        char Out[OUT_SIZE],*o=Out;
        inline void print1(int x){
            static char buf[15];
            char *p1=buf;if (!x)*p1++='0';if (x<0)*o++='-',x=-x;
        inline void println1(int x){print1(x);*o++='
        inline void print1(ll x){
            static char buf[25];
            char *p1=buf;if (!x)*p1++='0';if (x<0)*o++='-',x=-x;
        inline void println1(ll x){print1(x);*o++='
        inline void print1(char c){*o++=c;}
        inline void println1(char c){*o++=c;*o++='
        inline void print1(char *s){while (*s)*o++=*s++;}
        inline void println1(char *s){print1(s);*o++='
        inline void println1(){*o++='
        inline void flush1(){if (o!=Out){if (*(o-1)=='
        struct puts_write{
        inline void print2(int x){printf("%d",x);}
        inline void println2(int x){printf("%d
        inline void print2(char x){printf("%c",x);}
        inline void println2(char x){printf("%c
        inline void print2(ll x){
            #ifdef _WIN32
            #ifdef __linux
                puts("error:can't recognize the system!");
        inline void println2(ll x){print2(x);printf("
        inline void println2(){printf("
        #undef ll
        #undef OUT_SIZE
        #undef BUF_SIZE
    using namespace fastIO;
    LL gcd(LL a,LL b) {
        while(b) {
            LL c = a%b;
            a = b;
            b = c;
        return a;
    struct frac {
        LL x,y;
        frac() {frac(0,1);}
        frac(LL xx,LL yy=1) {
            if(yy != 1) {
                LL d = gcd(xx,yy);
                xx /= d; yy /= d;
            if(yy<0) xx = -xx,yy = -yy;
            x = xx; y = yy;
        void print(){
    frac operator +(frac a,frac b) {
        return frac(a.x*b.y+b.x*a.y,a.y*b.y);
    frac operator -(frac a,frac b) {
        return frac(a.x*b.y-b.x*a.y,a.y*b.y);
    frac operator *(frac a,frac b) {
        return frac(a.x*b.x,a.y*b.y);
    frac operator /(frac a,frac b) {
        return frac(a.x*b.y,a.y*b.x);
    bool operator <=(frac a,frac b) {
        return a.x*b.y <= b.x*a.y;
    bool operator ==(frac a,frac b) {
        return a.x*b.y == b.x*a.y;
    struct haha {
        LL a,b;
    bool cmp(haha a,haha b) {
        return a.b*b.a < b.b*a.a;
    mt19937 rd(time(0));
    int randlr(int l,int r) {
        return rd()%(r-l+1)+l;
    void getdata() {
        int T = 5;
        while(T --) {
            int n = 1e5,C = randlr(1,1e9);
            printf("%d %d
            for(int i = 1;i <= n;i ++) {
                printf("%d %d
    frac ans[SZ];
    int len;
    int main() {
       // freopen("04.in","w",stdout); getdata(); return 0;
        //freopen("04.in","r",stdin); freopen("04.out","w",stdout);
        int T;
        while(T --) {
            int n;
            int CC; read(CC);
            frac C = frac(CC,1);
            for(int i = 1;i <= n;i ++) {
                a[i].b = -a[i].b;
            frac now = frac(-INF,1),nowC = frac(0,1);
            LL q = 0,h = 0;
            for(int i = 1;i <= n;i ++) h = h + a[i].a;
           // for(int i = 1;i <= n;i ++) printf("%lld %lld
            for(int i = 1;i <= n;i ++) {
                nowC = nowC + a[i].a * (frac(a[i].b,a[i].a) - now);
            len = 0;
            bool flag = 0;
            for(int i = 1;i <= n + 1;i ++) {
                if(i <= n) {
                    if(q == h) {
                        if(nowC == C) {
                            flag = 1;
                        else {
                            nowC = nowC + (frac(a[i].b,a[i].a) - now) * (q-h);
                            now = frac(a[i].b,a[i].a);
                            q = q + a[i].a;
                            h = h - a[i].a;
                  /*  cout << i << endl;
                    C.print(); nowC.print();
                    q.print(); h.print();*/
                    frac d = (C - nowC) / (q-h);
              //      d.print();
                    if(d.x > 0 && now+d <= frac(a[i].b,a[i].a)) {
                        ans[++ len] = now+d;
                    nowC = nowC + (frac(a[i].b,a[i].a) - now) * (q-h);
                    now = frac(a[i].b,a[i].a);
                    q = q + a[i].a;
                    h = h - a[i].a;
                else {
                    frac d = (C - nowC) / (q-h);
                    if(d.x > 0) {
                        ans[++ len] = now+d;
            if(flag) println("-1");
            else {
                if(len == 0) { println("0"); continue; }
                print(len); print(" ");
                for(int i = 0;i < len;i ++) {
    ':' ');
                    if(i+1 != len) print(' ');
                    else print('


    注意到 K 很小,所以只需要对后半部分暴力即可。


    签到题,直接上 z-algorithm

    using namespace std;
    typedef long long LL;
    typedef long double LD;
    typedef pair<int,int> pii;
    typedef pair<LL,int> pli;
    const int SZ = 1e6 + 10;
    const int INF = 1e9 + 10;
    const int mod = 1e9 + 7;
    const LD eps = 1e-8;
    LL read() {
        LL n = 0;
        char a = getchar();
        bool flag = 0;
        while(a > '9' || a < '0') { if(a == '-') flag = 1; a = getchar(); }
        while(a <= '9' && a >= '0') { n = n * 10 + a - '0',a = getchar(); }
    	if(flag) n = -n;
    	return n;
    int z[SZ];
    void get_z(char s[]) { //z[i]:后缀i与原串的lcp长度
    	int n = strlen(s + 1);
    	int l = 1,r = 0;
    	for(int i = 2;i <= n;i ++) {
    		if(i >= l + r) {
    			int h = 0;
    			while(i + h <= n && s[i + h] == s[1 + h]) h ++;
    			z[i] = h;
    		else {
    			int k = i - l + 1;
    			if(i + z[k] < l + r) z[i] = z[k];
    			else {
    				int h = l + r - i;
    				while(i + h <= n && s[i + h] == s[1 + h]) h ++;
    				z[i] = h;
    		if(i + z[i] > l + r) l = i,r = z[i];
    char s[SZ];
    int main() {
        int T = read();
        while(T --) {
            scanf("%s",s + 1);
            int n = strlen(s + 1);
            LL ans = n - 1;
        //    for(int i = 1;i <= n;i ++) printf("%d ",z[i]); puts("");
            for(int i = 2;i <= n;i ++) {
                ans += z[i];
                if(i+z[i]-1 == n) ans --;


    题意:求第一项是 x ,第 n 项是 y ,相邻两项之差不超过 2 的排列个数。 (n le 10^5, x<y)


    可以当成有 n 个格子,初始在 x ,要不重复遍历所有格子最终回到 y ,每步只能左右跳一格或两格,问路径个数。


    1. 先遍历完小于 x 的
    2. 把 [x+1,y-1] 全部跳完
    3. 遍历完所有大于 y 的之后再回到 y。

    我们发现第一步和第三步的方案数一定是 1 。所以只用考虑中间的情况。
    当 x=1,y=n 时,容易写出递推式: (f_n=f_{n-1}-f_{n-3})
    如果 x=1, y!=n 或者 x!=1,y=n ,那么两边都限制了一步(例如前者的第三个流程,一定是先到 y-1 再到 y+1,不能从y-2直接跳到 y。所以方案数就是从 1 任意跳完前 y-1 个的方案数),方案数是 (f_{y-x})
    最后,如果当 x!=1 y!=n 时,中间一定是 x+1 跳到 y-1 ,方案数是 (f_{y-x-1})。注意 y=x+1 时无解。

    using namespace std;
    typedef long long LL;
    const int MAXN=1e5+10;
    const int mod=998244353;
    int n,m,p1,p2,cnt=0;
    LL f[MAXN];
    int g[10];
    int num[1111],use[1111];
    int dfs(int d) {
        if(d == n + 1) {
            if(num[1] != p1 || num[n] != p2) return 0;
            bool f = 0;
            for(int i = 1;i < n;i ++) {
                if(abs(num[i+1]-num[i]) > 2) f = 1;
            if(!f) {
            //    for(int i = 1;i <= n;i ++) printf("%d ",num[i]); puts("");
            return f^1;
        int ans = 0;
        for(int i = 1;i <= n;i ++) {
            if(!use[i]) {
                use[i] = 1;
                num[d] = i;
                ans += dfs(d+1);
                use[i] = 0;
        return ans;
    int main(){
        for(int i=4;i<=100000;i++){
            if (i>=3) f[i]+=f[i-3];
    //    for(int i = 0;i <= 10;i ++) printf("%lld ",f[i]); puts("");
        int T; scanf("%d",&T);
                LL ans=0;
                if(p2!=n&&p1!=1&&p2==p1+1) ans = 0;
                else {
                    if (p1==1 && p2!=n) {
                    if (p1!=1 && p2==n) {
                    if (p1==1 && p2==n){
                    if(p1!=1 && p2 != n) {


    题意:给一个简单多边形,问是否移动一个点使其轴对称。注意它连出去的边还是之前相邻的两个点,并且对称轴两边的顶点数相同。 (n le 1000)



    考虑枚举对称轴,然后check一下有多少个点没有找到对称点。如果大于 2 个显然无解,没有那么它本身就是轴对称,否则:

    1. 只有一个。那么这个点一定是最后一个点,并且是奇数个点。只需要把最后一个点放到对称轴上。
    2. 有两个。此时要注意不一定可行,因为有可能不simple




    题意:有一个长度为 2*n 的未知排列,维护一个集合,初始集合包含前 n 个元素。每次会弹出一个最小的或者最大的,并把下一个元素加入。给出所有弹出的元素和最大还是最小,求构造一个字典序最小的合法2*n排列。 (2*n le 10^5)



    首先对于一个已被弹出的元素,它一定在[1,i+n-1] 中出现。非弹出序列中的元素,一定在[1,2*n]中出现。
    然而左端点不一定是 1 。如果对于 x ,如果第 i 次弹出的最小值比它大,那么它一定出现在 n+i 及之后。对于最大值同理。


    实际上这种题型之前做过( 点我搜索2018-2019 XIX Open Cup, Grand Prix of Korea 的 D 题),然而这次要求字典序最小。


    然而我们发现,对于这个题,右端点除了 2*n ,其余的至多只有 1 个,并不会出现这种情况。所以只需要每次拿最小元素,如果有一个元素到达了它的右端点那么再放它即可。

    using namespace std;
    typedef long long LL;
    typedef long double LD;
    typedef pair<int,int> pii;
    typedef pair<LL,int> pli;
    const int SZ = 1e5 + 10;
    const int INF = 1e9 + 10;
    const int mod = 1e9 + 7;
    const LD eps = 1e-8;
    LL read() {
        LL n = 0;
        char a = getchar();
        bool flag = 0;
        while(a > '9' || a < '0') { if(a == '-') flag = 1; a = getchar(); }
        while(a <= '9' && a >= '0') { n = n * 10 + a - '0',a = getchar(); }
    	if(flag) n = -n;
    	return n;
    pii small[SZ],large[SZ];
    int lb(pii a[],int l,int r,int val,bool f) {
        r ++;
        while(r-l>1) {
            int mid = l + r >> 1;
            if(f) {
                if(a[mid].first < val) l = mid;
                else r = mid;
            else {
                if(a[mid].first < val) r = mid;
                else l = mid;
        return a[l].second + 1;
    int L[SZ],R[SZ],del[SZ],a[SZ],n;
    vector<int> lst[SZ];
    vector<int> ans;
    bool work() {
        set<pii> sr;
        set<int> sv;
        for(int i = 1;i <= 2*n;i ++) {
            for(int v : lst[i]) sv.insert(v),sr.insert(make_pair(R[v],v));
            if(sv.empty()) return false;
            while(del[sr.begin() -> second]) sr.erase(sr.begin());
            int x;
            if(sr.begin() -> first == i) {
                x = sr.begin() -> second;
            else {
                int x = *sv.begin();
            del[x] = 1;
        bool flag = 0;
        set<int> s;
        for(int i = 1;i <= n;i ++) s.insert(ans[i-1]);
        for(int i = 1;i <= n;i ++) {
            if(a[i]<0) {
                int x = *s.begin(); s.erase(s.begin());
                if(x != -a[i]) return false;
            else {
                int x = *prev(s.end()); s.erase(x);
                if(x != a[i]) return false;
        return true;
    int main() {
         //freopen("1.in","r",stdin); freopen("my.out","w",stdout);
         int T = read();
         while(T --) {
            n = read();
            int l1 = 0,l2 = 0;
            small[++ l1] = make_pair(INF,0);
            large[++ l2] = make_pair(0,0);
            for(int i = 1;i <= 2*n;i ++) R[i] = 2*n,lst[i].clear(),del[i] = 0;
            for(int i = 1;i <= n;i ++) {
                int x = read(),v = abs(x);
                a[i] = x;
                R[v] = i+n-1;
                if(x<0) {
                    while(l1 && small[l1].first < v) l1 --;
                    L[v] = small[l1].second + 1;
                    small[++ l1] = make_pair(v,i+n-1);
                else {
                    while(l2 && large[l2].first > v) l2 --;
                    L[v] = large[l2].second + 1;
                    large[++ l2] = make_pair(v,i+n-1);
            for(int i = 1;i <= 2*n;i ++) {
                if(R[i] == 2*n) {
                    int r1 = lb(small,1,l1,i,0);
                    int r2 = lb(large,1,l2,i,1);
                    L[i] = max(r1,r2);
            //for(int i = 1;i <= 2*n;i ++) printf("%d: %d %d
            //cout << T << endl;
            for(int i = 1;i <= 2*n;i ++) lst[L[i]].push_back(i);
            if(!work()) { puts("-1"); continue; }
            for(int i = 0;i < ans.size();i ++) {
    ':' ');
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/dqsssss/p/11312849.html
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